[NAME OF IP or STATE] 2014 Quarter 1 to 3 Progress Review (January - September 2014) I. Background Information Project No Project Name Project level (Federal /State) LESS BURN FOR A CLEAN EARTH: MINIMIZATION OF DIOXIN EMISSION FROM OPEN BURNING SOURCES IN NIGERIA FEDERAL Project Office Address 14, AGUIYI IRONSI, MAITAMA, ABUJA Project Focal Officer’s NamePhone Number(s)Project Email Address- IDI MOHAMMED MALEH 08033108784 nigeriaupops@yahoo.com Alternate Officer’s NamePhone Number(s)Project Email Address- OLUBUNMI OLUSANYA 08023040724 nigeriaupops@yahoo.com Name officer authorized to approve this report IDI MOHAMMED MALEH II. Project information UNDAF Outcome: UNDAP Output: KEY Priorities for 2014: Productivity and employment for wealth creation with bias towards the poor and to help build a private sector-led on non-oil economy particularly in agriculture and agro-industry Environmental Governance at Federal level and in selected States based increasingly on policy, legal and regulatory frameworks and actions that are more likely to protect natural resources as well as livelihoods. -Pilot States’ municipal waste policy setting & enforcement capacity increased. -UPOPS emissions reduced through improved incremental management of dumpsites to prevent burning Replication of best practices for UPOPs reduction in other States. 1 III. Project Progress: Status of Activity S/n * List all activities planned this year in AWP 1 2 3 4 5 6 Organization of stakeholders’ review/adoption workshop on updated technical by-laws in each pilot state Balance payment for the Committee on By-laws update Conduct local sensitization campaign for by-laws and policies Publication of new by-laws Training in 2 pilot States on improvement of enforcement capacity with respect to UPOPs regulations & by-laws Summer internship programme for university students to do field work supervised jointly by professors and SEPA staff in project pilot sites. * Mark X in the appropriate box Budget ($000) Expendi ture ($000) Bal ($000) Not Started Ongoing Complet ed Planned Activities x 30,000 30,000 nil x 9,000 9,000 nil x 24,000 24,000 nil x 5,000 5,000 nil x 112,000 x 40,000 Outputs / Results achieved * List outputs achieved * For activities e.g. training indicate number of people (M/F) Technical by-laws, state & Municipal guidance covering UPOPs reducing in municipal waste management developed and adopted. 19 Stakeholders from each Pilot State reviewed and adopted the draft Technical by-law. Strengthened capacity in UPOPs minimizing Municipal & Agricultural Waste management practice 2 Status of Activity S/n * List all activities planned this year in AWP 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 * Mark X in the appropriate box Budget ($000) Expendi ture ($000) Bal ($000) Not Started Ongoing Complet ed Planned Activities Inventory update of UPOPs releases from Open burning of municipal waste in the pilot states. Inventory of UPOPs releases from Open burning of municipal waste in 4 other states Inventory update of UPOPs releases from Open burning of agricultural waste in Kano. Engagement of NGO for Public x Awareness/ outreach campaign for waste sorting & composting in Awka Purchase of 900 numbers of 60 litres Waste sorting receptacles for household waste sorting in Awka Fencing of the Allocated land for compost plant at Awka Construction of a communitybased waste compost plant (three -bin system)/installation of x 50,000 x x Outputs / Results achieved * List outputs achieved * For activities e.g. training indicate number of people (M/F) Conduct inventory of UPOPs sources and releases from open burning of Municipal & Agricultural Wastes. 118,000 7,305 6,500 Introduction of municipal waste separation techniques in two selected communities x 80,000 Establishment of composting and collection of compostable municipal waste in two communities in the pilot states x 50,000 x 120,000 120,000 nil Establishment of composting and collection of compostable municipal waste in two communities in the pilot states 3 Status of Activity S/n * List all activities planned this year in AWP 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 machinery and power plant in Awka Test running of the plant for compost production/training of personnel on composting Dumpsite management expert on no burn dumpsite Upgrade of dumpsites in Awka. UPOPs release reduction expert in five states Training in 5 states on UPOPs reducing practices for replication of project work Study tour to pilot sites by other SEPA staff around the country in waste sorting, composting and fire suppression National Agricultural Expert consultancy fee Training on mixed farming with integration of tree crops, food and livestock * Mark X in the appropriate box Budget ($000) Not Started Ongoing Complet ed Planned Activities x Expendi ture ($000) Bal ($000) Outputs / Results achieved * List outputs achieved * For activities e.g. training indicate number of people (M/F) 60,000 x 20,000 x x x 200,000 13,200 200,000 x Model dumpsite managed incrementally to reduce burning Incorporate UPOPs specific priorities in 5 states IWM strategy. 177 people trained. 