DECLARATION FORM FOR CHEMICAL PRODUCTS PRODUCT REGISTER Norwegian Environment Agency Postboks 6257 Etterstad , 0603 Oslo Telephone: + 47 73 58 05 00 Telefax: + 47 23 24 17 93 Shaded boxes to be completed by Product Register Declaration no 1. Trade name for substance or mixture as shown on the label: 2. Classification Enter the classification either according to the Norwegian Regulations relating to classification, labelling etc. of dangerous chemicals or the Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008 (CLP) Symbol letter, R-phrases according to Chemical labelling regulations: No. of variants (for simplified declarations only): ................... Signal words, code for hazard pictograms and codes for hazard statements according to CLP: Mark if product is solely raw material: Box 1: Concerning simplified declaration see guidelines Labelled on the basis of tests? 3. Company responsible for filling out the declaration form: company only) Yes No Enterprise no. (Norwegian ____________________________________ Telephone Address ____________________________________ E-mail ____________________________________ Box 3: Another company may fill out the declaration form, but the final legal responsibility rests with the first company in Norway to import the chemical product. They will be legally responsible under the Norwegian law for the completeness and accuracy of the information provided. 4. Quantities: Tonnes/year Figures for year: Produced Imported Renamed Exported Box 4: Quantities in tonnes/year. Telephone: 5. Manufacturer: Company name: Address: E-mail: Box 5: Give the name of the actual manufacturer of the chemical. TB-0800E Page 1 of 4 Country: 6. Company name on label: Name: Address: Box 6: Give Telephone: the name and address of the company in the EEA named on the label. 7. List of customers/Norwegian distributors: Name Address Enterprise no Telephone/E-mail Box 7: If the company responsible for filling out the declaration form is not Norwegian, please give the name of the Norwegian customer (first company in the chain of distribution) here. Append a separate list if there is too little space. The Enterprise number should be available through your customer/distributor. 8. Branches of industry where the product is used (one line per branch): Branch code Are the chemicals also used for nonoccupational purposes? If « YES », give the percentage of non-occupational purposes PR1 YES : NO : %-distribution Sum 100% Give a description of the branches where the product is used: Box 8: List the branches of industry that you consider to be the most important (use codes or key words) and % for each. Unspecified branches should be < 20% of the total. Examples of branches of industry: 23.5, “Manufacture of cement, lime and plaster” and 06, “Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas”. 9. Product type (one line per product type): Code %-distribution Sum 100 % Description of the product type: Box 9: List the product types that you consider to be the most important (use codes or key words) and % for each. Unspecified types should be < 20% of the total. Examples of product types: “Cleaning product for floors” and H1520, “Glue hardener”. TB-0800E Page 2 of 4 10. Constituents of the chemical product: Unambiguous chemical name/Raw material name Identification number No. CAS-no. EC-no. /P-no.| Are all the constituents given? Function (code) Yes Classification according to the Norwegian regulation relating to classification, labelling etc. of dangerous chemicals: Symbol letter, R-phrases and Notes No Classification according to CLP: Hazard Class, Hazard Category, Hazard statement Code(s) and Notes Given on label? (yes/no) Sum weight % (=100) Box 10: List all constituents with identity numbers (CAS/EC no.), unambiguous chemical names, functions in the chemical, classification and exact % by weight. Raw materials may be listed with declaration numbers if available. Examples of functions are corrosion inhibitor, plasticizer, siccative, etc. Give any further information on health and environmental risks in box 12. Constituents must be numbered (first column), as the numbers will be used for reference in any subsequent correspondence. Append a separate list if there is too little space. TB-0800E Page 3 of 4 Weight-% 11. Physical data: Form/consistence: Fast (briquettes/rods) Tick here: Partition coefficient (n-octanol/water): Powder Bio concentration factor (BCF): Pasta pH (as sold): Liquid Specific weight kg/m3: Gas Tick if the chemical contains nanomaterials: Information about the content of nanomaterials that is known for the registrant should be given. The definition of nanomaterials follows the EC Recommendation 2011/696/EU Aerosol Flash point oC: (Mandatory for flammable liquids) Method used (CC/OC) 12. Other relevant information: 13. Confidentiality and signature: In principle all information given to government authorities shall be available to the public. If some information must be treated as confidential, please indicate the information you want to be treated as confidential. Information available from other sources (e.g. safety data sheet or label) will normally not be confidential. Information that you want to keep confidential has to be specified and argued for below in brief. A more thorough argumentation must be available upon request from the Norwegian authorities. All information that is not specified as confidential will be treated as public information. Does this form have information that you want to keep confidential? Yes Protection of information is in accordance with the Norwegian Product Control Act. No How to understand the table below: -Protection of trade name: The chemical shall not be linked to your company in any public information. -Protection of quantities: Quantities shall not be public information except as part of anonymous statistics. -Protection of manufacturer: Manufacturer is not to be identified to the public. -Protection of Norwegian distributors: Distributors are not to be identified to the public. -Protection of the composition: No part of the constituents is to be public information. If information about constituents stated on a safety data sheet should be treated as confidential, this must be stated explicitly. -If the information that the chemical contains nanomaterial should be treated as confidential, this must be stated here. Subject Trade secret (tick box) Reason why the information shall be kept confidential Trade name Quantities Manufacturer Norwegian distributors Constituents of the product Nanomaterials I hereby confirm that the information given above is correct and will be updated regularly. I understand that all documents of relevance to the completion of the declaration form shall be available in the company. The authorities may require such documentation to be submitted on request. For the company Date: TB-0800E signature: Page 4 of 4