University of Arizona LING 495A/ 595A – Linguistics Department Colloquium Spring 2016 Chair: TA: Schedule: Massimo Piattelli-Palmarini ( Zechy Wong ( Fridays, 3:00pm – 4:30pm in Communication 311 Program Friday, January 15 Reconsidering canonical forms and the benefits of “clear” speech Meghan Sumner (Department of Linguistics, Stanford University) Labels are powerful. A label for an object or an idea induces its representation in our minds to become more categorical and less idiosyncratic than it might be in reality (Clark, 1998). Labels are all around us. They are the names we give to objects, the stereotypes we use to describe people and behaviors, and using them reinforces the abstract concept, overriding the specifics of our experience (Lupyan, 2007). Some labels we use quite frequently in phonetics, speech perception, and spoken word recognition are “clear speech”, “reduced speech”, “noisy speech” and “canonical forms”. In this talk, I give a brief overview of these labels, and how they have influenced our thought and our aims to understand speech processing, as a field. This overview leads to the central question of some current research that I will discuss: Given that the bulk of the research in the field shows that clear speech is understood more quickly and accurately than casual speech, and that “mismatches” between signal and canonical forms wreak havoc on the perceptual system, how is it that we understand one another so well when nearly all of what we hear and say falls under the “reduced speech” umbrella? To address this question, I present a variety of studies investigating both the recognition of clear and reduced words, the processing of clear and reduced sentences, and memory for clear and reduced words. The data paint a story that is intuitive, given what we say and hear, but counterintuitive given our strong sense of the benefits of “talking clearly”. The project as a whole suggests that we move away from the notion of canonical forms, and replace terms like “reduced” and “noisy” with “informative” and “typical”. Friday, January 22 Undergraduate Meet-and-Greet Prof. Diane Ohala Friday, January 29 A Theory of Quantifier Context Dependence Kristen Greer (Department of Linguistics, UCLA) Quantifiers appearing in the DP are widely acknowledged to have meanings that are at least partially determined by the context in which they are uttered. Three phenomena in particular have been cited and treated as cases of quantifier context dependence: (a) the domain restriction, (b) the ambiguity of certain quantifiers between proportional, reverse, focus-affected, and cardinal interpretations, and (c) expectation readings. These are roughly illustrated in (1)-(3), respectively. (1) Every student failed the assignment. a. ≠ Every student in the universe failed the assignment. b. = Every student in the class failed the assignment. (2) Many boys came to the party. a. = Many of the boys came to the party. (Proportional) b. = Many of the people who came to the party were boys. (Reverse) (3) a. Many lawyers attended the meeting this year. b. Many doctors attended the meeting this year. (Where (3a) ≠ (3b) even if [[doctors]]=[[lawyers]], presumably because an expectation is exceeded in one case but not the other) Existing analyses account for these phenomena using a variety of formal tools, alternately appealing to multiple linguistic forms (ambiguity) or to variable positions in the semantic structure that are resolved to contents within a single model (extensional vagueness) or within multiple models (intensional vagueness). I develop a unified approach to quantifier context dependence, showing that the phenomena illustrated in (1)-(3) can all be handled as cases of extensional vagueness, wherein context (construed as a set of sets in a single model) provides content for variables in semantic structure. I argue that there are two such contextual variables, one representing the domain of quantification and one the restriction on this domain, and I develop a theory of the syntactico-semantic structure of quantifiers that incorporates these variables. I then show how this structure predicts their context-dependent behaviors in a fully general, extensional way. The analysis has striking implications for our understanding of natural language quantification, suggesting that there are two fundamental operators forming generalized quantifiers (GQs) in natural language DPs: one that forms supersets over its restrictor, and one that forms subsets over its restrictor. Friday, February 5 An Act Apart: Processing NAI Content Lyn Frazier (Professor, Linguistics, University of Massachusetts Amherst) Potts (2005) investigated parentheticals, appositives, expressives