HOMEOPATHIC APPROACH TO NEPHROTIC SYNDROME Kidneys are two bean shaped organs, positioned at the focal point of our back, on either side of the spinal column, underneath the rib cage. Kidneys work as sophisticated recycling devices, separating urea, mineral salts, toxins and other waste products from the blood. They safeguard water, salts and electrolytes that are essential for the operation of other organs and systems in the body. Kidneys also produce hormones that control red blood cell production, blood pressure and calcium metabolism. Kidneys perform a life sustaining job for the body by maintaining a stable balance of body chemicals. Any malfunctioning in this balance leads to Kidney disorders, one of which is Nephrotic Syndrome. Nephrotic Syndrome is a forewarning that your Kidneys are being damaged. Nephrotic Syndrome is a multifaceted immunological disorder where there is unusual leakage of protein, prompting low levels of proteins and high levels of fat in blood and swelling of body parts. Nephrotic Syndrome is an outcome of damage to the small blood vessels in the kidneys known as glomeruli that strains wastes and surplus water from the blood, and passes it on to the bladder as urine. When the glomeruli are operational, they uphold protein in the blood and avoid leakage into the urine. When damaged, they don’t execute this role successfully, and 3 grams or more of the protein can escape daily out of the blood. When blood is low in protein, fluid accumulates in the body’s tissues rather than circulating, causing puffiness all over the body. Normal amounts of blood protein are essential to help control fluid throughout the body. Causes of Nephrotic Syndrome: Minimal change disease in children, a Kidney disorder triggered by an allergic reaction, viral infection, immunization, etc. Membranous glomerulonephritis, an inflammation in the Kidney. Strep throat. Pre-eclampsia, toxemia during pregnancy. Mononucleosis, an infection caused by Epstein Barr virus. Hepatitis, a contagious disease of the liver. Overuse of non-steroidal anti inflammatory drugs, substance abuse, etc. Genetic disorders like Down’s syndrome, Hemophilia, cancers, celiac disease, etc. Immune disorders like Allergies, Asthma, Diabetes, Hypertension, Rheumatoid Arthritis, etc. Systemic lupus erythematosus, an autoimmune disorder that affects the skin, joints, Kidneys and other organs. Multiple Myelomas, cancer of the plasma cells in bone marrow. Amyloidosis, a disorder in which protein fibers are deposited in tissues and organs. Segmental glomerulosclerosis, scarring of the tiny blood vessels in the Kidney. Heart failure. Symptoms of Nephrotic Syndrome: Swelling on the face, around eyes, ankles and feet. Stomach pain. Low urine output. Excessive protein excretion in the urine. Weight gain from fluid retention. Muscle wasting. Loss of appetite. Frothy urine. Shortness of breath. Low or high blood pressure depending on age. Nutritional deficiencies. Stunted growth in children. Hair loss. Delicate nails. Blood clotting inside the Kidney or excessive bleeding. Kidney failure. Shock. Homeopathic approach to Nephrotic Syndrome: Homeopathy does not identify Kidneys as a simple organ of excretion or selective filtration, but appreciates it in relation to the individual as a whole. Kidneys have a comprehensive role, the fluids coming to it and going from it impinge on every organ, tissue and cell of our body. Homeopathy plays a significant role in long term management at all stages and variants of Nephrotic Syndrome. The basic approach in Homeopathy is to evaluate Nephrotic Syndrome in its totality, whereby a lot of highlight is given to the patient as a whole besides thoroughly studying various aspects of the disorder. Homeopathic remedies help arrest further progress of the disease and assist in recuperating faster, reduce and eventually stop the need for steroids, reduce duration, frequency and severity of the attacks by regulating the autoimmune processes. The remedies manage the protein leakage, by amending the glomerular function of the Kidney. Remedies also uplift the body’s own healing capacity, whereby precluding the frequent infections such as colds, throat infections, etc. Homeopathic remedies when taken in the preliminary stage of Nephrotic Syndrome can prevent complications like renal failure, consequently, limiting the option for dialysis or transplant. In instances, where Kidney damage has advanced, Homeopathy discourages further progression of the syndrome, and will contribute in reducing the frequency of dialysis, or at times, even eliminate the need for dialysis. Homeopathic approach focuses on a detailed case study, which involves the medical history of the patient, underlying pathology, mental, emotional and spiritual aspect of the patient, family history, personal history, possible causative factors, and much more. The Homeopathic focus is not on treating the disease but in healing the person who is sick and in reviving the health. Homeopathic remedies will help enhance the quality of life, by strengthening the immune system of the patient, thus, making them less susceptible to infections. Some Homeopathic remedies that