Biodiversity Reading

TEKS 7.10B describe how biodiversity contributes to the sustainability of an ecosystem
Reading About Biodiversity
Have students read the passage about biodiversity, answer the questions and then
discuss as a class.
1. Biodiversity is the number of different organisms in an area.
2. You can find biodiversity within species, populations, communities, or
3. A large variety of genes is important to increase a species chance of survival
by being able to adapt to changing conditions or for new species to
4. The health and sustainability of an ecosystem is related to biodiversity because it
increases the amount of food and other resources available.
5. Explain how a decrease in the coyote population can lead to a decrease in the song
bird population. Fewer coyotes lead to an increase in the raccoon population
that ate more song bird eggs so the song bird population decreased.
6. What are three important organism niches mention in the reading?
Trees provide habitats and nutrients for birds, insects and other plants,
animals, fungi and microbes.
Parasites and predators act as natural pest control.
Organisms recycle organic materials and produce soil.
7. Plants can be pollinated by insects (bees, wasps, butterflies, etc…) bats and
8. Most extinctions are caused by human activities.
9. Ecosystem with high biodiversity has a better chance of recovering from natural
disasters or catastrophic events.
10. The five greatest threats to biodiversity are:
Human-generated pollution and contamination
Habitat loss and destruction
Over-exploitation (over- hunting/ fishing/ collecting)
Global climate change
Introduction of non-native species
11. List five actions you could take as an individual to help reduce some of the threats
to biodiversity.
Answers will vary.
12. Look at Pond A and Pond B on the next page. Which pond has the greatest
biodiversity? Pond A
13. If a major flood washed through this pond, which pond would have the greatest
chance of being sustained after the flood? Pond A
Explain your reasoning. More species => more genetic variation=> can
adapt better to changes in the environment.
TEKS 7.10B describe how biodiversity contributes to the sustainability of an ecosystem
Reading About Biodiversity
The number of different organisms in an area describes biodiversity.
Biodiversity can include the diversity within a species, population, community,
or ecosystem. Individual species or populations need a large variety of genes
to increase their chances of survival. The loss of individuals, populations, and
species decreases the variety of genes needed for species and populations to
adapt to changing conditions or for new species to evolve. Diversity breeds
Having many different living organisms contributes to the sustainability and
overall health of an ecosystem by increasing the amount of food and other
resources available. Changes in ecosystem composition, such as the loss or
decline of a species, can lead to a loss of biodiversity. For example, efforts to
eliminate coyotes in southern California are linked to decreases in song bird
populations in the area. As coyote populations were reduced, the populations
of their prey, primarily raccoons, increased. Since raccoons eat bird eggs,
fewer coyotes led to more raccoons eating more eggs, resulting in fewer song
Each organism within an ecosystem has its own niche that contributes to
the stability of the ecosystem. For example, trees provide habitats and
nutrients for birds, insects, other plants, animals, fungi, and microbes.
Parasites and predators can act as natural pest controls. Various organisms
recycle organic materials and produce soil.
The Earth’s biodiversity contributes to the productivity of natural and
agricultural systems. Insects, bats, birds, and other animals serve as
pollinators. Recent declines in honeybee populations may result in a loss of
pollination services for fruit crops and flowers.
The more diverse an ecosystem, better chance it has to withstand or
recover from natural disasters or catastrophic events. Species are becoming
extinct at the fastest rate known in geological history. Some extinctions can be
contributed to natural disasters, but most of these extinctions have been tied
to human activity.
Threats to biodiversity:
Human-generated pollution and contamination can affect all levels of
Habitat loss and destruction is a major force in the loss of species,
populations, and ecosystems. Usually occurs as a direct result of human
activities and population growth.
The over-exploitation (over-hunting, over-fishing, or over-collecting) of
a species or population can lead to its ruin.
Global climate change can alter environmental conditions. Species and
populations may be lost if they are unable to adapt to new conditions or
The introduction of non-native species can disrupt entire ecosystems
and impact populations of native plants or animals. These invaders can
adversely affect native species by eating them, infecting them,
competing with them, or mating with them.
1. Biodiversity is _________________________________________________
2. You can find biodiversity within _________________, ________________,
____________________ or ____________________.
3. A large variety of genes is important _______________________________
4. The health and sustainability of an ecosystem is related to biodiversity
because _____________________________________________________
5. Explain how a decrease in the coyote population can lead to a decrease in
the song bird population. _______________________________________
6. What are three important organism niches mention in the reading?
7. Plants can be pollinated by ______________________________________
8. Most extinctions are caused by ___________________________________.
9. Ecosystem with high biodiversity has a better chance of recovering from
10. The five greatest threats to biodiversity are:
11. List five actions you could take as an individual to help reduce some of the
threats to biodiversity.
12. Look at Pond A and Pond B on the next page. Which pond has the
greatest biodiversity? ________________________________
13. If a major flood washed through this pond, which pond would have the
greatest chance of being sustained after the flood? __________________
Explain your reasoning. ________________________________________
Pond A
Pond B
Study collections