Equality analysis form If the activity you are planning to analyse is covered by an existing Equality Analysis or a relevant former Equality Impact Assessment, please use Section 2 of the form to highlight any updated information. The updated form should be sent through to the Equality and Diversity Unit for feedback, the start of the online consultation process and publication. Section 1 Equality Analysis Screening The following questions will identify whether a full Equality Analysis will be required. Please read the Equality Analysis guidance prior to completing the screening. 1. Name of the activity (strategy, policy, practice etc) Academic Regulatory Framework Review 2. Will this activity have the potential to deliver positive outcomes for students, staff and/or visitors from equality groups? Please provide evidence for your answer. The intention is that the changes to the regulations will make them easier to read, access and understand for all students and staff. By reviewing the regulations around extenuating circumstances the intention is that students will be much clearer on when they can apply and what the outcomes of applying are. It is hoped that this clarity will also encourage students to bring forward personal difficulties they may be facing at a much earlier stage when it is still possible to help them, rather than waiting until appeal for example. The regulations will also see a return to students having two attempts at a module ‘by right’ provided they engage at the first attempt. 3. Will this activity have the potential to create negative impacts on students, staff and/or visitors from equality groups? Please provide evidence for your answer. Any potential negative impact on a student would most likely come from poor communication about the changes. Therefore, the intention is to begin a campaign of notifying current students about the forthcoming changes to the regulations as soon as possible at the start of the 2014 calendar year and to keep reinforcing the messages throughout the year. This will be mirrored by ongoing communications to staff, particularly those who might be required to provide advice to students. There will be regulatory updates (e-mails, weekly news) and briefings given. 4. Does the activity have the potential to impact equality groups in the following ways: Access to or participation in UWE Faculties or Professional Services? Levels of representation across the UWE workforce? Student experience, attainment or withdrawal? Staff experience? Please indicate YES or NO. If the answer is YES then a full analysis must be carried out. If the answer is NO, please provide a justification. Yes E and D Unit – November 2013 1 Equality analysis screening sign off: Faculty Dean or Head of Service Faculty / service Date Please return the completed form back to the Equality & Diversity Unit for feedback and publication Section 2 Full Equality Analysis 1. Name of the activity (strategy, policy or practice etc) Academic Regulatory Framework Review (January 2014 - EA updated from an earlier version dated April 2012) 2. What is the aim of the activity (objective or purpose)? The proposals have been generated following an academic-led review that explored the fitness for purpose of UWE’s regulations, with the goal of making them understandable, user-friendly, fit for global student groups and flexible enough to be enduring. - Parity: equity of treatment through a sensibility that recognises ‘natural justice’, diversity and equality - Proportionality: an emphasis on enablement, not creating obstacles, of creating a set of rules, regulations and responsibilities appropriate to the task - Progression: recognizing the accumulation of learning, while not losing sight of diversity of offer and equality of opportunity - Programme: focused increasingly on programmes of study, around cognate disciplines, although mindful of variants of practice and capable of flexing to meet, for example, the needs of work-based learners - Partnership: mindful of our many professional and statutory bodies as well as the particular needs of our part-time and international partners - Precision: promoting the use of clear and transparent language and terms, which is concise and precise 3. If amending a current activity, what changes are proposed? It is proposed to make changes to UWE’s current Academic Regulations and Procedures (with E and D Unit – November 2013 2 effect from the 2014/15 academic year). Changes will include updating the Extenuating Circumstances regulations. This will include aligning them with the process of granting new assignment deadlines for students with reasonable adjustments (potentially introducing extensions for all students), introducing a ‘fit to sit’ policy, allowing students four goes by right at a module, clarifying the moderation and double marking processes and streamlining examination board procedures. 4. Who is responsible for developing and delivering the activity? Academic Regulatory Framework Management Group • • • • • Rachel Cowie (Acting Director, Corporate & Academic Services/Academic Registrar) Paul Gough (Deputy Vice Chancellor: Academic) Jane Harrington (Executive Dean, FBL) Julie McLeod (PVC Teaching, Learning and Student Experience) Tracey Horton (Academic Regulatory Framework Review Manager) 5. What measures will be used to assess whether the activity is successful? The following key points will provide specific opportunities for feedback and review, but more informal feedback from students and staff will be sought as the development of the new Academic Regulatory framework progresses. October – November 2012 – proposals were tested by cross service / cross faculty groups November 2012 – proposals were circulated to faculties for comment December 2012 - proposals for change were taken to Academic Board and approved December 2013 Systems development is ongoing with ITS. January 2014 – May 2014 – initiate and maintain a programme of communications with staff and students January 2014 – May 2014 – draft sections of the regulations to be made available to staff and students for feedback (via a wiki) June 2014 – new regulations to be taken to Academic Board for approval June 2014 – summary communication to all staff and students about the forthcoming changes – aim to use briefings and e-bulletins (consolidated information), myUWE etc. September 2014 – start of the year communication to all staff and students 6. Does the activity have a potentially adverse impact on equality groups, in terms of employment issues and/or service delivery for students and/or staff? In the table below, please give evidence to support your yes or no answers. If the answer is not known, indicate how you will source evidence. Meeting the public sector equality duty Please also use the table below to demonstrate whether the activity has the potential to eliminate unlawful discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations. Please use the ‘no’ column to highlight your responses. E and D Unit – November 2013 3 Yes No Women and men No, all proposals relate to the academic regulations which apply equally to all students. Proposals for extensions are intended to align with the processes of the Student Pregnancy, Maternity, Adoption and Partner Leave Policy and Procedures Making extensions available to all students with