Excerpt from a personal account of how herbs change lives:
“Plants are amazing, and herbs specifically can do some incredible things to the human
body. They can reduce high blood pressure. They can clear up acne. They can ward off
colds, coughs and insects. They can disinfect, cleanse, relieve pain, soothe burns and
subdue arthritis. For nearly every ailment our bodies can come up with, there is a salad of
greenery that can combat it. In a word or two, plants are powerful stuff.
As I coasted into my mid-thirties, I noticed my joints started aching a lot more, and my
hands were beginning to really cramp, my fingers lock. It was happening far too much, and
knowing my older brother had just had an operation for carpal tunnel syndrome, I decided to
act earlier rather than later. At first, I did lots of exercise to make sure my hands were
keeping fit. It worked OK, but not convincingly enough: If I missed a day, or even a couple
of hours later, my troubles were back.
Then, I started eating raw herbs, in abundance, every day, and the pain just disappeared. I
simply chop up a little side of raw herbs for every meal, flavor my dishes with them and get
great flavor while tending to my body.
Use it raw if possible as it is much more potent. It has anti-inflammatory properties
which reduces joint swelling. It is also great for upset stomachs and preventing motion
sickness. It makes great teas. I like to chop it really finely and mix it in with brown rice,
especially with a little curry kicker the side.
Turmeric is getting good press these days and is now respected as one of the most
beneficial plants for our health, so it’s no surprise that it tampers joint pains. It also does
wonders for headaches and swelling. I use it a lot mixed with salt and pepper and sprinkled
on roasted, mashed or fried potatoes. It’s a fantastic flavor to add in season-all mixtures.
Noted in the vegan diet for providing omega-3, flaxseed also provides relief for achy joints.
It has anti-inflammatory properties as well! Again, I suggest eating it raw. For me, this works
well on cereals, granola, oatmeal or even squash-y, pumpkin-y soups.
Most people love garlic for its vampire-repelling properties, but it’s also good for repelling
knee creaks and elbow aches. Additionally, it helps the cardiovascular and immune
systems. Be aware that raw garlic has much stronger flavor than cooked garlic, but use it in
all the dishes you normally do.
Oregano oil is regularly available in heath food shops, and it’s known especially for its
immune system boosting. Oregano is also an antiflammatory, so take advantage. This
grows copiously in our herb beds, so I use it copiously in our food, sprinkling it raw on top of
bean and legume dishes.
As I’ve pointed out time and again, one of the beauties of treating joint pain by eating herbs
is that everything has several other beneficial qualities to bring to the body. That’s why I like
doing it this way. I just feel better all-around rather than using a topical ointment or chemical
pain medication. It’s the recurring idea of prevention as opposed to treatment.”
At-Home Flu Shots
Flu season is here, so there is no better time to ensure that everyone in your family has a
strong immune system.
These six shots are made up of real food ingredients that boost your body’s immune system
to naturally ward off colds and flus. Some of the below are made with a juicer although if
you want to boost your immune system and do not have a juicer or do not wish to invest in
one, you can increase the amount of the particular food you consume in your diet.
1) “Apple Cider Slammer”
Apple cider vinegar is just that, a type of vinegar made from apple cider. This ‘Slammer’
contains beta-carotene, which according to the Mayo Clinic possesses antioxidant properties
that counteract the damage done by free radicals and in return helps boost your immune
system. Find organic, raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar for maximum health benefits.
Shot Recipe: Shoot back a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar mixed with a two tablespoons of
filtered water. Can’t stomach it? I personally suggest mixing a tablespoon with a tall 8oz glass
of cold water to dilute it. I also add a touch of raw honey to sweeten it.
2) “Green Machine”
Green leafy vegetables such as kale, spinach, and parsley provide a significant amount of
nutrients including but not limited to, magnesium, folate, and vitamin B6. These crucial
nutrients play an important role in optimal immune health.
Shot Recipe: Toss together a selection of leafy greens in your juicer and enjoy. If you can’t
swallow the taste of only vegetables in your juice, throw an apple through the juicer for some
natural sweetness.
3) “Cod Liver Kiss”
Fermented Cod Liver Oil is a raw, traditionally fermented food. It contains more Vitamin A per
unit weight than any other common food and is a great source of the ever important Omega-3
Fatty Acids. This powerhouse real food helps regulate and improve overall function of your
immune system.
