SURGERY AND OPERATING PERIOD The overall objective of the

The overall objective of the practical lessons: based on knowledge gained by students in the study of
topics: aseptic, antiseptic, bleeding, to show them the practical importance of this knowledge, to teach
them the rules of behavior in the operating room, methods of treating the hands before the operation, the
correct donning surgical gowns and Compliance aseptic technique during surgery. In the course of the
operation to identify its main stages.
Place of employment: training room, surgical ward offices, operating unit, postoperative department
(intensive care unit).
During the lessons to elaborate on the following issues:
1. A device operating from a position of aseptic unit.
2. The rules of conduct of medical staff in the operating unit.
3. Stages of the operational period, and their importance for the implementation and outcome of the
4. Preparation of the surgeon's hands and operative field of the patient before surgery.
5. The main stages of the operation.
6. Stop the bleeding.
7. Determination of blood loss.
8. Compensation for blood loss.
9. The value of endoscopic surgery.
10. What is meant by the preoperative period.
11. The objectives and tasks of the preoperative period.
12. The complications which can occur following surgery.
13. The notion of "operational risk".
14. Preparation for the operation from the point of view of asepsis.
15. Preparation of individual organs and systems of the patient for surgery.
16. Preparation for surgery, depending on its nature.
17. What is meant by the postoperative period.
18. The phases of the postoperative period and their implications for clinical practice.
19. The normal and complicated postoperative period. Post-operative and postoperative status of the
20. Local and general complications in the postoperative period.
21. The late postoperative period and its value in clinical practice.
22. The concept of post-operative disease (iatrogenic diseases).
After the lesson, students should know:
1. The device of the operation unit.
2. How are the requirements of aseptic in the operating unit.
3. Requirements for medical staff operating unit.
4. The stages of the operational period.
5. What is included in the concept of surgery.
6. Types of surgeries.
7. Stages of surgery.
8. The methods to stop bleeding, used during surgery.
9. The effect of surgery on the patient.
10. What is called the preoperative period.
11. The value of the preoperative period for the prevention of complications related to surgery.
12. What is the preparation of the patient for surgery.
13. tests to determine the condition of the lung, cardiovascular system, liver and kidneys.
14. How to determine the degree of operational risk.
15. What is called postoperative period. The phases of the postoperative period.
16. What is called post-operative condition of the patient.
17. The main group of postoperative complications and their causes.
18. Features of the postoperative period, depending on the nature of the operation.
19. Complications of the early postoperative period.
20. Care of patients with different types of postoperative period.
21. The value of the early activation of patients in the postoperative period for the prevention of
postoperative complications.
After the lesson, students should be able to:
1. Prepare yourself to visit the operating unit.
2. Properly operating wear a mask.
3. Perform the treatment arms in different ways.
4. Wear a surgical gown and surgical gloves without violating their sterility.
5. Edit the operative field.
6. Determine the amount of blood loss during surgery.
7. Identify the function of organs and systems of the patient before and after surgery.
8. Set the severity of the patient before surgery and to determine the degree of operational risk.
9. Develop a plan for preparing the patient for surgery.
10. Set phase of the postoperative period, and to determine the nature of its course.
11. Determine the status of the surgical wound. Perform change bandages.