and honorifics and argued that they form a semantic natural class in that these "Not at Issue" (NAI) expressions do not contribute to the truth-conditions of the embedding utterance, they convey speaker commitments, and their semantic interpretation does not interact with "At Issue" (AI) content. To explain these properties, he offered a multi-dimensional semantics. See Schlenker (2010) for an alternative semantic account without multidimensionality, and for pragmatic accounts, see Harris and Potts (2009) and Amaral et al. (2007.) Based on research conducted with Brian Dillon and Chuck Clifton, I will argue that NAI expressions are complete but dependent speech acts, and presumably as a result, they may be represented in a separate memory store from AI content. Evidence derives from differential effects of lengthening NAI vs AI content (Dillon et al., 2014). Additional evidence comes from distinct interpretations for comparable material when it is expressed as AI vs NAI content, and evidence that expressives exhibit a similar interpretation (the same range of interpretations and sensitivity to the same interpretive principles) when the expressive stands as an utterance by itself, where it must be analyzed as a speech act, and when it appears as an attributive adjective (Frazier et al., 2014). Online evidence shows an interaction of a wh-dependency in the embedding sentence with the status (AI vs. NAI) of an embedded structure containing a wh-dependency (Dillon et al., submitted), as expected if content in the same memory store may interact, but content in different stores may not. The resulting view is one where prosody, syntax, semantics, pragmatics and general cognitive principles all play a role in explaining the properties and processing of NAI content. References Amaral, Patricia, Craige Roberts & E. Allyn Smith. (2007). Review of The Logic of Conventional Implicatures by Chris Potts. Linguistics and Philosophy 30(6): 707– 749. Dillon, B., Clifton, Jr., C., & Frazier, L. (2014). Pushed aside: Parentheticals, Memory & Processing. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 29 (4), 483-498. Dillon, B., Clifton, Jr., C., Sloggett, S., and Frazier, L. (Submitted) Not all relative clauses interfere with filler-gap processing equally: Appositive relative clauses and the organization of linguistic working memory. Frazier, L., Dillon, B., & Clifton, Jr., C. (2014). A note on interpreting damn expressives: transferring the blame. Language and Cognition 29, 1-14. Harris, J., & Potts, C. (2009). Perspective-shifting with appositives and expressives. Linguistics and Philosophy 32, 523-552. Potts, C. (2005).The logic of conventional implicatures. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Schlenker, P. (2010). Supplements within a unidimensional semantics II: Epistemic status and projection. Proceedings of Northeastern Linguistic Society 2009, GLSA. Schlenker, P. (2010). Supplements within a unidimensional semantics II: Epistemic status and projection. Proceedings of Northeastern Linguistic Society 2009, GLSA. Friday, February 12 Minimalism: A view after 20 years Norbert Hornstein (Professor, Linguistics, University of Maryland / College Park) This talk will try to assess how far we have come in realizing the goals of the Minimalist Program. Of course, doing this requires outlining what these goals were, and here I will provide a somewhat idiosyncratic (though, of course, deeply faithful rendition) of what the program was. In my opinion, the project had two parts: 1. A Reductive/unificatory aspect in which the GB like modularity of FL was shown to be merely apparent, i.e. that the seven or so distinct grammatical modules with their own distinctive operations and locality domains were just surface aspects of the same operations and principles. 2. An analytical aspect which reduces all the unified dependencies to a very small number (1?) of linguistically novel cognitive operations. I argue that we have come a pretty long way in seeing what (1) entails and that the evidence that it is correct is non-negligible. Thus, I think that there is reason to believe that phrase building, movement, binding, control, agreement, case, etc. are all just aspects of the same basic combinatoric machinery. There are problems here, but the outlines of a plausible theory are visible. I then investigate whether Merge is the secret sauce that lies behind this unification. I suggest (as I did in the 2009 book) that we should decompose Merge into two more general operations, one of which corresponds roughly to labeling and the other to set union, and that this is what lies behind the kinds of chains we in fact see. I show that were this