Shot Recipe: Fermented Cod Liver Oil comes in two forms. You can source it in its liquid form
and take it daily as a shot, or you can choose to purchase it in capsule form. Use about 2
tspns per shot.
4) “Blueberry Blast”
Blueberries are very high in antioxidants compared to other fruits and vegetables and contain
powerful phytochemicals which give the fruit their deep blue color. A recent study done by the
University of Oregon showed that the pterostilbene found in blueberries, when combined with
vitamin D, could boost the body’s ability to fend off illness.
Shot Recipe: Juice a handful of blueberries and enjoy this sweet and sour drink. You can also
simply increase your intake of blueberries if you do not own a juicer or wish to juice them.
5) “Carrot Kicker”
Carrots are a great source of beta carotene. One of beta carotene’s main roles is to support
the body’s mucus membrane, which lines the respiratory and intestinal tracts. A strong lining
makes it more difficult for bacteria to enter the bloodstream and cause you trouble.
Shot Recipe: Juice a handful of carrots and enjoy. Don’t have a juicer? Do your best to
incorporate carrots into the upcoming week’s menus!
6) “Lemon & Ginger Drop”
Lemon and Ginger are a powerhouse duo. This couple not only supports a strong immune
system with the lemon’s Vitamin C content, but together they help fight off an oncoming
illness. Lemon juice’s anti-inflammatory qualities soothe sore throats and irritated membranes
while the ginger helps cleanse your system.
Shot Recipe: Add a tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice to 3 tablespoons of water.
Grate or juice a pinch of ginger and enjoy. Instead of taking this as a shooter you can also
enjoy a glass of homemade lemonade and simply add ginger.
Cardiovascular Disease
Cardiovascular Disease (the buildup of plaque and gradual clogging of the arteries) is
statistically the number one killer in the world, with on average 2,200 Americans dying of
cardiovascular disease each day! With mortality rates like that, cardiovascular health is one
of the most important body systems to maintain and repair. While progressive clogging of
the arteries can be caused by diet, genetics and a sedentary lifestyle, preventing and
repairing the damage is not impossible with these artery unclogging (and delicious!) foods.
1. Garlic
While maybe not quite as sexy as others, garlic is hands-down a super food! In addition to
helping maintain a healthy heart, garlic can help treat a slew of viruses, infections and even
cancers! Studies show that consuming 4,000 mcg of the compound allicin (found in 1-4
cloves of garlic a day) can lower cholesterol, as well as significantly decrease both diastolic
and systolic blood pressure, and prevent blood clots from forming.
2. Pomegranate
This tasty and beautiful fruit has recently been discovered to clear out plaque buildup in the
arteries, as well as naturally stimulate the production of nitric oxide in the blood, opening the
arteries and reducing blood pressure.
3. Turmeric
The primary polyphenol in turmeric, curcumin, has been shown to reduce fatty deposits in
the arteries by 26%! That’s a welcome statistic for heart health and a good reason to add
more of this brightly colored and delicious Indian spice to your diet.
4. Chia Seeds
Ancient cultures have long prized chia seeds as a solid source of hydration and energy. But
the the fiber and alpha-linoleic acid in chia can also regulate blood pressure, lower
triglycerides, increase good cholesterol and decrease bad cholesterol. Besides being heart
healthy, chia seeds are versatile and tasty as well!
5. Cinnamon
Just a tablespoon of cinnamon a day can reduce cholesterol levels, as well as providing a
healthy dose of antioxidants. Make your heart warm, healthy and happy with delicious
cinnamon on butternut, pancakes or porridge.
6. Apples
The pectin in apples can lower cholesterol as well as slow down the progression of clogging
in the arteries. Ohio State University researchers discovered that an apple a day can
reduce the hardening of arteries by 40%! It seems the old apple-a-day saying is true after
7. Tomatoes
Carotenoid lycopene is an antioxidant that is responsible for giving tomatoes their rich red
color and a diet rich in lycopene can significantly reduce the oxidation of the bad cholesterol
that leads to atherosclerosis. Tomatoes are also important for bone health!
