Services and Events December 2015

Services and Events December 2015
1st Tuesday
Nicholas Ferrar,
2 Wednesday
The Ss, Mrrs and
Missionaries of
3 Thursday
Francis Xavier
4th Friday
Girls & Layclerks
5th Saturday
6 Sunday
Advent 2
11am: Boys &
3.30pm: Voluntary
7th Monday
Ambrose, Bishop
& Doctor
Boys Voices
8th Tuesday
9am Morning Prayer
1pm Specialist Schools Concert
6pm Stillness & Prayer
7pm Holy Eucharist
9am Morning Prayer
10.30am Holy Eucharist
6pm Evening Prayer
9am Morning Prayer
6pm Sacred Space
7.30pm Cor Cytgan
9am Morning Prayer
6pm Light up a Life Service
9.30am Offeren
Anthems: In paradisum, Durufle
The Angel Gabriel, arr. Malcolm
9am Morning Prayer
6pm Evening Prayer
7pm Vale of Clwyd Singers Concert
8am Holy Eucharist
3.30pm Choral Evensong
11am The Cathedral Eucharist
Responses: Clucas
Mass: Sumsion in F
Psalm: 75
Psalm: Benedictus
Office Hymn: 19 (omit *)
Motet: This is the record of John,
Setting: Stanford in G
Orlando Gibbons
Anthem: O thou the central orb,
Hymns: 55 5 10
Charles Wood
Preacher: The Residentiary Canon
Hymn: 16
Voluntary: Fugue sopra Magnificat,
Voluntary: Toccata on 'Veni Emmanuel'
J.S. Bach
- Andrew Carter
9am Morning Prayer
6pm Choral Evensong
9.30am Holy Eucharist
Responses: Ebdon
Psalm: 17
Setting: Watson in F
Anthem: Adam lay ybounden, Warlock
Hymn: 5
Voluntary: Nun komm' der Heiden
Heiland, BWV 659, J.S. Bach
7.30pm Emergency Services Carol
9am Morning Prayer
6pm Stillness & Prayer
Cynidr, Bishop
7pm Holy Eucharist (Parish Church)
7pm Esgob Morgan Service
9 Wednesday
9am Morning Prayer
4.30pm Evening Prayer
10.30am Holy Eucharist
6.30pm Confirmation Eucharist
See Special Order of Service
9pm Sung Compline
10 Thursday
9am Morning Prayer
6pm Evening Prayer
7.30pm Tenovus Charity Concert
11th Friday
9am Morning Prayer
6pm Choral Evensong
9.30am Offeren
Responses: Sanders
2.30pm Fairholme School
Psalm: 28, 29
Girls & Layclerks
Christmas Service
Setting: Noble in B minor
Anthem: How beautiful upon the
mountains, John Stainer
Hymn: 1
Voluntary: Trio Sonata 1 (i), J.S. Bach
12 Saturday
9am Morning Prayer
6pm Evening Prayer
7.30pm St Asaph Choral Society
13 Sunday
8am Holy Eucharist
6pm Choral Evensong by Candlelight
Advent 3
11am The Cathedral Eucharist
Introit: The Angel Gabriel, arr.
Mass: Ireland in F
11am The
Psalm: 146. 5-10
Responses: Smith
Cathedral Consort Motet: Rejoice in the Lord alway,
Psalm: 50. 1-6
anon. Setting: Sumsion in A
Boys, Girls &
Hymns: 12 345 6
Anthem: The Shepherd’s Pipe Carol,
Preacher: Juliet Fraser
John Rutter
Voluntary: Litanies, J. Alain
Hymns: 3 (ii) 28 36 26
Voluntary: Fanfare, John Cook
14 Monday
9am Morning Prayer
6pm Choral Evensong
John of the Cross
9.30am Holy Eucharist
Responses: Neary
Psalm: 34
Boys & Layclerks
Setting: Stanford in Bb
Anthem: People look East, arr. Archer
Hymn: 9
Voluntary: Fugue (Sonata), J. Jongen
15 Tuesday
9am Morning Prayer
1pm VP Carol Service
6pm VP Carole Service
6pm Stillness & Prayer (Parish)
7pm Holy Eucharist(Parish Church)
16th Wednesday
9am Morning Prayer
6pm Evening Prayer
Ember Day
10.30am Holy Eucharist
17 Thursday
9am Morning Prayer
6pm Evening Prayer
O Wisdom
7pm Ysgol Glan Clwyd Service
18th Friday
Ember Day
9am Morning Prayer
9.30am Offeren
6pm Choral Evensong
Responses: Byrd
Psalm: 84
Setting: The Second Service, Byrd
Anthem: A Song of Peace, Stanford
Hymn: 10
Voluntary: Magnificat primi toni, D.
