Figure Drawing Rubric: Intro 2D Art Class

Full Value Observational Figure Drawing
Class time
Intro 2D
NAME _______________________________
Student demonstrates no
regard for cleanliness and
craftsmanship. There are
many rips and tears in the
drawing. No regard for
presentation. Many smudges
Student made no effort to
improve or revise drawing.
Student did not self-evaluate
and was careless regarding
the end product.
Student demonstrates little
regard for cleanliness and
craftsmanship. There are
some rips and tears in the
drawing. Little regard for
presentation. Many smudges
Student made little effort to
improve or revise drawing.
Student did not self-evaluate
and showed little care
regarding the end product.
Students did not use class
time to work. Was always
found socializing and
bothering others during
times of work. Did not
participate and showed no
respect for the class.
Student utilized 25% of class
time. Was found repeatedly
using time inappropriately
and disturbing other
students frequently.
Minimally participated,
showed little respect for the
Used little or no shading
techniques to create value,
objects seem flat. No erasing
has been used to clean
images or create space. Little
change from darks to lights.
Abrupt value changes.
Outlines are used in many
Student demonstrates some
regard for cleanliness and
craftsmanship. Paper has
one or two rips, creases, or
tears. Some regard for
presentation. Some smudges
Student made some effort to
improve or revise drawing.
Student used little selfevaluation, but showed
some care regarding the end
Student was found wasting
time about 50% of the time.
Could be found
inappropriately socializing
multiple times during times
of work. Participated some
of the time, showed some
respect for the class.
Attempted to use a shading
technique to create value,
but objects are still slightly
flat. Little erasing has been
used to create space. Some
gradual change from darks to
lights. Some outlines are
used to define objects
instead of value.
Student demonstrates good
regard for cleanliness and
craftsmanship. Paper has
one or no rips or creases.
Much regard for
presentation. Few smudges
Student made a good effort
to improve or revise
drawing. Student selfevaluated and showed
concern regarding the end
Student utilized 75% of the
class time to work on
project. Assisted others, but
could be found socializing
during times of work.
Participated most of the
time, showed respect for the
Used some shading
techniques to add value and
give the objects depth. Some
erasing has been used to
create highlights and define
objects. Values, instead of
lines, are used to define
objects. Gradual change
from darks to lights.
Student composes the
drawing using some of the
space - creating some
balance and harmony with
the placement of objects on
the page. No focal point is
used. Overlapping is not
obvious. Body is
The focal point is created,
but not defined. Overlapping
is used in some places but
lacks depth between objects.
Many objects show
inaccurate representation of
proportion. Site measuring
was not used. Inaccurate
human proportions.
Focal point is created and
defined, with many areas of
overlapping. Some excess
negative space or
inappropriate cropping of
objects on the page. Some
inaccurate representation of
Used no shading techniques
to create value. Objects
drawn are very flat. No
erasing has been used to
create space. Values switch
from dark to light without
middle tones. Outlines,
instead of value are used to
define objects.
Student uses a very small
part of the drawing space.
No focal point is created, no
overlapping is used. Objects
are carelessly placed on the
picture plane. No human
proportions were used.
Student demonstrates
mastery of cleanliness and
craftsmanship. Paper is
completely void of any rips
or creases and is portfolioworthy. No smudges.
Student made great effort to
improve or revise drawing.
Student frequently selfevaluated and showed great
concern regarding the end
Student consistently
demonstrated commendable
studio behavior; was
respectful to other students
and art materials, had no
class cuts or unexcused
tardies; wisely utilized class
time and fully participated.
Used a variety of shading
techniques to add value and
give it depth. Mindful erasing
has been used to create
accurate values and define
objects. Gradual change
from darkest darks to
lightest lights. Values,
instead of outlines, define
Interesting and eye-catching
composition. Fills the entire
composition with little
negative space. All figures
meet the human proportion
guidelines, including limbs
and extremities.
TOTAL POINTS: _____________________ /25