8. Greens
Leafy greens are a rich source of anti-oxidizing vitamins, which can prevent the oxidization
of cholesterol, leading to plaque formation in the arteries. Additionally, the fiber, potassium,
and folate can lower blood pressure. Just one serving per day of folate-rich leafy greens,
like spinach or chard, can lower homocysteine levels, decreasing the risk of cardiovascular
disease. There is no better (or tastier) way to pack in the greens than with a mouth-watering
green smoothie
So keep things easy – both in the kitchen and outside of the kitchen – when it comes to
food. Choose whole, plant-based foods that specifically contain high levels of magnesium,
calcium, potassium, and B vitamins. These nutrients all help aid in nervous system health.
A new study recently showed that potassium-rich foods were also linked to lower rates of
heart stroke in women. Calcium helps reduce blood pressure and is so easy to get on a
vegan diet without milk at all. Magnesium is a nutrient that’s extremely important to lower
your stress levels, and B vitamins are another key component to reduce both physical and
mental stress.
Focus on these nutrients that we like to call “The Big 5” and make them a part of your daily
routine. They’ll help you feel better than any processed food will, and they’re so much kinder
to your body than animal-based meals. Plus, they’re also really inexpensive, which reduces
your stress on a whole other level. Eat up and feel your stress subside with each and every
1. Spinach
Spinach is an awesome leafy green to eat for breakfast, lunch or dinner. It boasts all
calcium, magnesium, potassium, and B vitamins, not to mention some iron and Vitamin
A for good measure. These nutrients help to both calm you down and boost your energy all
in one. Use some fresh spinach in your next morning smoothie or possibly add some to
your next super salad at lunch. Not a fan of spinach? Kale is a great alternative.
2. Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes are nature’s healthiest comfort food. They’re rich in magnesium and
Vitamin B6, and they have more potassium than a banana. They’re also a decent source of
calcium, with 40 milligrams per potato. Despite their sweet taste and high carb content, they
won’t spike your blood sugar like white potatoes and actually may help lower your glycemic
index to halt cravings quicker.
Pan roast your sweet potatoes to cook them more healthfully than fried versions, and enjoy
the simplicity behind preparing this easy, stress-reducing comfort food. Winter squash is a
great alternative if you’re not a sweet potato fan, however.
3. Bananas
Who doesn’t love bananas, right? Sweet, creamy, soft and satisfying, bananas are a treat
that actually count towards your fruit and veggie intake! I like having them at breakfast,
since my stress seems to be higher in the morning (which is actually when the stress
hormone cortisol is highest for most people). I find they help mellow me out and fill me up
all in one.
Have them over some yummy porridge, in a smoothie, alongside some nuts and seeds or
coconut yogurt, or just keep things easy and have one for a snack in between meals.
They’re also awesome to have pre or post-workout, since they contain a perfect mix of
magnesium, Vitamin B6, fiber, natural sugars, and potassium. Bananas also contain the
amino acid tryptophan, which helps lower your stress and reduce anxiety.
4. Chia
Chia is such a stress-reducing super food! Most people tend to forget about it to reduce
stress, but it’s amazingly high in all magnesium, potassium, B vitamins, calcium, and even
iron and fiber. Chia is great to not only reduce your stress, but it also improves your heart
health. It’s also a top notch energy food to help boost your workouts and aid in recovery.
Not to mention, it might just help you build some lean muscle, too! Mix some chia in your
next smoothie, oatmeal, bowl of quinoa, or try my favorite snack: make a yummy protein
pudding with chia, vegan vanilla protein powder, coconut flour, nondairy milk, stevia,
bananas, and some cacao.
5. Cacao
Speaking of cacao, it’s another awesome super food to fight stress, and you’ll want to enjoy
it more often. Cacao is rich in typtophan that triggers serotonin (the feel good hormone) and
helps the body produce dopamine (another feel good hormone). These both improve mood
and lower stress, all while giving you a boost of energy!
Cacao is one of the richest source of magnesium that exists, and it’s an awesome source of
B vitamins, iron, calcium, and potassium. Remember, no matter how indulgent cacao might
seem, it does come from a bean, which makes it a health food to be enjoyed as much as
absolutely possible.
You can use raw cacao or cocoa powder, though raw forms of cacao contain about seven
times the antioxidants of heated forms known as cocoa powder!
Life without olive oil would be sad indeed. Since antiquity, this miracle substance has been revered for
its wonderfully fruity flavor, but it’s so much more than a healthy topping for salad and a heavenly dip
for fresh-baked bread. Olive oil has dozens of unusual uses around the house, not to mention its
powerful moisturizing and healing properties on the hair and skin. Memorize these 12 reasons why
you should never be caught without it:
Paint clean-up: When your hands are covered in paint, sap or any other sticky substance that’s hard
to remove, try scrubbing them with olive oil and a little salt or sugar. The paint will come right off and
your skin will be soft and exfoliated.