19th Saturday
Ember Day
9am Morning Prayer
6pm Evening Prayer
7.30pm Voluntary Choir Concert
20th Sunday
Advent 4
8am Holy Eucharist
11am The Cathedral Eucharist
Mass: Stanford in C and F
Psalm: 80. 1-7
Motet: Magnificat in F, Dyson
Hymns: 188 186 11
Preacher: The Canon Precentor
Voluntary: Prelude in B minor BWV
544, J.S. Bach
3.30pm Evening Prayer
Girls & Layclerks
The Cathedral
7.30pm Trelawnyd Male Voice Choir
21st Monday
O Dayspring
9am Morning Prayer
9.30am Holy Eucharist
6pm Evening Prayer
7pm Youth Church Christmas Party
22nd Tuesday
O King of the
23 Wednesday
O Emmanuel
9am Morning Prayer
6pm Stillness & Prayer
7pm Holy Eucharist
9am Morning Prayer
10.30am Holy Eucharist
6pm Evening Prayer
9pm Sung Compline
9am Morning Prayer
6pm Evening Prayer
24th Thursday
Christmas Eve
Boys, Girls &
7pm Nine Lessons & Carols
See Order of Service
Voluntary: Toccata, M. Lanquetuit
11.30pm Solemn Midnight Mass
Introit: The Nativity Carol, Rutter
Mass: Missa Sancti Asaph, Hosking
Psalm: 96 (Duffy, Responsorial)
Motet: The Shepherd’s Pipe Carol,
Hymns: 32 30 26
Preacher: The Bishop of St Asaph
Voluntary: Toccata, M. Duruflé
25th Friday
Boys, Girls &
26th Saturday
St Stephen
27th Sunday
Christmas 1
The Holy Family
Organ & Cantor
28th Monday
The Innocents
29th Tuesday
Thomas of
30th December
Tathan, Abbot
31st December
John Wycliffe
8am Holy Eucharist
11am The Cathedral Eucharist
Introit: Ding Dong merrily on high,
arr. Russell Jory
Mass: Missa Sancti Asaph, Hosking
Psalm: 96 (Duffy, Responsorial)
Motet: In the bleak mid-winter,
Hymns: 34 42 26
Preacher: The Dean of St Asaph
Voluntary: Grand Chœur Dialogue,
E. Gigout
9am Morning Prayer
9.30am Holy Eucharist
11am The Parish Eucharist
Mass: Communion Service in F,
Psalm: 148
Motet: Come to Bethlehem,
Hymns: 42 25 36
Preacher: Fr Peter Allsworth
Voluntary: Vom himmel hoch, da
komm ich herr, J.S. Bach
9am Morning Prayer
9.30am Holy Eucharist
9am Morning Prayer
9am Morning Prayer
10.30am Holy Eucharist
9am Morning Prayer
The Very Rev’d Nigel Williams
The Rev’d Canon Rex Matthias
Alan McGuinness
Director of Music
John Hosking
Assistant Director of Music
6pm Evening Prayer
6pm Evening Prayer
6pm Stillness & Prayer
7pm Holy Eucharist
6pm Evening Prayer
6pm Evening Prayer
The Rev’d Canon Michael
Residentiary Canon
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