File - Ms. Devlin`s Classroom


Daily Lesson Plan

Name:___Noelle Devlin_________ Date: _11-5-12______________ Grade/Period: ______K_______

School: __East Knox Elementary___ Subject: _______Science________________________________

Task 1 - Planning: Using Knowledge of Students, Content & Assessment

Unit Theme/Topic:


Essential Understanding:

What is the central idea the student will learn from this lesson?

Students will learn that rain comes from clouds.

Measurable Lesson Objective:

Students will learn that rain comes from clouds by conducting a hands on science experiment and by using cotton balls to make a 3-d version of a rain cloud.

Standard (Common Core or Academic Content). Include all appropriate sub-categories.

Weather changes are long-term and short term.

Precipitation can be used to document short-term weather changes that are observable.

Academic Language:

What academic terms will the student need to know in this lesson? What terms will the student learn in this lesson?





Cotton balls



Water cycle

Condensing collecting

Language Demand:

What language skills will the student need for this lesson? What language skills will the student practice in this lesson?

Context for Learning:

Explain how this lesson relates to prior learning experiences, student needs and interests, learning differences, and cultural experiences. How does the lesson meet the needs of diverse learners i.e. students with IEPs, gifted learners, and ESL learners?

For Reagan (vision impaired) I will make sure that she is at the front of the classroom during the lesson so she can easily see what is going on. As we fill out our kwl charts Reagan will use her special writing board, if need be I will darken the lines on Reagan’s paper.

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For Jeremy (behavior plan) I will give him encouragement as he follows the rules so that he will want to keep up the positive behavior.

For Adrianna I will darken the lines on her paper so she has increased chances of writing in the correct places since she is currently not wearing her glasses.

I will scope the room for any student who needs further assistance at the table.

I will help all students with the experiment.

I will allow students who are having difficulty with letter formation to draw what they learned instead of writing key words.

I will keep an eye on Alex to make sure he is not getting distracted so that he can stay on track with the lesson.

I will encourage my quieter students to tell me what they are observing during the experiment.

I will ask higher level thinking questions to my advanced students. For instance I could ask Wesley “why do you think the food coloring is coming down?” “what do you see happening?” “have you seen this happen outside? When?” (some of these questions will be used for all students and then I will ask additional questions based on students’ answers to extend their thinking.

Evaluation & Assessment:

How will you know the students have learned the objective?

How will assessment data inform your future planning?

Examples of Pre-Assessment

Description of preSkill, goal, or objective assessment activity

Questions: what do you know about the the assessment is designed to measure

This is designed for weather? What do you know about rain? What do you think the clouds do? Where do you think rain comes from?

Kwl chart students to start to critically think and question where rain comes from and how clouds make rain.

Examples of Formative assessments

Description of assessment activity

Kwl chart (students will help me make a class

Skill, goal, or objective the assessment is designed to measure

This will measure chart on the smartboard and then they will fill out their own charts using pictures to represent the data. students information newly gained during today’s lesson.

Then students can share with their parents what they learned about our topic at school)

Examples of Summative assessments

Description of assessment activity

Skill, goal, or objective the assessment is

Feedback to students

During our discussion I will listen intently to students previous knowledge. I will affirm their correct assumptions and together we will discover the real answers to all of the questions.

Feedback to students

I will review the students kwl charts and then I will redirect any misunderstandings.

Feedback to students

How will data be used in future planning?

This data will be a stepping stone to the students unit on weather.

How will data be used in future planning?

Students will use what they now know about clouds and rain to relate to the rest of their weather unit.

How will data be used in future planning?

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5 minutes

5 minutes

3 minutes

20 minutes

15 minutes n/a designed to measure

Assessment of Academic Language & Language Demand

Description of assessment activity

I will write key new words on the board and students will determine which words will be important to put on their kwl charts

Skill, goal, or objective the assessment is designed to measure

This will help students to self assess

Feedback to students

I will review students’ kwl charts to confirm that students learned the lesson objective

How will data be used in future planning?

I will use the data to discuss what Jamie might want to hit on in the rest of her unit based on the students understanding success level with the new terms and self assessment opportunity

Task 2 - Instruction: Delivering Effective Instruction

Choose instructional strategies, learning tasks, activities, and materials aligned with goals and appropriate to all students, including diverse and exceptional learners. Recognize student variance (special needs, readiness levels, experiences, exceptionalities, interests, etc.) and respond to that variance with “differentiated instruction” rather than “one-size-fits-all” instruction. Consider differentiation of a) content/what you teach

(difficulty level, higher-level questions, etc.); b) process/how you teach (scaffolding, extensions, peer tutor, etc.); c) product/how students show what they know (fewer problems, oral vs. written, extended time, learning contracts, etc.).

Learning Activity

The K for the kwl chart, asking critical thinking/discovery questions

Fill out the W in our kwl chart (we have one big one as a class that I will fill out with words on the smartboard and the students have individual charts that they will fill out using pictures to represent the data)

Magic School Bus clip on rain/clouds

Complete cloud/rain experiment (students will drop blue food coloring onto a shaving cream (cloud) and then view what happens through the clear cup)

Students will fill out the L of their kwl chart and they will make a 3-d version of a rain cloud


Get students to critically think about weather and where rain comes from.

For students to realize what they still don’t know and what they want to discover

For students to visually see how rain comes from clouds in a way that is easy for them to understand.

For students to use hands-on learning to discover how rain comes from the clouds

For students to have concrete materials to solidify what they learned.

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Teacher Materials

Clear cups

Magic School Bus clip

Kwl charts

Blue construction paper

Cotton balls


Grey and black markers

Shaving cream

Blue food coloring



Newspaper (for spills)

Student Materials


Closure & Assignments

How will you end the lesson? (Summarize, review, transition)

Where appropriate, describe work that will be assigned to students outside of the classroom.

Our lesson closure will be to fill out the L in our kwl charts and to create our 3-d clouds. Outside of the classroom I will have students look at clouds and share with their parents what they learned.

Task 3 - Learning Environment: Creating a learning environment to promote achievement

Physical Accommodations/Safety Issues

What provisions will you make to accommodate all students? Are there any safety issues for this class and/or lesson? I will make sure that Reagan is at the front of the classroom so she can see the experiment. I will instruct students how to safely use the droppers, to not eat any of the shaving cream, and to not put the cotton balls in their mouths.

Seating and Grouping

How will you set up the environment to facilitate learning? How will you assign groups if necessary?

Students will remain at their seats for the duration of the lesson. Eight students at a time will come up to the front table until everyone has a chance to perform the experiment.

Management Issues

How will you manage activity transitions? Are there any student management issues to consider for this lesson?

Since students will not need to get out of their seats for most of the lesson there will not be many issues.

However, I will call the quietest students up to do the experiment. Eight students at a time will go to the front of the class to do the experiment and the rest of the children will watch as each group performs the experiment.

The repetitiveness of the experiment will help solidify the students’ learning.

Professionalism: Collaboration, communication, professional responsibility, and growth

References and relevant research : Include any texts, articles, or websites consulted in the designing of this lesson plan. Include research that supports the content or methods of instruction within the lesson (optional).

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The more students are hands-on with their learning the better the retention of the material presented.

Cooperating Teacher Signature: ______________________________________ Date: __________________

Comments: Magic School Bus link:

Before my lesson I am having Mrs. Taylor send home a think sheet with the students for them to fill out as homework. Their assignment is to look at the clouds each day and draw what they see. This will really help them focus on clouds (if the weather turns to rain they will be able to see different clouds).

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