Shannon Luster 11th grade English Grammar Semester 1 Review Name: __________________________________________ Date: _______________________ Section I. Parts of the Sentence 1. Define subject, predicate, direct object, indirect object, object complement, predicate nominative, and predicate adjective. a. Subject: the person, place, thing, or idea which is performing the action or the state of being in the sentence b. Predicate: the same thing as the verb; it reveals the action or the state of being of the subject of the sentence c. Direct object: receives the action of the sentence; it follows the action verb; it answers what? Or whom? d. Indirect object: receives the direct object; it is located in between the action verb and the direct object; it answers to whom? For whom? To what? Or for what? e. Object complement: cannot occur in the sentence with an indirect object; it is located behind the direct object; it answers what? To the direct object f. Predicate nominative: a noun which follows the linking verb and renames the subject of the sentence g. Predicate adjective: an adjective which follows the linking verb and describes the subject of the sentence 2. Subjects and Predicates Select the letter of the choice that identifies the function of the underlined word or phrase in each sentence. a. simple subject c. complete subject b. simple predicate d. complete predicate 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. __B__ __C__ __A_ __A __D __C__ __C__ __D__ __B__ __A__ B 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. The bobcat is found in most areas of the United States. A very large bobcat will weigh almost forty-five pounds. Most of them are between two and three feet long. One interesting feature is the bobcat’s tail. A black stripe runs down the top of its tail. The fur on the tail is thick. Most of the bobcat’s hunting occurs at night. A bobcat can see and hear extremely well. Bobcats can swim too. The lynx, a close relative of the bobcat, is more likely to use its swimming skills. 24. Identifying Complements Select the letter of the term that correctly identifies the function of the italicized word or phrase in each sentence. a. direct object b. indirect object c. object complement d. predicate nominative e. predicate adjective 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. __E__ __E__ __C__ __D__ __A__ __A__ __B__ __A__ __C__ __E__ __D__ __C__ __A__ __B__ __A__ __A__ __E__ __C__ __E__ __A__ 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Bobcats are crafty. Bobcats are afraid of people. Scientists consider bobcats fascinating creatures. The bobcat is a carnivore. They eat rabbits and hares. Bobcats attack deer. The mother bobcat gives her kits food. Sometimes a bobcat cannot find animals for food. Then the bobcat finds berries acceptable. Bobcats must be resourceful. Bobcats are mammals. Naturalists consider bobcats threatened. Naturalists call bobcats a protected species. Bobcats build themselves homes. They use grass, moss, and leaves. Bobcats line the den with this material. The dens are warm and soft. Bobcats find their homes comfortable. The bobcat is well adapted to its environment. Maybe you can see a bobcat in the wild. Section II. Subject-Verb Agreement Making Subjects and Verbs Agree ____ 11. Farmers in America ____ used tractors for decades. a. has b. have ____ 12. The use of closely spaced front wheels ____ one of the important improvements in tractor design, for it allowed a small turning radius. a. was b. were ____ 13. The design of tractors ____ changed a great deal since the Farmall Company made this improvement in 1924. a. has b. have ____ 14. Today there ____ many people who collect old tractors. a. is b. are ____ 15. An old tractor, like many old cars, never ____ all its value. a. loses b. lose ____ 16. Many an antique-car show and tractor show ____ restored tractors. a. displays b. display ____ 17. There ____ two antique tractors on their way to a rally. a. goes b. go ____ 18. Collectors’ clubs for just about every brand of tractor ____ in this country. a. exists b. exist ____ 19. Tractor-pulling contests ____ a phenomenon that started in the 1950s. a. is b. are ____ 20. What ____ tractors pull in such a contest? a. does b. do ____ 21. Around a course ____ tractors pulling heavy weights. a. goes