extenuating circumstances may reduce any perceived stigma around asking for an extended deadline as part of a reasonable adjustment. Trans people Black and minority ethnic groups Disabled people E and D Unit – November 2013 ‘‘Fit to sit’ may pose dilemmas for students whose disability could ‘flare up’ or in the case of students who have a certified illness or mental health difficulty that would mean they are unable to exercise the judgement necessary at the time to deem themselves fit or unfit to take an assessment. However, these students will be able to submit extenuating circumstances provided they can provide evidence of a condition. They will also have access to advice from Student Advisers and Disability Advisers. In order to ‘release’ the entitlement to a second attempt, students must have demonstrated engagement with the module at the first attempt, or have ECs accepted. Students who have disabilities may be more vulnerable to not fulfilling these criteria than others. Therefore, 4 Not known clear comms. and encouragement for students to engage with the University is key. Younger or older people Need to ensure that regulations are written in a clear, unambiguous manner and ensure they are are accessible to all. Use the services of the University solicitors and / or a reviewer to check the language. Regulations are available online, but hard copies summarising the key points are also available at infopoints and from the SU Advice Centre. People of different religion and beliefs Need to ensure that regulations are written in a clear, unambiguous manner and ensure they are are accessible to all. Use the services of the University solicitors and / or a reviewer to check the language. Lesbian, gay, bisexual people Marriage and civil partnership Pregnancy and E and D Unit – November 2013 No, all proposals relate to the academic regulations which apply equally to all students. For all groups, ‘Fit to sit’ may 5 maternity pose dilemmas for students in terms of whether to engage with an assessment. However, reference can be made to the Student Pregnancy, Maternity, Adoption and Partner Leave Policy and Procedures as well as any requirements set out in an individual’s pregnancy support plan. care must be taken in cases where extensions are granted, not to overburden vulnerable individuals because assessment handin dates can become ‘bunched’ due to extended deadlines. In order to ‘release’ the entitlement to a second attempt, students must have demonstrated engagement with the module at the first attempt, or have ECs accepted. Students who are in a period of maternity or adoption may be more vulnerable to not fulfilling these criteria than others. Therefore, clear comms. and encouragement for students to engage with the University is key. 7. Please give evidence of how you have engaged equality groups in the equality analysis process. Is further engagement required? Includes details of the evidence from the previous equality analysis of April 2012 Consultation: 1. Consulted directly with Students’ Union officers, who have consulted with student representatives. 2. Consulted with staff working in the Disability Service. 3. Consulted directly with Student Advisers. 4. Consulted with academic and administrative staff in meetings and via e-mail. 5. Compared UWE regulations with those of other HEIs. E and D Unit – November 2013 6 6. Monthly meetings commenced from October 2013 looking at the proposed changes to the extenuating circumstances regulations, this group includes staff from the Disability Service, SPS, Wellbeing and the SU President, the VP Education and the VP Community and Welfare. These meetings are ongoing. Methods used: Working groups 1:1 meetings Feedback sought in scheduled meetings (e.g. Academic Board, Student Representation Council). E-mail communication Testing groups Met with / consulted with staff at other HEIs (e-mail and use of forums) 8. What action can be taken to mitigate any potential negative impacts or address different needs? Please comment and then complete an action plan (see appendix 1). During the initial 2012 scoping phase the project manager consulted as widely as possible across the institution, with staff (including those working with our partner institutions), students and External Examiners. Following this there continues to be engagement with a cross section of University staff and Student Union staff. The intention is to publish draft sections of the new regulations on the web for comment from staff / students before they are finalised. 9. Please indicate the level of equality relevance: High Medium √ Low 10. Equality analysis sign off: Faculty Dean or Rachel Cowie (Acting Director of Corporate & Academic Services/Academic Head of Service Registrar) Faculty / service Corporate and Academic Services Date 06/01/14 Please return this form to the Equality and Diversity Unit for feedback, the start of the consultation process and publication. E and D Unit – November 2013 7 Equality analysis - action plan Appendix 1 Name of activity: Academic Regulatory Framework Review (Update) Plan completed by: Tracey Horton (TH) Issues Actions required Information/data ITS resource to be required identified. Consultation Monitoring and review arrangements Responsible Person TH Final consultation with Faculty staff. TH Consultation with Chief External Examiners. TH Academic Board Meetings. TH E and D Unit – November 2013 Service / faculty: Corporate and Academic Services (CAS) Resources required Need lead times for staff to implement proposed changes Target date Ongoing Success Indicators Develop an agreed schedule for changes. TH to coordinate with support of Associate Deans TH to coordinate November 2012 To receive approval from faculty staff on the proposals. November 2012 TH to write report / regulations for each meeting. December 2012 April 2013 December 2013 To receive External Examiner support for the changes. Approval of committee and / or receiving feedback 8 What progress has been made? Initial meeting has been held with ITS (October 2012). Paper re. reintroduction of two attempts drafted in December 2013 for ISCG Completed 2012 Proposals circulated 2nd November. Completed 19th November 2012. Completed and approved. Publication Review impact on new regulations post implementation TH Publication of new regulations (13/14) TH CAS TH to coordinate for 2013. Project manager role ends in 2014 so CAS to identify support for the regulations thereafter. Marketing support to publish new regulations Publication of new regulations (14/15) Sept / Oct 2014 To obtain feedback / comments from students and staff. Action – Post Sept 2014 September 2013 To ensure all staff and students are able to access copies of the regulations and that briefing sessions have taken place to explain the changes. Published Sept 2013 September 2014 A communications strategy will need to be designed to align with each publication date. Other actions Liaise with marketing to establish most effective way to present the regulations online TH Marketing CAS May 2014 Please return form to the Equality and Diversity Unit E and D Unit – November 2013 May 2013 9 Publication due Sept 2014 Comms strategy has been devised. Was used in 2013, will be used again in 2014. TH and Rachel Cowie met with Marketing on 17th July 2013, future meetings to be arranged as required.