Call for papers

Call for papers
Second Volume of the Journal Intercompreensão-REDINTER
Research on Teaching methodology for Intercomprehension
Edited by Christian Degache and Clara Ferrão
What do we know about the effects of current methodological choices underlying approaches
presented as being intercomprehension-related ? What contribution can research on this
topic make to our understanding of the impact of methodological issues ? Our intention is
therefore to solicit research-based articles on systematic observation of the effects produced
by different methodological options.
Whilst the last two decades have given rise to research and abundant literature on (i)
methodological options, (ii) analysis of strategies and processes involved in comprehension,
(iii) interaction analysis in pedagogical situations involving intercomprehension, little is
known about the effects of methodological options. The question of «good practice» is
inevitably inherent in such discussions, even if our criteria for «good» practice are difficult to
define. Furthermore, arguments sometimes put forward are not necessarily indicative of
pedagogical efficacy.
Hence, the aim of this second volume of the journal Intercompreensão-REDINTER is to fill in
this gap from a didactic perspective by gathering empirical studies on the effects of
methodological choices in teaching/learning situations (oral, written or both) aimed at
intercomprehension in its multiple forms.
Articles for submission should address modes or effects related to the following aspects:
Endogenous translation: translation initiated by the learner or by the group or solicited by
other persons. When does it occur and why ? What is the topic and purpose of occurrences
of such translation?
Exogenous translation: translation offered spontaneously - whether requested or not - to the
learner by other actors in a pedagogical situation (teacher, tutor, colleague, -whether native
speakers of the language or not). When, where and why does this kind of translation occur ?
Help offered to the learner in written, oral, and/or multimodal forms, or initiated
by him/her with a view to boosting receptive processes, including those inherent
in bi/plurilingual interaction.
Metalinguistic activity provoked through reflection on language structures
(lexicon, morphology, syntax, phonology…).
The notion of progression or criteria to be taken into account when increasing
difficulty, introducing different target languages, selecting documents and other
linguistic resources according to levels of difficulty, diversifying textual genres or
discursive types…
Contributors are requested to describe the teaching contexts (whether ecological -live- or
experimental, distance or hybrid frameworks) as well as the pedagogical options and
procedures retained. They are then to analyse on the basis of data collection, the effects
resulting from these procedures on acquiring linguistic, pragmatic, sociolinguistic, discursive,
sociocultural knowledge. Research methodology can include analysis of oral or written
productions, discourse analysis (of the lesson, online lesson…), or comparative analysis of
results obtained by using different procedures. It can be based on data collected from
various comparable groups, from one group by diversifying materials and tools, from
learners in different environments etc...
Texts for submission can be presented in the different languages spoken by the editorial
board (German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese…).
Abstract proposals should be presented in the form of a short text (max. 1 page with
bibliographical references) no later than 31 st January, 2011. Abstracts should be sent to:
Christian Degache :
Clara Ferrão :
Notification of acceptance : 15th February, 2011.
Deadline for submission of papers accepted for publication : 31st March, 2011.
Submission of revised final version : Between 1st April and 31st May, 2011.
Depending on editorial options, selected papers will be published either in printed format or
online (see guidelines below). We expect that the publication in both formats will be issued in
September 2011.
Instructions :
Final versions of articles
1. will be made anonymous and blind copies sent to two members of the editorial
2. must adhere strictly to “instructions to authors” here below
3. must be sent by electronic mail to the editors of this issue :
Christian Degache :
Clara Ferrão :
4. must be accompanied by a separate document indicating the title of the contribution
and the name(s) of the author(s).
Publication Guidelines
Papers submitted to the journal must be unpublished and must not exceed 40,000 characters
in total, text, graphics, tables, bibliography and spaces included. Longer articles should be
reedited by their authors for a printed publication, but may be published in full for an online
Authors are requested to provide 4 or 5 keywords and an abstract not exceeding 700
characters, spaces included. Keywords and abstracts must be written in two languages other
than the language used for the article itself, and belong to two different language families.
Editors of the journal cannot be held responsible for the content of articles or authors’
Articles should be submitted by e-mail in rtf format.
