iPad iMovie Movie Trailer Rubric

iPad iMovie Movie Trailer Rubric
Clips Included
Clips are chosen appropriately.
Clips are filled with action, or
other relevant moments from
the film.
Clips are chosen appropriately
for the most part, with a few
questionable scenes here and
Clips chosen do not add to the
trailer and are weak. Clips do
not contain relevant moments
from the film.
Most clips chosen do not add to
the trailer and seem random or
Character Development
All principle characters were
introduced and an
understanding of character(s)
personalities and relationships
were demonstrated.
Most principle characters were
introduced and an
understanding of character(s)
personalities and relationships
were demonstrated for the most
Some principle characters were
introduced but an
understanding of character(s)
personalities and relationships
was not demonstrated.
No principle characters were
introduced and an
understanding of character(s)
personalities and relationships
was not demonstrated.
Audience Appeal
Trailer makes people want to see
the actual movie. A hint at a
deeper secret or cliffhanger is
used to make the audience want
to see more.
An attempt to make people
want to see the actual movie was
made. May be in need of a
stronger secret or cliffhanger.
An attempt to make people
No attempt to make people
want to see the actual movie was want to see the actual movie was
made. However, too much
information was given and the
audience wasn’t left wanting
Movie Trailer Characteristics
No errors in grammar, spelling Few errors in grammar, spelling Some errors in grammar,
or punctuation that distracts the or punctuation that distracts the spelling or punctuation that
viewer from the content.
viewer from the content.
distracts the viewer from the
Many errors in grammar, spelling
or punctuation that distracts the
viewer from the content.
Contains all of the following:
Original title, original
production company, original
characters names, and actors’
first name and last initial in end
Missing 2 of the following:
Original title, original
production company, original
characters names, and actors’
first name and last initial in end
Missing 3 or more of the following:
Some shots are clearly focused,
well framed and held steady.
Few or no shots are clearly
focused, well framed or held
Missing 1 of the following:
Original title, original
production company, original
characters names, and actors’
first name and last initial in end
Original title, original
production company, original
characters names, and actors’
first name and last initial in end
Filming Techniques
Camera Techniques
All shots are clearly focused, well Most shots are clearly focused,
framed and held study.
well framed and held steady.
All events and wording
presented in a logical order.
Most events and wording are
presented in a logical order.
Some events and wording are
presented in a logical order.
Few or no events and wording
are presented in a logical order.
Costumes and props remained
consistent throughout filming.
An attempt to make costumes
Little attempt to make costumes No attempt to make costumes
and props consistent throughout and props consistent
or props consistent throughout
filming was made.
throughout filming was made.
filming was made.
Group Effectiveness
All group members contributed Most group members
ideas and worked together
contributed ideas and worked
together efficiently.
Technical Skills
All group members know how
to operate the iPad, iMovie
application, and tripod.
The group did not work together
to contribute ideas or work
efficiently together.
Most group members know how Some group members know
Only one group member knows
to operate the iPad, iMovie
how to operate the iPad, iMovie how to operate the iPad, iMovie
application, and tripod.
application, and tripod.
application, and tripod.
Total Points: ____/40 x2= ____/80
Some group members
contributed ideas and worked
together efficiently.