25 & 26 July 2015
Compiled by Pr. Janan Goh
WORKS (30 minutes)
(This week’s Works is better suited to be led by the Cell Leader who should be familiar
with the Million Leader’s Mandate session on this topic)
A. Cell Group Vision
If there was ONE WORD or a PHRASE to describe what our cell group is called to
accomplish, what would it be?
If our cell group disappears from today, what mark would we have left to our
community/people around? Would people ‘miss’ us?
One clear message that rang out from LEAD2015 is the call for cell groups to be purposeful.
We heard about the testimony of how a cell group in Indonesia was called by God to
minister to the ‘Orang Gila’ and made a tremendous impact to the community and even,
restoring many to sanity and into the kingdom of God.
As God has called us together as a cell group, what would that be?
How would we, from today onwards, live it onwards?
How would our cell group be deliberately purposeful to exist, not just for each other, but for
the community at large?
Pray and brainstorm. I can assure you that your cell group will take an exciting dimension if
we can fully latch on to God’s purpose for the cell group!
B. Looking Ahead
1) Prayer Advance – every Saturday in August, 7.00 - 9.30 a.m.
 Amidst the shakings in our land, God is at work!
 Would you pray along with the will of God and see a breakthrough in our nation?
Soft copy of the DUA is available at: http://dumc.my/whats-up/latestsermons/
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25 & 26 July 2015
Compiled by Pr. Janan Goh
WORD (60 minutes)
Studies in the Book of Genesis 18 (SBG)
What will you leave behind? (Genesis 48:8-16; 50:22-26)
By Pastor Datuk Kee Sue Sing
Read the scripture passage.
Do a THREE-MINUTE SUMMARY of the sermon highlighting KEY POINTS. Do
not preach the whole sermon again. Allocate more time for sharing in the
cell through the application questions below.
Sermon Resource at: http://dumc.my/whats-up/latestsermons/
Suggested Activity:
Part #1: The book of Genesis starts off with Creation and ends with the Coffin (from C to C) – of
Jacob and Joseph.
Question: If you were to be given an option of bringing three items with you into your coffin, what will
you ask your loved ones to put in there and why? Share.
Conclusion to Part #1:
The story of Creation tells us that we were made from the dust of the earth and when we perish, our
earthly body will return likewise to dust. Therefore, is what we are bringing into our coffin, a
reflection of something that will perish in this world or something that will last into eternity? A point
to ponder.
Part #2: Give each member a piece of paper. On the paper, draw out your ‘ideal’ scene of your
Question: Who would you want to be around you? What would they say to you? What is one last
piece of advise that you would give to them? (Example: In his sermon, Pastor Kee says he would
want his wife and children to be around him, and his three advice to his children would be i) to take
care of their mother; ii) to love God; iii) to live their lives to leave a lasting legacy).
Conclusion to Part #2:
No one at one’s deathbed would surround himself with work or unfinished tasks. Like the Lord Jesus,
our foremost hope is to be able to say, “It is finished,” and return to our Heavenly Father knowing
that His will has been fully accomplished through our temporal life on this planet. In short, has your
life been a reflection of the well known command of Loving God and Loving People?
Question for Discussion:
1. Share a testimony about the legacy someone left behind that inspires you. What worthwhile
legacy do you want to leave behind? What steps would you now take towards it?
2. What would the community or nation lose if our church wasn’t here? What kind of legacy would
you like to see us creating together here in DUMC (or in your cell group)?
Soft copy of the DUA is available at: http://dumc.my/whats-up/latestsermons/
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