FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Reo Menning, Public Affairs Director Phone: 323-6519; Mobile: 494-5734 Small but Mighty School Wins Build with Bags Challenge Metro Schools Learned Today that Effort Paid Off Nov. 14 – Metro Waste Authority and Iowa Grocery Industry Association attended an assembly at Prairie City Elementary today to make a surprise announcement to the winners of the Build with Bags Challenge: first place, Prairie City Elementary (PCM); second place, Shuler Elementary (Waukee); and third place, Oviatt Elementary (Norwalk). Each winning school will receive a piece of outdoor furniture made from recycled plastic bags. Prairie City Elementary is among the smaller schools to participate in the challenge, but the hard work led by the school’s fourth graders made the difference. “The kids worked really hard to find different ways to educate and encourage their parents, neighbors and other students to participate – some kids even walked door-to-door collecting bags,” explained Shaun Hudnut, teacher at Prairie City Elementary. “The Build with Bags program provides a fun, practical forum for the students to apply their knowledge about recycling and preserving the ecosystem.” The program challenged students and their families to recycle plastic bags and, even better – to use reusable bags, while kids learned the importance of reducing, reusing and recycling. The fun competition tracked the pounds of bags recycled and the quantity of reusable bags used per school capita. Thirty-two schools competed from Oct. 1 to Nov. 2, and the winners were recognized today, on America Recycles Day, to further emphasize the true meaning of the competition. Throughout the competition, 8,400 lbs. of plastic bags were recycled – over four tons. For more information, visit us at or call 244.0021. -30About Metro Waste Authority Metro Waste Authority provides answers for safe and smart waste disposal and recycling. Whether it is garbage, recyclables, yard waste, hazardous waste or special waste, we know where it should go and have the resources to help. Serving Central Iowa, Metro Waste Authority manages Metro Park East Landfill, Metro Park West Landfill, Metro Hazardous Waste Drop-Off, Metro Compost Center, and Metro Transfer Station. We also provide recycling programs such as Curb It! and Compost It! for our member communities. A government agency, Metro Waste Authority is self-funded through fees charged to those who use the landfill and its other services; we do not receive tax dollars.