60,000 x 34,320 x 40,000 Alternative approaches to crop residue burning at pilot-sites in Kano state introduced 4 Status of Activity S/n * List all activities planned this year in AWP 22 23 24 25 26 Peer to peer training by participating farmers for other farmers from around Kano and other States Gender assessment of the project Independent Assessment of Project impact. Steering Committee Meetings Project Personnel * Mark X in the appropriate box Budget ($000) Not Started Ongoing Complet ed Planned Activities x Expendi ture ($000) Bal ($000) Outputs / Results achieved * List outputs achieved * For activities e.g. training indicate number of people (M/F) 100,000 x x 10,000 150,000 x 22,500 26,000 5 IV. Progress to Achieving Indicator Targets Output Targets for 2014 S/ n 1 2 Indicator Progress towards achieving output indicator targets * List the agency result * List indicator(s) in AWP for measuring Output. These are indicators gotten from the UNDAP Baseline 2014 Target Outcome 1.1Stakeholders assess and quantify baseline data on UPOPs generation from open burning of MAW. - Updated MAW source inventory and UPOPs release figures from open burning of MAW. - Updated emission data on UPOPs in pilot states and by projection for the country. Preliminary data based upon minimal fieldwork and ground checking. More comprehensive UPOPs estimate elaborated and adopted by FMENV, incorporated into Stockholm convention report. Annual release updated, adopted by FMENV and data used by the Stockholm Convention national desk office Output 1:Demonstration of Inventory of UPOPs sources and releases in two pilot sites. Output 2. Monitoring and reporting mechanisms in place and operational. Not Applicable for 2014. Achieved in previous years Website with reporting formats for each participating state shows “at a glance” status of UPOPs for each state. 2 states by end of year 1. 10 states by end of year 2. 20 by end of year 3. At least 15 states’ EPA Continuous reporting from pilot states. Contibuous updating of Website Outcome 1.2Federal waste management Online reporting format available for each state to fill in online. Interactive website tracking UPOPs reporting from different Nigerian states. No website or reporting format. No. of States submitting annual reports on UPOPs from open burning. No reporting mechanism; not states reporting. No. of state EPA endorsing draft policy on MAW management. No MAW management Current status (as at Sept 2014) Five States commenced UPOPs data submission in 2014 Comments This can include explanation on current result and factors facilitating or hindering level of result. States send data in form of annual municipal waste generation. The Project Management Unit then converts this to UPOPs emission. 6 Output Targets for 2014 S/ n * List the agency result Indicator * List indicator(s) in AWP for measuring Output. These are indicators gotten from the UNDAP Progress towards achieving output indicator targets Baseline 2014 Target policy in place. endorse policy by end of year 3. Legislative branch endorses MAW management policy. No legislative branch endorsement. No. of Federal Agencies and State EPA adopting new MAW strategy. No federal or state-level MAW strategies in place. Output 1. National municipal and agricultural waste management policy developed. Draft and final versions of policy developed and reviewed in timely manner. No policy developed or in place. Output 2. Federal UPOPs reduction implementation strategy. No. of people on national committee for waste management trained in MAW UPOPs issues & frequency of committee meetings/year. No people trained on MAW UPOPs source and release issues. Committee does not meet regularly. Endorsement of policy by Cabinet by end of year 3. FMoE endorses strategy by end of year 3. At least – State EPA? Endorse Strategy by end of year 3. Policy draft completed by end of year 1. Stakeholder review completed by end of year 2. Submitted to legislative branch by beginning of year 3 of project. Every member of committee trained by end of year 2. Meeting 2x year by end of year 2. policy adopted and UPOPs reduction strategy endorsed. Current status (as at Sept 2014) Draft Policy submitted to FMENV for onward submission to Cabinet for approval 12 States endorsed Strategy by end of year 3. Four States apart from pilot states have adopted new MAW strategies Draft Policy submitted to FMENV for onward submission to Cabinet for approval Comments This can include explanation on current result and factors facilitating or hindering level of result. Policy draft is yet to be submitted to Cabinet for approval, as a result of bureaucratic delays. Policy draft is yet to be submitted to Cabinet for approval, as a result of bureaucratic delays. No functional national committee on waste management 7 Output Targets for 2014 S/ n * List the agency result 3 Outcome 1.3Technical by-laws and guidance adopted by pilot state EPA. Output 1. Technical bylaws, state and municipal guidance covering UPOPs reductions in waste management developed. 