Eye makeup remover: Even the heaviest makeup job can’t stand up to the removal power of olive
oil. Dab a little on a cotton pad and your eye shadow, eyeliner and mascara – including waterproof
formulas – will wipe right off.
Furniture polish: Olive oil helps remove dust from furniture and gives it a shine. Add a teaspoon to
a quarter cup of lemon juice, and you’ve got a non-toxic, petroleum-free polish that also gently cleans
wood surfaces.
Skin moisturizer: You might think using olive oil as a moisturizer would leave you with oily skin,
but that’s not the case. Used in small amounts, it seeps in completely, eliminating dryness and
reducing the appearance of wrinkles without clogging pores.
Shoe polish: What, exactly, is it in shoe polish that has such a headache-inducing smell? It could be
any number of potentially toxic ingredients. Banish them from your house and use olive oil instead.
Just buff onto your leather shoes with a cloth.
Bath oil: Add a few drops of your favorite essential oils to 3-4 tablespoons of olive oil and you’ve got
a custom bath oil that will gently scent and moisturize your skin.
Smooth shave: Slick and moisturizing, olive oil will help your razor glide along your skin for a
super-close, smooth shave with fewer nicks.
Throat soother: Got a big singing performance or speech coming up? Swallow a tablespoon of olive
oil just before you step on stage and you won’t have to clear your throat nearly as often. This trick also
works to soothe itchy throats and lubricate the back of the mouth and tonsil area, which may lessen
Hair treatment: Sure, you could buy a fancy commercially-prepared hot oil treatment for your hair
– or you could just grab the bottle of olive oil that’s already sitting on a shelf in your kitchen. Apply a
few tablespoons of warmed olive oil to damp hair, massage into the scalp and rub through the ends,
then leave it on for thirty minutes to an hour. The oil will clean and condition the scalp, soften the hair
and help the cuticles lay down flat for a sleek look.
Ear ache relief: A little warm olive oil is a fast, effective means of relieving painful ear aches. Just
place the bottle in a bowl of warm water for a few minutes, and then pour a few drops into the affected
ear. To cure ear infections, infuse the olive oil with a crushed clove of garlic, strain the garlic out and
drip into the ear.
Hairball prevention: Nobody likes the sound of a cat loudly hacking up a hairball, especially since
it always seems to happen when you’re trying to eat or sleep. Help it pass through your cat’s system
more easily by adding 1/4 teaspoon of olive oil to his or her food each day.
Psoriasis and diaper rash treatment: Olive oil soothes itchy, burning, irritated skin and may
help rashes heal. Apply it to a baby’s diaper rash or directly to any eruptions on your own skin for
quick relief. Consuming olive oil on a regular basis may also be helpful in the treatment of mild to
moderate psoriasis
We know that inadequate sleeping is associated with changes in diet, but what about the
opposite question: Can food affect sleep? In a study on kiwifruit, this seemed possible
(see Kiwifruit For Insomnia), but the mechanism the researchers suggested for the effect —
the serotonin levels in kiwifruit — doesn’t make any sense, since serotonin can’t cross the
blood-brain barrier. We can eat all the serotonin we want and it shouldn’t affect our brain
chemistry. A different brain chemical, though, melatonin, can get from our gut to our brain.
Melatonin is a hormone secreted at night by the pineal gland in the center of our brain to
help regulate our circadian rhythm. Supplements of the stuff are used to prevent and reduce
jet lag, and about 20 years ago, MIT got the patent to use melatonin to help people sleep.
But melatonin “is not only produced in the pineal gland — it is also naturally present in
edible plants.”
Orange bell peppers have a lot, as do walnuts—and a tablespoon of flaxseeds has about as
much as a tomato. The melatonin content of tomatoes was suggested as one of the
reasons traditional Mediterranean diets were so healthy. They have less melatonin than the
tart cherries, but people may eat a lot more tomatoes than cherries. Sweet cherries have 50
times less melatonin than tart ones; dried cherries appear to have none.
A few spices are pretty potent: just a teaspoon of fenugreek or mustard seeds has as much
as a few tomatoes. The bronze and silver go to almonds and raspberries, though. And the
gold goes to gojis. Goji berries were just off the charts.