right then the kinds of restrictions on Merge that we find would follow. In particular, were Union the basic combination operation, we would expect phrase markers to be sets subject to Extension, Inclusiveness and to contain copies. If this is right, my conclusion is that Minimalism is alive and well and making progress. I think that this might come as a surprising conclusion to many. Friday, February 19 Beyond Decomposition: How experiments might help shape morphological theory Alec Marantz (Silver Professor of Linguistics and Psychology Departments of Linguistics and Psychology, NYU) Over the last decade, neuro and psycholinguistic experimentation has accumulated supporting the hypothesis that words are decomposed down to their roots in comprehension, during both visual and auditory presentation, lending credence to linguistic theories such as Distributed Morphology, which insist on such decomposition in the analysis of word structure. However, this work has also dissolved the putative distinction central to Pinker’s Words and Rules framework between the “memorized” and the “constructed” – usage frequencies are relevant to the processing of all words and phrases, no matter how transparent or regular. So, for example, the transition probability between a stem and a suffix of a morphologically complex word modulates (obligatory) decomposition independent of regularity. The lack of correlation between memorization and regularity allows us to recast Pinker’s Words and Rules approach to integrating linguistics with cognitive neuroscience as an “Atoms and Rules” approach, emphasizing the distinction between the ontology of linguistic pieces (morphemes) and the generalizations about their order and arrangement. I will discuss how some recent finding from NYU’s Neuroscience of Language Lab might feed back into the development of morphological theory, given the Atoms and Rules approach and the observation that there is no escape from frequencies even for the most regular of rules. Friday, February 26 Inferential Organization in Grammar Systems: Word Structure. Paradigm Organization and Learnability Farrell Ackerman (Professor, Linguistics; Director, Human Development Program, UC San Diego); work in collaboration with Rob Malouf (SDSU) Speakers of languages with complex morphology and multiple inflection classes confront a large learning task whose solution raises fundamental questions about the structure of words, and the organization of morphological systems. This task receives a general formulation as the Paradigm Cell Filling Problem (PCFP) in Ackerman et al. (2009): PARADIGM CELL FILLING PROBLEM: Given exposure to an inflected wordform of a novel lexeme, what licenses reliable inferences about the other wordforms in its inflectional family? The essential challenge, as formulated in the PCFP, is not new, and proposed answers to it have a similar profile (Paul 1891, Hockett 1967, Paunonen 1976, Bybee 1985, Anttila 1989, Wurzel 1989, see also Fertig 2013): analogical inferences from (incomplete sets of) forms belonging to known inflectional patterns permit reasonable guesses concerning likely candidates for unknown forms. Descriptive observations about the implicational organization of morphological systems have been reconceptualized and quantified in renascent word‐based approaches to morphological analysis (see the detailed overview and description in Blevins 2016), where two interdependent explanatory dimensions of part/whole relations are developed: the internal structure of words interpreted in terms of discriminability among related words and the external relations among words as reflected in paradigm organization, where words are parts of (complex) paradigms which are interpretable as (adaptive discriminative) systems of patterns. These two dimensions are evident in the Nilo-Saharan language Fur (Waag 2010), where the combinatorics of affixes and stem variation reflected in segment length, tonal melodies and metathesis distinguish related words and provide available inferences for predicting the forms of unencountered words. This is exemplified in the simple patterns for the 1 st person singular completive versus the 3rd person singular completive for the verb `to speak’ in (1): 1a. ʔ-ɪ́rsɪ́ŋɔ 1SG-spoke ‘I spoke’ 1b. rɪ̀sɪ̀ŋɔ̀ spoke ‘s/he spoke’ The tonal melodies (1a) and (1b) exhibit opposite values for their person contrasts: all highs on 1st singular versus all lows on 3rd singular. Additionally, 1st singular is associated with a prefix i.e., ʔ, while its stem represents a methathetic variant of the 3rd singular stem form, i.e., ɪ́rX versus rɪ̀X. To know the form for 1sg completive is also to know the form of the 3sg completive, and