4 Outcome 1.4. Federal and state municipal waste policy setting and enforcement capacity increased. Indicator * List indicator(s) in AWP for measuring Output. These are indicators gotten from the UNDAP Progress towards achieving output indicator targets Current status (as at Sept 2014) Baseline 2014 Target By-laws for MAW managementrelated UPOPs drafted and adopted by each pilot site city council. No by-laws or guidance available at state EPA level for UPOPs. New by-law adopted by at least 2 city councils total in pilot sites by end of year 2. By-laws adopted several LGAs in pilot states. Evidence of the use and application of by-laws and guidance notes in waste management practice. No guidance notes/no use. Elements of guidance notes and by-laws is incorporated into Kano waste management strategies. City council by-laws drafted, reviewed and gazetted in timely manner. No existing by-laws or regulations Main elements of guidance notes and by-laws incorporated into work plans, educational materials in each pilot state. By-laws gazetted. 20 officials in each pilot state have completed training and have measurably improved knowledge and skills. Judicial and State environmental protection officials are yet to be trained Guidance notes drafted and adopted in timely manner. No. of judicial and state environmental protection officials in pilot sites with measurably improved knowledge and skills. By-laws drafted, reviewed and adopted. Yet to be sent to Pilot State EPA for implementation and gazetting. Not Applicable for 2014. Achieved in 2013 No training in UPOPs minimizing management practice or enforcement of existing environmental pollution laws. Comments This can include explanation on current result and factors facilitating or hindering level of result. Cooperation from Stakeholders (Justice, Environment and Health) facilitated adoption of by-laws in pilot states. 8 Output Targets for 2014 S/ n * List the agency result Indicator * List indicator(s) in AWP for measuring Output. These are indicators gotten from the UNDAP % of main actors in waste creation, storage, transportation and dumping who are familiar with IWM and UPOPs reduction principles. Progress towards achieving output indicator targets Baseline 2014 Target Approximatel y 5-10%. Baseline in two pilot sites to be measured at 60-75% by end of the project. project inception. Output 1. Strengthened capacity in UPOPs minimizing MAW management practice. Training needs assessment Training workshops on enforcement, UPOPs reducing waste management practice. No training needs assessment, workshops or materials made available to officials at state level. Current status (as at Sept 2014) About 50% of main actors in waste creation, storage, transportation and dumping are familiar with UPOPs reduction principles. Comments This can include explanation on current result and factors facilitating or hindering level of result. Project implementation activities thus far has greatly created and increased awareness on waste management issues in pilot states and other states within the federation Not Applicable for 2014. Achieved in 2013. Component 2. Reduction of UPOPs emissions through new practices/approaches in municipal waste handling. 5 Outcome 2.1. UPOPs emissions reduced through improved sorting of municipal waste. Volume increase in waste sorted prior to depositing in dumpsite. 0 tonnes/year. Waste is largely not sorted and is dumped in site where burning is the norm. Specific incremental steps taken to strengthen baseline IWM strategies with UPOPs-specific priorities and practices (BAT/BEP) No UPOPsspecific elements included in baseline IWM strategies. At least 50% of waste tonnage collected in each pilot site is sorted for priority nonrecyclable materials in each pilot city by end of project. Onitshsa and Kano strategies revised/strengthe ned w/respect to UPOPs release reductions and formalized 9 Output Targets for 2014 S/ n * List the agency result Output 1. Introduction of waste separation at selected communities. Progress towards achieving output indicator targets Indicator * List indicator(s) in AWP for measuring Output. These are indicators gotten from the UNDAP Baseline No. of dumpsites upgraded to reduce/prevent burning; Zero No. of hectares of upgraded dumpsite land where burning is impossible. Zero Number of residential estate and commercial plazas and institutions that sign on the separation programme in pilot states No formal waste separation programme Level of increase in community awareness. Baseline TBD at project inception through local surveys. No EPA, WMA or block leaders identified or trained. Number of State EPA, Waste management authority and community “block leaders” trained in waste sorting. 2014 Target Current status (as at Sept 2014) Comments This can include explanation on current result and factors facilitating or hindering level of result. sorting goals and milestones. - At least 10 by 1 dumpsite upgraded end of project. in each pilot state Upgrading of designated dumpsite in the 8 LGA of Kano and the 2 LGA of Onitsha by year 2 of project. - At least 70 hectares by end of project. 1 residential Training on sorting These activities were postponed due to delay in provision estates, some and waste separation of land in Awka for the compost plant, which is pivotal commercial and to be conducted in for these activites. government October 2014 for the institutions in selected residence and Pilot site moved from Onitsha to Awka due to inability Anambra state institutions. of State Government to procure land for compost plant with separation construction in Onitsha. programme in place by year 4 of project Community Awareness creation level awareness programme to be of UPOPs in conducted in October Awka increased 2014 30% by year 4. Not Applicable. Training of EPA and WMA conducted in pilot states in 2012 10 Output Targets for 2014 S/ n * List the agency result * List indicator(s) in AWP for measuring Output. These are indicators gotten from the UNDAP No. of key stakeholders trained in “train the trainer programme on UPOPs reduction sorting”. Citywide targets for sorting. % of city offices participating in programme to sort materials not a priority for recycling. 