Gold The narrative contains: Text function (purpose) Writing that describes and narrates in a highly engaging manner Silver The narrative contains: Writing that describes and narrates in an engaging manner Bronze – Encouragement The narrative contains: Writing that describes and narrates Text structure (complication) Interesting, detailed development of one or more complication through a chain of events, interwoven throughout the story Interesting, detailed development of a complication through a chain of events An interesting complication Engagement of audience Introduction Storytelling that highly engages the reader throughout the text A highly engaging introduction with sophisticated stylistic devices A highly effective ending that completes the story Storytelling that strongly maintains the reader’s engagement with the main idea An appropriate, engaging introduction with relevance to the story An ending that is relevant to the story Storytelling that maintains the reader’s engagement with the main idea An appropriate introduction to the story Subject–verb agreement Subject–verb agreements that are always correct, with an extensive range of verb groups Subject–verb agreements that are always Subject–verb agreements that are always correct, with interesting verb choice correct Sentences/clauses Simple and compound sentences and at least two different types of complex sentences formed correctly Simple and compound sentences and at least one complex sentence formed correctly Simple and compound sentences formed correctly Paragraphing Appropriate sequencing of paragraphs, matching the pace of the story Appropriate paragraphing maintaining meaningful breaks Evidence of paragraphing Vocabulary A range of highly effective vocabulary that enhances mood, setting and characterisation throughout the whole story (eg adjectives, adverbs, adverbial phrases, noun groups, verbs) A range of sophisticated punctuation. Effective vocabulary that enhances the Effective vocabulary consistent with the mood of the story (eg adjectives, storyline adverbs, adverbial phrases, noun groups, verbs) Short Story Criteria Conclusion Punctuation Some complex punctuation (eg commas, semicolons, colons, quotation marks, parentheses) An appropriate conclusion with relevance to the topic A range of punctuation (eg capital letters, full stops, question marks, apostrophes) Types of poems you may experiment with: Ballads, Haiku, Limerick, cinquain, free verse, rap Gold The poem contains: Creatively uses an appropriate poetic form. Writes using complex rhyming patterns but chooses to be freed from the constraints of rhyme when necessary Silver The poem contains: Effectively uses an appropriate poetic form. Could contain an explicit rhyming pattern that has been explored Bronze – Encouragement The poem contains: Sometimes uses an appropriate poetic form like a simple rhyming pattern e.g. ABAB Selects words that vividly convey images, feelings, mood and tone Selects specific words to enhance meaning e.g. specific nouns, appropriate adjectives and adverbs Some specific word choices used. Greater variety would strengthen poem Poetic techniques i.e alliteration metaphor, simile Chooses to use wide range of literary devices e.g. metaphor, simile Uses the occasional literary device. Uses one or two literary devices but they may seem out of place Effort Outstanding effort made High Level of effort Satisfactory level of effort Illustration (optional) Outstanding effort made High Level of effort Satisfactory level of effort Free Choice Criteria Gold The submission contains: Silver The submission contains: Bronze – Encouragement The submission contains: Text function (purpose) Writing that appears highly engaging to the audience, logical, sequential. Writing that has commendable level of engagement for the audience Writing that has the potential to be engaging. Form Creatively uses chosen form. I.e. comic format, journal entry. Writes using simple, compound & complex sentences to enhance format. Effectively uses form chosen. Writes mostly one type of sentence Requires more elements pertaining to the form chosen. I.e. more relevant picture clues for picture book text. Technical Creative and correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation; complete sentences; correct use of capitalization High degree of sophistication used in layout. Mostly correct spelling and grammar; most sentences have punctuation and are complete; uses upper- and lower case Layout simple, yet effective. Effort Outstanding effort Interesting word choice and correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation; complete sentences; correct use of capitalization. Moderate level of sophistication used in layout. High Level of effort Illustration (optional) Outstanding, artistic element evident Highly commended Two A4 pages Appropriate length Appropriate length; needed more / less Satisfactory level of effort with the potential to improve. Too long / too short Poetry Criteria Form Word Usage Satisfactory level of effort with the potential to improve. STAGE 1 NARRATIVE Indicators/Criteria Text function (purpose) Text structure (complication) Engagement of audience Gold The narrative contains: Writing that describes and narrates in a highly engaging manner Interesting, detailed development of one or more complication through a chain of events, interwoven throughout the story Storytelling that highly engages the reader throughout the text Introduction A highly engaging introduction with sophisticated stylistic devices Conclusion A highly effective ending that completes the story Subject–verb agreements that are always correct, with an extensive range of verb groups Simple and compound sentences and at least two different types of complex sentences formed correctly Appropriate sequencing of paragraphs, matching the pace of the story A range of highly effective vocabulary that enhances mood, setting and characterisation throughout the whole story (eg adjectives, adverbs, adverbial phrases, noun groups, verbs) A range of sophisticated punctuation Subject–verb agreement Sentences/clauses Paragraphing Vocabulary Punctuation Silver The narrative contains: Writing that describes and narrates in an engaging manner Interesting, detailed development of a complication through a chain of events Storytelling that strongly maintains the reader’s engagement with the main idea An appropriate, engaging introduction with relevance to the story An ending that is relevant to the story Subject–verb agreements that are always correct, with interesting verb choice Simple and compound sentences and at least one complex sentence formed correctly Appropriate paragraphing maintaining meaningful breaks Effective vocabulary that enhances the mood of the story (eg adjectives, adverbs, adverbial phrases, noun groups, verbs) Bronze The narrative contains: Writing that describes and narrates Some complex punctuation (eg commas, semicolons, colons, quotation marks, parentheses) A range of punctuation (eg capital letters, full stops, question marks, apostrophes) An interesting complication Storytelling that maintains the reader’s engagement with the main idea An appropriate introduction to the story An appropriate conclusion with relevance to the topic Subject–verb agreements that are always correct Simple and compound sentences formed correctly Evidence of paragraphing Effective vocabulary consistent with the storyline