Scientific name: Micrurus fulvius Distribution: South

Eastern coral snake
Although most people think that coral snakes are a type of pit viper, they
are actually more closely related to cobras and mambas, sharing one similar
characteristic, very powerful venom. In fact, eastern coral snakes are
considered to be the most venomous snakes in North America. Although
Scientific name: Micrurus fulvius
they rarely pursue and or attack people without a reason, with fewer than
Distribution: South-eastern United States and parts
100 bites each year and
of north-eastern Mexico.
living in dry areas that
Habitat: Deserts and other dry areas.
Length: 20-42 inche s.
humans don’t normally
Weight: 6-15 ounces.
inhabit, bites can be easily
Color: Very bright combination of red, black and
fatal if the victim is not
yellow that is in a ring-like pattern.
treated immediatley. Most
Similar species: Western coral snake, false coral
snake, Amazon coral snake, scarlet kingsnake.
bites occur when a human
Food: Smaller, cold blooded animals, such as lizards,
accidently steps on the
other snakes and frogs. Occasionly small mammals
snake or comes across a
snake that is
and birds
hiding under a rock. When threatened, a coral snake will fold up its head and Predators: Occasionly taken by larger bird s of prey.
Life span: 5-10 years.
the end of its tail, confusing the foe as to which end is its head and which is
Adaptations: Powerful venom, bright colors.
its tail. Once bitten, a human will start to become parlayzed, usually being
Interesting fact: Eastern coral snakes are the most
fully affected after about 15 minutes. Along with being very venomous,
venomous snakes in North America.
eastern coral snakes are very brightly colored, posessing colors unlike any
Status: Common.
snakes. They are a combination of bright red, yellow and black, with ringedlike patterns, which easily distinguish them from other snakes. These colors are primarily used for attracting mates
and displaying that they are not to be messed with, with most animals who spot one leaving it alone. Despite their
colors, eastern coral snakes are often mistaken with other snakes that share similar banded patterns, mainly false
coral snakes. However, there are several distinctions that you can tell them apart by, including their most well
known saying, “red and yellow, kill a fellow” and “red and black, of Jack”. Eastern coral snakes feed on much
smaller prey than their larger relatives, although they feed on similar types of animals, mainly consuming cold
blooded animals,including lizards, snakes and frogs.
Despte being very deadky hunters, eastern coral
snakes are not very large, usually only sustaining
maxium lengths of 43 inches, and weights of no more
than 15 ounces. The largest individual ever recorded
was discivered in northern Florida, weighing in at
approximatley 49 inches. They generally inhabit dry
areas, such as deserts and semi-deserts, but will also
commonly wander into farmland and other areas
near human settlement, when most conflict between
them and humans occur. They hunt at night,
spending most of their day in underground burrows.
Most humans kill these snakes on sight, not knowing
that they will probably flee once they have made sight with him or her. Eastern coral snakes are found throughout
the south-eastern United States, with some also being found in north-eastern Mexico. Their range extends as far
north as South Carolina and as far south as Florida. Most inhabit warm areas near Texas, but will also live in very
damp states, such as Florida and Louisiana.