6 Progress towards achieving output indicator targets Indicator Baseline Stakeholders not assessed or formally recognized or trained. No targets, not milestones to measure success. None of the city offices or departments within pilot cities participating. 0 neighbourhoo ds participating in sorting or composting. Outcome 2.2. UPOPs emissions reduced through improved composting. No. of neighbourhoods with active sorting and composting programmes in the metropolitan local government areas of pilot states. Output 1. Establishment of composting programme and collection of compostable waste at communities in 2 pilot cities. Presence/absence of basic infrastructure for composting (collection, composting, bagging). None present No. of restaurants participating in composting programme. Zero. 2014 Target Current status (as at Sept 2014) Comments This can include explanation on current result and factors facilitating or hindering level of result. Training conducted in 2012 for both pilot states. No targets for city offices to participate in sorting programme None Sorting and composting programmes in 8 local government areas (LGA) of Kano &2 LGA of Onitsha by end of year 4. Collection and composting infrastructure in place, bagging of compost underway end of year 4. No target. Target achieved in Kano. None yet in Anambra Basic infrastructure on ground for collection, composting and bagging of compost. Implementation to commence by October 2014. None Funds are limited to spread programme to citywide level. Offices and institutions within the participating community are expected to participate in the programme. Restaurant located within participating communities will be expected to participate in the programme 11 Output Targets for 2014 S/ n * List the agency result 7 Progress towards achieving output indicator targets Indicator * List indicator(s) in AWP for measuring Output. These are indicators gotten from the UNDAP Baseline Output 2. Develop market for composted matter in pilot areas. Volume of compost sold to commercial buyers. Zero. Outcome 2.3: Five States participating in federal IMSWM programme replicate best practices. No. of states incorporating UPOPsspecific priorities into their IWM strategies. Zero No. of states and cities adopting bylaws and guidance notes on UPOPs reducing IWM practices. 2014 Target Current status (as at Sept 2014) Comments This can include explanation on current result and factors facilitating or hindering level of result. At least 2 tonnes quarter sold by end of project. At least 5 by end of project. None Difficulty in finding market for compost in Kano. Production of compost is yet to commence in Awka 4 states apart from pilot states have been equipped to incorporate UPOPs specific priorities 4 States that have received training on best practices have indicated interest in adopting the new UPOPs specific by-laws. Implementation will be facilitated be the various EPA with continuous reminders from PMU. Zero At least 5 by end of project. No. of city and State staff in non-pilot areas trained in UPOPs-reducing practices. Zero At least 100 by end of project. No. of BAT-BEP for UPOPs reduction developed and circulated for replication. No BAT-BEP developed in Nigeria for UPOPs. At least 5 by end of project. 4 states apart from pilot states have been equipped to incorporate UPOPs specific priorities 177 staff of EPAs and WMAs trained in 4 states apart from pilot states One document developed for all interested states PMU is awaiting input from 2 remaining states for training Best practices. Component 3. Reduction of UPOPs emissions from agricultural land clearing. Outcome 3.1. Open burning of stubble on farm fields is reduced through changes in agricultural practices. No. of hectares in which alternative approaches to agricultural waste (AW) burning at 2 pilot-sites in Kano state have been introduced by farmers. Zero hectares. Number of hectares of farmland burned in a year. -- Hectares of cropland stubble burned/year. By the end of the project, alternatives have been introduced in each pilot area of Kano: 20 ha at Danbatta, and 20 ha at Dogwa. At least 10 farmers not burning cropland in Target achieved in 2013 Target achieved in 2013 12 Output Targets for 2014 S/ n * List the agency result Indicator * List indicator(s) in AWP for measuring Output. These are indicators gotten from the UNDAP Progress towards achieving output indicator targets Baseline Baseline TBD at project inception. Output 1. Clarification and elaboration of UPOPs challenges in the agricultural sector with a focus on Kano state. Output 2. Increased level of farmer and agriculture officials awareness of the impact of burning farm fields, both from an agronomic and UPOPs perspective. UPOPs agricultural (ag) burning data refined for Kano State; Respective area of lands per crop determined. No refined data. % of awareness among clearly defined target groups of farmers and agriculture officials. Awareness level TBD at project inception. Few farmers are aware of UPOPs releases through burning of agricultural land. Innovative approaches to burning not known. No. of training workshops organized for extension officers and farmers. No. extension toolkit and No. training manuals developed for extension officers and farmers 2014 Target Current status (as at Sept 2014) Comments This can include explanation on current result and factors facilitating or hindering level of result. preparation for farming. Hectares/year burned Increase of at least 50% by end of project. Target achieved Training on mixed farming with integration of tree crops, food and livestock. Target achieved. 