b. go ____ 22. Thousands of dollars ____ won each year at competitive tractor pulls. a. is b. are ____ 23. ____ there five divisions of tractor pulling? a. Is b. Are ____ 24. The hobby of many tractor enthusiasts ____ collecting and racing. a. is b. are ____ 25. Nearly every state and county fair ____ a tractor-pulling contest. a. sponsors b. sponsor ____ 26. Fifteen thousand dollars ____ the new car’s sticker price. a. was b. were ____ 27. On the table ____ a basket of flowers. a. sits b. sit ____ 28. Economics ____ a difficult field of study. a. is b. are ____ 29. The jazz band ____ walking on stage one member at a time. a. was b. were ____ 30. The binoculars ____ been in the car since yesterday. a. has b. have ____ 31. Dances with Wolves ____ viewers of all ages. a. captivates b. captivate ____ 32. The teacher and principal ____ Ms. Thompson. a. is b. are ____ 33. Every bug, worm, and bird ____ her. a. fascinates b. fascinate ____ 34. The mother, as well as her daughter, ____ leaving. a. is b. are ____ 35. None of the students ____ finished the project. a. has b. have Section III. Verbs 1. Complete the chart. BASE PRESENT PARTICIPLE PAST PAST PARTICIPLE lie Lying Lay Lain take Taking Took Taken go Going Went Gone see Seeing Saw Seen sew Sewing Sewed/sewn Sewed/sewn set Setting Set Set write Writing Wrote Written bring Bringing Brought Brought begin Beginning Began Begun be, am, is, are Being Was/were been _____2. The passengers grew restless during the long train ride. a. action verb b. linking verb _____3. The colors of the fabrics seemed iridescent in the bright light. a. action verb b. linking verb _____4. During the hurricane, the large oak tree blew over. a. action verb b. linking verb _____5. Maple trees look beautiful in the autumn. a. action verb b. linking verb _____6. Samantha’s birthday cake tasted awful. a. action verb b. linking verb _____7. An incorrect ZIP code might have delayed the package. a. action verb b. linking verb _____8. At the bottom of Carlsbad Caverns, the air feels cold and damp. a. action verb b. linking verb _____9. At the break of day, the lion stretched lazily. a. action verb b. linking verb _____10. We put the new piano in the corner. a. action verb b. linking verb _____11. The gazelle herd was feeding fearlessly in the grass. a. action verb b. linking verb _____12. The roast smelled delicious as it cooked in the oven. a. action verb b. linking verb _____13. Have you measured the temperature of the water? a. action verb b. linking verb _____14. This type of exercise has always been difficult for me. a. action verb b. linking verb _____15. The dog feels frisky after its bath. a. action verb b. linking verb _____16. The house appeared clean after the new carpet was installed. a. action verb b. linking verb _____17. Our class will be _____ the Supreme Court Building. a. visit b. visiting c. visited _____18. During the last term, the court _____ on several major cases. a. split b. splitting c. splits _____19. The Supreme Court term _____ on the first Monday of each October. a. begins b. beginning c. began _____20. Although the Court received thousands of petitions for hearings, the Justices have _____ less than 100 cases on their schedule. a. put b. putting c. puts _____21. The Justices are _____ their opinions on the latest case. a. writeb. writing c. written _____22. Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. _____ his term on the U.S. Supreme Court in 1902. a. begin b. began c. begun _____23. In 1931, when he was 90, Justice Holmes was still _____ words of wisdom. a. speaks b. speaking c. spoken _____24. Students today who _____ to study law will read many of his decisions. a. choose b. chose c. choosing _____25. He never _____ from controversy in the early 1900s, saying the law must be expedient for all. a. shrank b. shrinks c. shrinking _____26. He had _____ with the mainstream so often that he became known as the “Great Dissenter”. a. broken b. broke c. break _____27. He always _____ his belief that “The life of the law has not been logic; it has been experience” into the courtroom. a. taken b. taking c. took _____28. His philosophy of judicial restraint _____ into the dominant way of thinking. a. grew b. grown c. growing 29. Complete the chart using the verb ‘lie’ (reclined position). TENSE