Prose Study Frankenstein and ______________Assessment Criteria Total Mark /40 Band 1 Band 2 Band 3 Band 4 AO1 Articulate creative, informed and relevant responses to literary texts, using appropriate terminology and concepts, and coherent, accurate written expression. 10 marks - Understands plays at a superficial or literal level. - Offers some ideas about the novel. - Some use of basic terminology, though this may be occasional. - Errors in expression and lapses in clarity. 0-2 marks - Attempts to engage with the structure in Frankenstein though not always relevant. - Some, not accurate use of terminology and vocabulary - Writing features inaccuracies -Engages creatively with Hamlet and Revenger’s and response is mostly answers the question set. - Some sensible use of key concepts -Terminology generally appropriate -Writing is generally accurate but with some mistakes 5-6 marks - Clearly informed and relevant response to the question -Coherent argument - Sound and apt use of key concepts and terms - Writing generally clear and accurate. 7-8 marks -Sophisticated, creative and individual response to question -Effective organisation -Confident and sophisticated use of concepts and terms -Writes with flair and accuracy AO2 Demonstrate detailed critical understanding in analysing the ways structure, form and language shape meanings in literary texts. 10 marks - Identify a few basic stylistic features - May offer narrative/descriptive comment on novel. - Occasional use of quotes - Makes some points about language techniques and structure/ letters/ reference to texts -Purposeful, detailed discussion of language techniques, structure / letters/reference to texts -Perceptive, critical analysis and evaluation of Shelley’s techniques -Confident use of quotations -Confident discussion of implicit meanings. - some points supported by quotes - clear and appropriate quotations used to support point - Understands implicit meanings 5-6 marks - generally clear and appropriate comparisons/connections between Frankenstein and partner text -Sound analysis and evaluation of language techniques and structure/letters/reference to texts -Neat and secure use of quotations -Sound grasp of implicit meanings AO3 Explore connections and comparisons between different literary texts 5 marks informed by interpretations of other readers. 5 marks 3-4 marks 0-2 marks - Identifies superficial comparisons between Frankenstein and partner text - some grasp of implicit meanings 3-4 marks - Make superficial yet valid comparisons/connections between Frankenstein and partner text 0-1 mark 2 marks - Can describe other critical views with basic understanding - Can acknowledge that novels maybe interpreted in more than one way 0-1 mark 2 marks 7-8 marks -Purposeful use of specific connections and comparisons between Frankenstein and partner text 3 marks - Makes use of other relevant interpretations/critics work. 4marks -Clear and purposeful use of relevant interpretations/critics 3 marks 4 marks Band 5 9-10 marks 9-10 marks - Productive and illuminating comparisons/connections between Frankenstein and partner text . 5 marks -Mature and confident discussion of other relevant interpretations/critics. -independent reader 5 marks AO4 Demonstrate understanding of the significance and influence of the contexts in which literary texts are written and received. 10 marks -Describes the wider context - Makes superficial connections between Frankenstein and the context in which it was written 0-2 marks -Acknowledges the importance of contexts -Clear grasp of the significance and influence of contexts - Makes some connections between Frankenstein and the context in which it was written -Clear understanding of the connections between Hamlet and its context. 3-4 marks 5-6 marks -Sound appreciation of significance and influence of context. - Perceptive discussion of significance and influence of contexts -Sound understanding of connections between Frankenstein and its context 7-8 marks -Confident analysis of connections between Frankenstein and its context. 9-10 marks