vice versa. The mutual inferential relations in (1) are trivial, but they become more complex when the whole system of Fur morphosyntactic properties and encodings is considered. The calculation of informativity concerning combinations patterned ingredients and meanings associated with them attested in individual languages, such as Fur, has been the main object of Information‐Theoretic measures in these new word-based formal models. The L(ow) C(onditional) E(ntropy) C(onjecture) (Ackerman and Malouf 2013) represents a cross-linguistic hypothesis concerning complex morphological systems: morphological systems seem to display organization in terms of low conditional entropies, reflecting high predictability between known words and their unknown variants. In effect, the LCEC is a way of solving the PCFP, providing learners with cues to facilitate good guesses about previously unencountered words. Given the huge variability in the cross‐linguistic shapes of words and their patterns of relatedness, the LCEC, by hypothesis, reflects a strategy by which language change is guided by learnability considerations. The learnability problem identified by descriptivists is put in new perspective by recent research revealing that the inflectional stimuli that learners experience is highly skewed and incomplete: following Zipfian distributions, small numbers of inflected words are heard frequently providing partial paradigm information, while increasing the corpus size does not provide exposure to the “missing” words from the complete paradigm, but merely reinforces the distributions found in smaller samples. (Bonami and Beniamine 2015, Ramscar and Blevins 2015). Yang (2010) utilizes these results to argue against the class of word and paradigm models. Following Bonami and Beniamine 2015, Ramscar and Blevins 2015 and Blevins 2016, we argue, on the contrary, that these results suggest the necessity for complex morphological systems to be organized in line with wordbased models that are centrally concerned with quantifying conditional entropy in morphological organization: the learning paradox raised by Zipfian distributions of stimuli points to the necessity of something like the LCEC and correlatively, for the type of word‐based morphological model within which it operates. Given this, we explore empirical data that confirm and/or challenge the LCEC, suggesting that both help to refine the possible scope of the conjecture and the nature of its extensions to data beyond those analyzed in Ackerman and Malouf 2006, Ackerman et. al. 2009, Bonami and Luis 2013, Ackerman and Malouf 2013, Bonami 2014, Bonami and Beniamine 2015, Sims 2015, Stump and Finkel 2015, Blevins 2016, among others. Friday, March 25 Bound subjects, phases and postponement of transfer Howard Lasnik (Distinguished University Professor in the Department of Linguistics at the University of Maryland / College Park) Family of Questions (sometimes called pair-list) readings (here abbreviated FoQ) with WHs and universal quantifiers most typically arise when the WH originates in the same clause as the universal: (1) Who did everyone see FoQ T (2) Who do you think everyone saw FoQ T May (1985) presented an important analysis of some such cases, but as pointed out by Sloan (1991), it incorrectly predicts the possibility of such readings even when the universal and the WH-trace are not clause-mates: (3) Who does everyone expect [Mary to see t]? FoQ * (4) Who does everyone think [Mary saw t]? FoQ * May (1977) had already noted the absence of family of questions readings in examples like (4). However, Sloan reported that May gave her examples with structures very similar to those of (3) and (4) that do allow the reading: (5) Who does everyonei expect [PROi to see t]? FoQ T (6) Who does everyonei think [hei saw t]? FoQ T It has long been known that clauses without overt subjects (especially infinitival clauses) do not act like full clauses with respect to a wide variety of phenomena. Postal (1974) introduced the notion ‘quasi-clause’ for some such cases and later Rizzi (1982) developed a comprehensive theory of ‘restructuring’. There is now a vast literature on this topic. Some version might cover (5). Only sporadically mentioned are situations where a bound pronominal subject makes a complement clause similarly permeable. I will explore some further constructions behaving in a similar way, especially WH-island exemption observed by Ross (1967), as illustrated in (7), and consider a possible explanation in terms of phases, based on joint work with Tom Grano. (7) a. He told me about a book which I can't figure out [where PRO to obtain t] b. Which books did he tell you [why he wanted to read t] *Mary Bibliography Grano, Thomas and Howard Lasnik. 