The structure of the proposed article should be clearly indicated using the following
1.1 Title
1.1.1. Title
1.1.2. Title ...
1.2 Title ...
1.2.1. Title
1.2.2. Title ...
2.1 Title
2.1.1. Title
2.1.2. Title ...
2.2 Title ...
2.2.1. Title
2.2.2. Title ...
Font: Times New Roman
• size 10 for the text
• size 9 for summaries
• size 8 for footnotes.
Single spaced
• Short Quotations (fewer than three lines): inserted directly in the text.
• Long quotations (more than three lines): a separate paragraph, indented left and right 1
cm, size 9.
• Indication of sources in the text: (name of author year: page) Example:
(Galisson 1998: 58)
Footnotes: numbered notes in the text.
Graphics: to be attached in jpg format, resolution of 300 dpi minimum.
All references must be at the end of the article (9 font size). The following instructions are a
short version of the APA stylesheet which should be consulted in case of doubt or if
additional information is needed.
• 1 author: NAME, initial/s of the first name/s
• 2 authors: NAME1, initial/s of the first name/s & NAME2, initial/s of
the first name / s
• 3 to 6 authors: NAME1, initial/s of the first name/s, NAME2, initial/s of the first name/s &
name 3, initial/s of the first name/s
• More than 6 authors: NAME1, initial/s of the first name/s, NAME2,
initial/s of the first name/s, name3, initial/s of the first name/s,
NAME 4, initial/s of the first name/s, NAME5, initial/s of the first name/s,NAME6, initial/s of
the first name/s et al.
Authors (publication date). Title. Place of publication: publisher.
Collective works
Mark (Ed.) for one editor or (Eds.) for two or more editors after their name(s).
Author (s) (publication date). Article Title. Journal title, issue of the journal. Place of
publication: publisher. Pages.
Chapters / Contribution in a book
Author (s) (publication date). Title of article / contribution. In: Initial (s) author (s) Name
(s) (Ed (s).), Book title (pp. ##-##). Place of publication: publisher.
Electronic Publications
The above rules apply, and the last date of consultation is indicated as follows: Last access
on month day, year, URL.
Intercompreensão REDINTER Journal
The journal titled : Intercompreensão REDINTER, is an international journal launched within
the framework of REDINTER, the European network for intercomprehension, created with the
support of the European Commission. This network brings together 44 institutions
cooperating to develop and disseminate the concept of intercomprehension. The journal is
associated with Intercompreensão – Revista de Didáctica das Línguas, a journal of European
dimension created at the Instituto Politécnico de Santarém in 1991. The REDINTER network
focuses on "dialogue between languages, cultures, nationalities and different educational
actors" and claims an action-based perspective on the teaching and learning of languages.
Its journal focuses, therefore, on all issues related to multilingual and multicultural
approaches in language teaching and especially the concept and methodology of
The journal is presented in two versions:
a) Intercompreensão – REDINTER Journal, a printed publication, edited by Clara Ferrão
Tavares (Instituto Politécnico de Santarém, Portugal).
b) Intercompreensão - REDINTER, an online publication edited by Christian Ollivier
(Université de la Réunion, France).
Articles will be published in printed and/or online versions according to requirements and
editorial decisions.
Editorial Board:
• Isabel Alarcão
• Paolo Balboni
• Elisabetta Bonvino
• Michael Byram
• Filomena Capucho
• Hedwig Costanzo
• Daniel Coste
• Christian Degache
• Adriana Martins
• Franz-Josef Meißner
• Julio Murillo
• Todor Shopov
• Patrice Pognan
• Manuel Tost
Articles submitted to the journal for publication are screened by the editor of each volume for
thematic appropriacy. An Editorial Committee is responsible for the final selection of papers
and may make suggestions for changes. A proof-reading committee bringing together
researchers competent in different languages will be responsible for the final phase of editing
the articles. The committee members reserve the right to introduce slight changes
considered necessary.
The first volumes
The first three volumes cover the following topics:
• 1st Volume - Epistemologia - Conceito de intercompreensão /Epistemology - the concept of
intercomprehension: origins, definitions, and trends, edited by Clara Ferrão and Christian
• 2nd Volume - Didáctica da Intercompreensão / The methodology of intercomprehension,
edited by Christian Degache and Clara Ferrão.
• 3rd Volume – Plurilinguismo e Políticas Linguísticas/Plurilingualism and Linguistic Policies,
edited by Christian Ollivier and Patrick Chardenet.