are commonly used in the treatment of Nephrotic Syndrome are given below. These are just a few of the commonly used Homeopathic remedies and are mentioned only to create awareness about the effectiveness of Homeopathic medicines in Nephrotic Syndrome. It is not advisable to resort to self-medication for any disease. Homeopathic remedies for Nephrotic Syndrome: Apis Mellifica: This is a brilliant remedy for inflammation of the Kidneys. These patients appear flushed and swollen. They are intolerant to heat and slightest touch. They cannot think clearly and are extremely exhausted and unresponsive. Their face especially eyelids are swollen, red with burning and stinging pain, tongue looks fiery, red and raw with vesicles and scalding in the mouth. Feet are swollen, stiff and feel too large. These patients are thirst less, vomit after meals, and feel pressure and discomfort on their stomach. They cannot urinate without passing stool. Urine is suppressed, involuntary, with burning and soreness. Berberis Vulgaris: This is an indicated remedy for renal troubles. There is inflammation of the Kidneys with pain. The patient complains of pain radiating all over the body originating from small of back and is worse by standing and active exercise. Patient feels over weight due to water retention. Mouth has a sticky sensation with diminished, frothy, cotton like saliva. Thirst alternates with thirstlessness, hunger and loss of appetite. Burning pain in bladder region, thighs and groins while urinating, sensation as if some urine always remains in bladder. Urine has thick mucus, blood and white red sediment. Standing increases urinary complains. Cantharis: This remedy is made from the Spanish fly and is very influential in treating bladder and Kidney disruptions. These patients complain of an unbearable urge to pass bloody, shreddy and jelly like urine by drops. They complain of strong spasms of cutting and burning in entire renal region. Their complain gets worse by drinking even small amounts of coffee. These patients are very restless, anxious and cry in rage. They have an unquenchable thirst with no desire to eat or drink. Cuprum Arsenicosum: This is a first-rate remedy for deficient Kidney function especially Nephritis during pregnancy. The patient’s tongue looks dirty brown, thickly coated with a metallic taste. These patients complain of enduring fatigue, pain in the lower back with renal insuffiency and Uremia. Urine smells like garlic. These patients are Diabetic. Their skin feels icy cold with sweat. Sarsaparilla: This is an outstanding remedy for renal colic in infants with emaciation and difficulty in urinating. Urine is scanty, slimy, flaky, bloody, sandy and in feeble stream. Child screams with pain before and while urinating. Bladder is swollen and tender. Pain is from right Kidney downward. Patient’s skin looks wrinkled and lies in folds. All symptoms are worse from dampness, at night and after urination. Solidago: This remedy is indicated for Nephrotic Syndrome with pain while urinating and in the region of Kidneys that is sensitive to pressure. Urine is offensive, difficult, scanty, reddish brown with albumin, blood, and thick sediment. Pain in Kidneys extends to abdomen and bladder. Terebinthina: This remedy is made from Turpentine and has a special affinity for urinary symptoms. There is swelling of the Kidneys with hemorrhages following any acute disease. These patients find their own voice unnatural, humming as of a seashell. Talking loudly is painful for them. Urine is slow, painful, scanty, bloody, and comes in drops with pain in the right Kidney extending to the hip. Patient complains of nausea and vomiting. Self-care measures for Nephrotic Syndrome: Eat enough protein, to replace the protein loss in the urine. However, excessive protein should be avoided, as filtering of surplus protein can cause tubular damage to the Kidneys. Reduce sodium intake to ease the swelling. Avoid fatty foods. Avoid caffeine, smoking and alcohol. Monitor your fluid intake. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Garlic, ginger and parsley are strengthening herbs for the Kidney. Hence, Homeopathy can skillfully manage symptoms related with Nephrotic Syndrome. With well-timed Homeopathic treatment it may be possible to avoid steroid dependency and Kidney failure. ________________________________________________________________________________ About the author: Neepa Sevak (DHMS, DHom, DIHom, DHM, CCH, RSHom (NA), HMA) is experienced and registered with the Arizona Homeopathic Board of Medical Examiners, and certified by the Council of Homeopathic certification. She is currently practicing Classical Homeopathy, is a Supervisor, Clinical Faculty and is on the Board of International Affairs at the American Medical College of Homeopathy. Neepa is also serving as a specialist at ACA (Autism Community of Africa, an organization that is helping heal Autistic children in Africa, with the help of Homeopathic remedies). Her mission is to “Promote Health through Homeopathy with a Holistic, Totalistic, and Individualistic approach”. Phone: (480) 363 0758 Email: homeopathiccure@cox.net Website: www.homeopathic-cure.com