32 farmers trained. Peer to peer training by participating farmers for other farmers from around Kano and other States. Target achieved. 94 agricultural extension officers from all geopolitical zones trained. Training developed. manual 13 Output Targets for 2014 S/ n * List the agency result Output 3. Alternative approaches to stubble burning at pilot sites in Kano introduced and rcplicated. Progress towards achieving output indicator targets Indicator * List indicator(s) in AWP for measuring Output. These are indicators gotten from the UNDAP # of additional farms replicating alternative approaches to burning. Baseline Zero 2014 Target Alternatives replicated for at least 20 additional farms across Kano. Comments Current status (as at Sept 2014) This can include explanation on current result and factors facilitating or hindering level of result. Target achieved. S/n V. Risk and Issue Log Name of Activity with Issues/Risks 1 Conduct local sensitization campaign for by-laws and policies 2 Summer internship programme for university students to do field work supervised jointly by professors and SEPA staff in project pilot sites. Issues/Risks Lack of interest from students to do field work at Project sites. Inability of higher institutions to follow Project timelines in supervision of student’s field and research work under different components of the Project. Poor collaboration/communication between SEPA and schools Required Action Persons responsible for implementing action? No sensitization will be conducted PMU/NGO No summer internship programme conducted PMU Action Completion time? 2014 14 S/n Name of Activity with Issues/Risks At least 10 by end of project. Upgrading of designated dumpsite in the 8 LGA of Kano and the 2 LGA of Onitsha by year 2 of project. - At least 70 hectares by end of project Issues/Risks Required Action Inability to upgrade required number of dumpsites as quoted in the Project Document due to lack insufficient funds allocation for that purpose. Upgrade one major dumpsite in each pilot state Persons responsible for implementing action? Action Completion time? PMU/Contractor S/n VI. Fourth Quarter Work Plan Activities planned for Q4 Project Activity Conduct local sensitization campaign for by-laws and policies Publication of new by-laws Training in 2 pilot States on improvement of enforcement capacity with respect to UPOPs regulations & by-laws Summer internship programme for university students to do field work supervised jointly by professors and SEPA staff in project pilot sites. Study tour to pilot sites by other SEPA staff around the country in waste sorting, composting and fire suppression Gender assessment of the project Start Month November End Month November Expected Result Improved awareness on new laws regarding UPOPs management Strengthened capacity in UPOPs minimizing Municipal & Agricultural Waste management practice Budget 24,000 5,000 112,000 November November October December 40,000 December December Incorporate UPOPs specific priorities in other 60,000 states’ waste management strategy. November December 10,000 15 VII. Narrative: [Use this space to highlight the key results that your project has achieved explaining how project implementation has contributed to changes (outcomes); also include lessons learnt, transformative issues around gender and any other information not captured above] Technical by-laws and guidance notes adopted by pilot state EPA: By preparing guidance documents on UPOPs management and updating the State’s waste management by-laws to incorporate UPOPs specific issues, the Project has been able to provide a legal instrument upon which enforcement will be based in pilot states. Other states have bought the idea and are planning to update their by-laws for best practices in waste management. Involving relevant stakeholders in the review processes has helped to promote acceptability of the new laws. Conduct inventory of UPOPs sources and releases from open burning of MAW: Annual inventory on UPOPs has provided a databank for UPOPs releases in Nigeria. UPOPs emissions reduced by improved composting: Provision of waste receptacles and sensitization on waste sorting has greatly facilitated composting and greatly reduced mixed wastes and volume of waste at dumpsites. Model dumpsite managed incrementally to reduce burning: Upgrade of dumpsite has improved waste disposal through improved sorting and reduced litter around dumpsites. Annexes: Places visited, people interviewed and documents reviewed. Other supporting documents (reports, pictures, etc) can be annexed. 16