2015. How to neutralize a finite clause boundary: Phase theory and the grammar of bound pronouns. Ms. Indiana University and University of Maryland. May, Robert. 1977. The grammar of quantification. Doctoral dissertation, MIT, Cambridge, Mass. May, Robert. 1985. Logical Form: Its structure and derivation. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press. Postal, Paul M. 1974. On raising: One rule of English grammar and its theoretical implications. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press. Rizzi, Luigi. 1982. Issues in Italian syntax. Dordrecht: Foris. Ross, John Robert. 1967. Constraints on variables in syntax. Doctoral dissertation, MIT, Cambridge, Mass. Published as Infinite syntax! Norwood, N.J.: Ablex (1986). Sloan, Kelly. 1991. Quantifier-wh interaction. In MIT Working Paper in Linguistics 15, 219237. Friday, April 1 Grammaticalization and Repair as a Resolution to Labeling Algorithm Failures Robert LaBarge (Department of Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, Arizona State University) This talk is an extension of work originally presented at ALC 8 and 9. In the first of these talks, I argued that grammaticalization occurs as the result of labeling difficulties experienced by the child acquirer. In the second, I argued that derivations attempt to label and repair difficult structures in real-time. Here, I will combine the two arguments, showing that repair and grammaticalization are essentially the same strategy, but only the latter is available to the child acquirer. But why? This talk will focus on three phenomena: the first is a possible head-head Merged structure in Chinese which shows evidence of historic change from verb to modal. The second is a phrase-phrase Merged structure in Macedonian which shows evidence of historic change from demonstrative to definite article. In both cases, the question as to why new structures do not replace the old ones entirely will be addressed. The third case involves Paul Postal-type raising-to-object ECM constructions and asks why such constructions require a null subordinate C. In all cases, I argue for an exoskeletal style scaffolding (a la Borer) that guides both grammaticalization and repair, but in different ways. Friday, April 15 Undergraduate Research Forum Prof. Diane Ohala Friday, April 22 Change in aspect and argument structure Elly van Gelderen (Regents’ Professor, English Department, Arizona State University) By sketching some of the changes that affect the argument structure throughout the history of English, I shed light on the universality of the aspectual division in manner and result, the major theta-roles that depend on this, and the special status of the Theme. For instance, I show that unaccusatives are reanalyzed as causatives or copulas, due to the persistence of the Theme, but not as unergatives or unergatives as unaccusatives. Object experiencers are reanalyzed as subject experiencers but not the other way round. The reason for this is that verbs hang on to their basic aspectual classification and their Themes, and that the appearance of certain theta-roles is constrained by others. Friday, April 29 Prosodic phonology of Nez Perce double reduplication Kathryn Pruitt (English Department, Arizona State University) This talk presents joint work with Amy Rose Deal (UC Berkeley) on the prosodic phonology of fully-reduplicated and doubly-reduplicated adjectives in Nez Perce. Full reduplication is associated with adjectives in Nez Perce, which may be derived from other categories as in (1) or from bound roots as in (2) (Aoki 1994). (Other morphological means of marking or deriving adjectives are available in Nez Perce but will not be discussed here.) (1) qaʔán-qaʔan ‘respected’ (2) kaʔáw-kaʔaw ‘empty, unoccupied’ cf. qaʔán ‘to respect’ (V) *kaʔáw Further, plural marking on adjectives takes the form of a prefixed /Ci-/ reduplicant, where C is the first consonant of the root as in (3) (Aoki 1963). (3) kuhét → ki-kuhét ‘long (sg., pl.)’ This talk will focus on two phenomena that emerge when fully-reduplicated adjectival forms are pluralized with /Ci-/ reduplication, creating doubly-reduplicated forms: overapplication of syncope as in (4), which is analyzed as templatic backcopying (e.g., Gouskova 2007), and special treatment of monosyllabic stems according to their weight as in (5) (Aoki 1994). (4) Sg. Pl. qatat-qátat qi-qtat-qí-qtat lokóy-lokoy li-lkóy-li-lkoy (5) Sg. Pl. Light syllable base ‘solid, compact, hard’ ‘slender’ kúc-kuc ki-kúc-kuc Heavy syllable base qees-qées qi-qees-qí-qees maqs-máqs mi-maqs-mí-maqs ‘small’ (*ki-kúc-ki-kuc) ‘spotted, blurred’ ‘yellow’ (*qi-qees-qées) (*mi-maqs-máqs)