Substance Dissolved Oxygen WATER POLLUTION PUZZLE QUIZ From where does it Environmental come (Sources) Concerns What Is It? The O2 gas in between H2O molecules Aeration (riffles, waterfalls, etc) Too Low – Fish Kill Photosynthesis Too High – gas bubble disease Human Health Concerns Low – can be a sign of fecal contamination of water Low temperature BOD Nitrate How much demand there is for oxygen in the water - Plant Nutrient (NO3 ) Biodegradable organic stuff (sewage, manure, dead stuff) - Dead Stuff - Sewage - Fertilizers Decrease DO = fish kill High – can be a sign of fecal contamination of water Algae bloom leading to low DO & fish kills Blue Baby Syndrome Phosphate Low pH Plant nutrient (PO43-) Too many hydrogen ions in a solution - Dead Stuff - Sewage - Fertilizers - Detergents Acid rain - NOx & SOx from burning FF’s lead to HNO3 and H2SO4 Algae bloom leading to low DO & fish kills None 6 – 8 usually ok but less None at values typically can decrease biodiversity seen Acid Mine Drainage Atrazine Very common herbicide used in the U.S. (one of the most widely used in the world) Farms Hard to know – alleged Some studies show that endocrine disruptor, it’s an estrogen disruptor possible carcinogen, causing reproductive epidemiological defects on fish & frogs at connection to low sperm very low concentrations count in men. Hardness Fecal Coliform Test Total Chlorine Presence of certain ions in water (Ca+ and Mg+) Fecal contamination with disease-causing bacteria Rocks/Minerals Limestone (CaCO3) Mammal feces (natural, farms, or sewage) Added to drinking water to kill pathogens Amount of chlorine in the water Added to some sewage treatment effluent to kill pathogens Needed in the water for plants Can be irritating when we have hard water at home (slippery, soap scum build-up, etc.) Decrease DO = fish kill Waterborne diseases Fish kills if not enough time given for it to evaporate out of the water Reacts with organic compounds to form carcinogenic THM’s (trihalomethanes like chloroform) Pipes or faucets in homes (built before 1986) Lead A heavy metal (Pb) 20% of gasoline in the world contains this (storage tanks can leak) Delays in mental development Some poisoning seen in wildlife Learning & memory problems High Blood Pressure/Kidney problems Runoff or leaks from waste dumps Combustion of Coal Waste Incinerator Mercury A heavy metal (Hg) Unlined landfill (some electronics, coal ash waste) Rocks and minerals Salinity Amount of salt in the water Roadways from winter applications Bioaccumulation and biomagnifications up the food chain (persistent in the environment – doesn’t break down) Neurological problems Loss of biodiversity sensitive to higher salt concentrations None Severe birth defects Soil erosion! Sediment/ Turbidity Heat/ Thermal Pollution Fluoride Cloudiness of water Algae blooms Less sunlight penetration Less photosynthesis Diseases or heavy metals can be attached to sediment runoff Carp or fishermen stirring up sediment Heats up water(darker water absorbs more sun), so less DO Warm/hot water discharged into water Nuclear power plant or other industrial plant Thermal shock to aquatic organisms None The ion of fluorine Added to drinking water to reduce tooth decay Unsure Discoloration of teeth, unsure of other health impacts