Course Objectives

Principles of Marketing
Course Syllabus 2014-2015
Mr. Peter Vajda
Cambridge High School
2845 Bethany Bend, Milton, GA 30004
Room 2620
Marketing Essentials Glencoe/McGraw Hill
Replacement Cost: Fulton County cost.
Using project-based and textbook instruction, students are introduced to the principles of marketing.
Marketing Principles is the foundational course for all pathways in Marketing Education. Marketing Principles
addresses all the ways in which marketing satisfies consumer and business needs and wants for products and
services. Students develop an understanding of the functions of marketing and how these functional areas affect all
businesses. They learn basic marketing concepts and the role of marketing in our economy. Students also develop
skills in applying economic concepts to marketing, distribution and logistics, marketing information management,
finance in marketing, product/service planning, pricing mixes, promotional strategies, and personal selling.
Competitive event standards for the co-curricular student organization DECA, An Association of
Marketing Education Students are integral components of the curriculum’s core employability and technical skills
standards. Therefore, DECA competitive events will be incorporated with other instructional strategies developed
for the course. Students are encouraged to join DECA and be an active participant in competitive events outside the
classroom. The prerequisite of this course is Introduction to Sports and Entertainment Marketing.
Course Objectives
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
Examine marketing principles in relation to the free enterprise system and the global environment.
Integrate social-studies skills into marketing, sales and service to obtain an understanding of customers and
the economic environment in which they function.
Acquire foundational knowledge of marketing concepts to understand the scope and impact of marketing
on the economy.
Implement, modify, and improve business and marketing systems to facilitate business activities.
Acquire foundational knowledge of international business and marketing concepts to understand the scope
and impact on the economy.
Utilize distribution knowledge to manage supply-chain activities.
Employ financial knowledge and skill to facilitate marketing decisions.
Acquire foundational knowledge of marketing information and research to understand its scope on business
and marketing decisions.
Utilize pricing strategies to maximize return and meet customers’ perception of value.
Employ processes and techniques to develop, maintain, and improve a product/service mix.
Employ processes and techniques to sell goods, services and ideas.
Utilize promotional knowledge and skill for communicating information to achieve a desired
marketing outcome.
Principles of Marketing
Course Syllabus 2014-2015
Basics of Marketing
Supply and Demand
Market Segmentation
International Marketing Strategies
Distribution and Financing
Marketing Research
New Product Development
Personal Selling
Promotional Mix
Instructional Methods
Lectures, demonstration, simulations, guest speakers, collaborative pairs, projects and individualized instruction.
Evaluation Methods
Class Assignments
Final Exam
Grading Scale:
Help Session:
Below 70
By appointment
Class Expectations/Course Requirements
Behavior: Students are expected to treat the people, equipment and resources in the lab with respect. Students are
expected to listen carefully and follow directions. Students should begin their assignments immediately upon
entering class. Students should raise their hand and wait for permission to speak. They should also follow all of the
rules listed in the student handbook. Students are required to use the internet for research topics and assignments
suggested by the teacher. If this privilege is abused, the student will be banned from using the Computer during
class. Cambridge High School Tardy Policy will be strictly enforced.
Honor Code/Plagiarism Policy
Integrity is a Cambridge High School core value. Cambridge students are expected to demonstrate honesty and
integrity in all work submitted to a teacher. The honor code ensures the validity of student work which guides
instruction. All CHS students are bound by the Cambridge Honor Code. (the Student Handbook for more detailed
Recovery Policy
The goal of the CHS Recovery Policy is to support students in achieving mastery in both curriculum content and
standards. (See the Student Handbook for more information.)
Principles of Marketing
Course Syllabus 2014-2015
Make Up Work Policy
Students may make up all work missed on an excused and preapproved absence. Work assigned during the absence
must be returned to the teacher within the same number of days as the absence which was excused. Unexcused
absences may result in grade reduction.
Technology at CHS
Cambridge High School supports the use of technology for academic pursuits. This includes cell phones, tablets, and
laptops. The use and type of technology in a classroom is at the sole discretion of the teacher. All technology must
be turned off and put away upon entering each instructional area. Permission to use technology will be
explicitly stated by the teacher.
Discipline Plan:
Students are expected to adhere to classroom, as well as, school rules. Consequences for not adhering to the rules are
as follow: First – Verbal Warning, Second – Action Plan and Call to Parents, Third – Detention before or after
school, Fourth – Referred to the Assistant Principal. The teacher will provide additional information as deemed
necessary. If you have any questions regarding this course, please contact the teacher.
Work-Ready and End-of-Pathway assessments:
The Georgia Department of Education has made available two assessments to ascertain the competence of our career
technology students. The assessments are Work-Ready and End-of-Pathway. The Work-Ready assessment
measures the skills of Georgia's workers, determines valuable job training opportunities, and assures companies that
the state can provide a long-term, qualified labor supply, and is a requirement for some Georgia jobs. The End-ofPathway assessment measures the level of technical skill attainment of each career pathway completer. The WorkReady assessment will be administered to all work-based learning students and all seniors currently enrolled in a
CTE course. The End-of-Pathway assessments will be administered to all CTE students who have finished or are
finishing a pathway. Tests will be administered in October and April.
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Cut here and return only this bottom portion to Mr. Vajda. Thank You!
If you are joining DECA, please attach this to the DECA Membership Form.
Principles of Marketing
I have read the syllabus and understand what is expected of me (my student) in the classroom.
Student Signature
Student’s printed name
Parent/Guardian Signature
Parent Email