HELPING VERB MAIN VERB PRESENT TENSE None Lie/lies PAST TENSE None Lay FUTURE TENSE PRESENT PERFECT TENSE Will/shall Lie Has/have Lain Had Lain Will/shall have Lain Am/is/are Lying Was/were Lying Will/shall be Lying Has/have been Lying Had been Lying Will/shall have been Lying Do/does *can Lie Did *could lie PAST PERFECT TENSE FUTURE PERFECT TENSE PRESENT PROGRESSIVE TENSE PAST PROGRESSIVE TENSE FUTURE PROGRESSIVE TENSE PRESENT PERFECT PROGRESSIVE TENSE PAST PERFECT PROGRESSIVE TENSE FUTURE PROGRESSIVE TENSE PRESENT EMPHATIC TENSE PAST EMPHATIC TENSE 30. Directions: Identify the tense of the underlined verb. a. present tense h. past progressive tense b. past tense i. future progressive tense c. future tense j. present perfect progressive tense d. present perfect tense k. past perfect progressive tense e. past perfect tense l. future perfect progressive tense f. future perfect tense m. present emphatic tense g. present progressive tense n. past emphatic tense __D___1. Archeologists have discovered Aztec stone temples, as well as metal and pottery artifacts. __B__2. The Aztecs had a different name for themselves—the Mexica. __A___3. Archeologists call these books codices. __C___4. Many of the Aztec artifacts will remain lost forever. __K___5. The corn had been growing at a record pace until the dry spell. __J___6. Have you been watching the progress of the soybeans? __I___7. Will they be giving the neighbors any fresh vegetables? __N___8. They did work hard this year. __G___9. The birds are eating the seeds we have planted. __F___10. We shall have finished school by 3:09 this afternoon. __M___11. I do hope the weather improves tomorrow. __E__12. I had given all of my notes to my sister before Billy asked for them. __L__13. By tomorrow they will have been canning tomatoes for two solid weeks! __H__14. The farmers were hoping for a bountiful harvest. 31. Write active on the line if the sentence is in active voice. Write passive on the line if the sentence is in passive voice. 1. The utility workers repaired the broken cable lines by the end of the day. _____ACTIVE_______ 2. The slipper was chewed to pieces by the little puppy. ___________PASSIVE______ 3. The truck was brought to a halt on the side of the interstate. ___________PASSIVE____ 4. A multitude of engineers collaborated on the new project. ________ACTIVE_________ 5. The computer was destroyed by a virus that no one could seem to fix. ___PASSIVE________ Section IV. Phrases Checking Modifiers Select the letter of the response that describes each sentence. a. contains a misplaced or dangling modifier b. correct __A__ 1. I felt rain walking around the block. __A__ 2. Only Norma completed the homework. __A__ 3. After cooking all day, the dinner party was a tremendous success. __A__ 4. The children sat there watching the television show in their pajamas. __A__ 5. While swimming in the lake, Jimmy found tiny fish. __B__ 6. Annoying and dangerous, pet owners detest fleas. __A__ 7. Thomas only drives to school on the days he works. __B__ 8. The child gave his father a present wearing a big smile. __A__ 9. The rental agency searched for a car for the man with an adjustable seat. __A__ 10. Feeling very hungry, the apple tasted especially good Directions: Write the letter which best identifies the phrase in bold print. a. Participial b. Gerund c. Infinitive d. Appositive __A___1. She collects figurines made in the thirties. __B___2. Buying fire extinguishers is a good way to save lives. __A___3. Practicing constantly, Mike improved his tennis game. __C___4. Dan has never been one to complain about his problems. __A___5. Baffling mysteries have plagued scientists for years. __D___6. Dustin, my science partner, helped me write the lab report. __C___7. She suggested several books to read before the test. __A___8. Jim’s goal, getting elected, was achieved through hard work. __D___9. Mariel, a dancer in her own right, watched the ballerinas dance. __B___10. Baking brownies is our favorite part of Christmas. __B___11. There is no excuse for reckless driving. __D___12. Tom, the actor on the left, lives in my neighborhood. __A___13. Putting in extra time, Buddy finished the project a day early. __C___14. The lawyer argued to set the record straight. __A___15. Laughing at his jokes, we nearly fell off our chairs.