DP 2 year schedule

DP/Diploma Programme :
2 year program :
(example of what Bonnie Estes does)
I. Jr. Year
a. Unit 1 : social relations (core) = Family
(focus : Sénégal & Québec)
1. readings
2. vocab
3. review grammar/verbs
4. writing = journal
6. writing = friendly letter
7. oral = TV families & stereotypes
8. film in French
b. Unit 2 : social relations (core) = Education/Technology
(focus : France & Martinique)
1. readngs
2. vocab
3. review grammar/verbs
4. film in French
5. writing = blog from French student’s perspective
6. Interactive Oral #1 (IA) = oral debate USA vs. FR system ed.
c. Unit 3 : cultural diversity (option) = migration of French in world
(focus : francophone regions , Québec, Louisianne, Haiti)
1. readings
2. vocab
3. review grammar/verbs
4. film/videos
5. writing = website
6. oral = presenting region in website
d. Unit 4 : health (option) = dependance, well-being/ethics
(focus : francophone world)
1. readngs
2. vocab
3. review grammar/verbs
4. film/videos
5. writing = brochure
6. Interactive Oral #2 (IA) = skit/discussion of newsclip
IA = Internal Assessment (teacher grades w/ IB rubric)
EA = External Assessment (IB grades)
II. Sr. Year
a. Unit 1 : Leisure (option) = sports/ethics & film
1. readings
2. vocab
3. review grammar/verbs
4. film/videos
5. oral = interview with famous scandalous athlete
6. written = interview
7. oral = sport from francophone country
8. written = film critique
9. oral = talking about a French movie
b. Unit 2 : Customs & Traditions (option) = holidays & film
1. readings
2. vocab
3. review grammar/verbs
4. film/videos
5. oral = talking about a francophone holiday/tradition
6. written = news article (about holiday)
7. Interactive Oral #3 (IA) = discussion of film
*Individual Oral (IA) (option : sports/leisure/holidays)  Dec.10
c. Unit 3 : World themes (core) = racism, discrimination
1. readings
2. vocab
3. review grammar/verbs
4. film/videos
5. oral = situational skits
6. written = police report/speech
7. written = formal letter
*Written Assignment (EA) (core : world themes, soc. relationships)  March 1
(find 3 different text types, create text weaving info. together ; written in/out
class ; allow 2-3 weeks for research, rough, final ; begin in Feb.)
*Ind. Oral & Interactive Oral (best of 3 as a whole) scores due  March 15
d. Unit 4 : Review ! (March-April)
1. grammar/verbs
2. readings
3. written
*Paper 1 (EA) = reading comprehension, grammar  May
*Paper 2 (EA) = text type choice  May