Castle and Cathedral project 2013

Tuesday, April 10th, 2012.
Hear Yee – Hear Yee! To all in the Kingdom!
To celebrate the grand fair of the kingdoms of the free world, King
Maverick of Moodyland has invited all architects, artists, writers, and all skilled
artisans to participate in the following endeavor:
Build a ‘to-scale’ model of a famous castle, cathedral, mosque or synagogue,
which accurately and creatively displays and explains the excellent artistic, and
ingenious features of your homeland’s architecture. You should include the
elements of the building, both inside and out, that reflect the features of a
classic medieval building and the religious beliefs of the worshipers inside.
You may work with a partner if you so desire or you make work as an
individual. The following criteria booklet provided will be your guide to
creating a work of such high quality it is worthy for all Bishops, Kings and
Queens to view. Ensure that you use greatest care to write neatly and
accurately when recording your findings, calculations, and design diagrams.
Use a pencil and a ruler for all diagrams and mathematical script.
The final and absolute due date for presentation of your Medieval Model
shall be high noon on Monday, Feb. 11th.If you do not submit your Model on
time, we shall receive this unspeakable insult and treachery as an act of war
against the kingdoms of the free world. Your castle, fields, livestock, and
belongings will be destroyed to the ground. Have a pleasant day!
From the office of the King,
King Maverick
Full Name(s): ___________________________________________________
and Scale
Work Habits
Not Yet Meeting
Minimally Meets
Fully Meets Expectations
Exceeds Expectations
Writing to inform paragraph does
not inform the reader about the
history and artistic details of the
Model does not reflect the true
Writing to inform paragraph informs
the reader about the history and
artistic details of the building but
important information is missing or
the paragraph shows minimal
Model shows minimal effort and
only reflects some architectural
Writing to inform paragraph informs
the reader accurately about the
history and medieval architectural
details of the building.
Model accurately reflects the true
structure. It is clearly labeled with
8-10 details that reflect its religious
beliefs or the offensive/defensive
Explanations by several members
of the group do not illustrate much
understanding of scientific
principles of construction
techniques and flying buttresses.
Scale is not calculated.
Plan does not show measurements
clearly or is otherwise inadequately
Explanations by most group
members indicate relatively
accurate understanding of scientific
principles of construction
techniques and flying buttresses.
Scale calculations are attempted,
but inaccurate.
Plan provides clear measurements
and labeling for most components.
Explanations by all group members
indicate a relatively accurate
understanding of scientific
principles of flying buttresses and
construction techniques.
Scale is calculated accurately.
Plan is neat with clear
measurements and labeling for
most components.
Writing to inform paragraph
provides extra detail and accurately
informs the reader about the history
and medieval artistic details of the
Model accurately reflects the true
structure. It is clearly labeled with
10 or more details that reflect its
religious beliefs or the
offensive/defensive elements. Effort
exceeds expectations.
Explanations by all group members
indicate a clear and accurate
understanding of scientific
principles of flying buttresses and
construction techniques.
Scale is calculated accurately.
Plan is neat with clear
measurements and labeling for all
Project handed in 7+ days late.
Did not use classroom work periods
Constant reminders needed to stay
on task.
Project handed in 1-6 days late.
Occasionally did not use classroom
work periods effectively.
Needed many reminders to stay on
Project handed in on time.
Used classroom work periods
effectively most of the time.
Project handed in early or on time.
Always used classroom work
periods effectively.
Castle Project:
Full Name(s): ______________________________________________
1. Social Studies Component:
Research, then write a “Writing to Inform” paragraph about a famous medieval building from the
list below. You are to include information on:
Location of building and important dates
Important historical events
Has been edited for conventions and mechanics
Minimum 200 words, max. 300 words
Minimum of two sources to be listed in the correct format at the bottom of the paragraph
Paragraph is typed and attached to model for reference
Written Criteria for Model
A legend with 8-10 important artistic and architectural details that reflect the beliefs of
the religion
If doing a castle, 8-10 defensive and offensive elements of the structure.
Use recycled materials where possible
May have a detachable roof
Tower of London- UK
Westminster Abbey- UK
Angers Castle- France
Canterbury Cathedral -Uk
Bodiam Castle- England
Notre Dame- France
Eltz Castle- Germany
Siena Cathedral-Duomo di Siena
Hagia Sophia- Istanbul, Turkey
Reims Cathedral- France
Cologne Cathedral- Germany
Blue Mosque- Istanbul, Turkey
Dome of the Rock- Jerusalem
Prophet’s Mosque- Medina, Saudi Arabia
Hurva Synagogue- Jerusalem
2. Mathematical Calculations and Scale.
Your project must include an accurate calculation of scale :
Your Display Board (the cardboard or wood that your project sits on) must be no
larger than 60cm x 60cm
The height of your tallest point must not exceed 40cm
Castle Name and Location : ____________________________________________
Original castle dimensions (give in metric units) of all of the main buildings and walls found within
the castle proper:
Model castle dimensions (in cm):
Scale of model castle: ____________________________________________
(For example, Windsor Castle is 300m at its widest point. If your model is 30cm wide, then the
scale would be 30cm to 30000cm = 30:30000 = 1:1000)
3. Scientific Knowledge:
Give an explanation of what materials were used to build the walls, towers, buildings, and other
structures of the castle. How did these materials stay together (did the builders use glue, nails,
Flying Buttresses, although considered aesthetically unpleasing, were used to support
cathedral walls. Give an explanation of (i) how Flying Buttresses were used (materials, limits,
design features) and (ii) why it was important for churches and other religious structures of the
time to be as tall as possible.
List any Interesting Facts regarding the construction of your castle. Are there any special
design features that gave the castle an advantage/disadvantage to attacks?