COGNITIVE LEVEL OF ANALYSIS (CLOA) STUDY GUIDE Learning Objective 1: Outline three principles that define the cognitive level of analysis and explain how these principles may be demonstrated in research. Principle 1: Study to demonstrate principle 1: Principle 2: Study to demonstrate principle 2: Principle 3: Study to demonstrate principle 3: Learning objective 2: Evaluate schema theory, with reference to studies. Key vocabulary: Study 1: Study 2: Evaluation (strengths/limits): Learning Objective 3: Evaluate two models or theories of one cognitive process with reference to research studies. Key vocabulary: Model 1: Study 1 to support first model, with evaluation: Model 2: Study 1 to support second model, with evaluation: Study 2 to support second model, with evaluation: Learning objective 4: Explain how biological factors may affect one cognitive process. Key vocabulary: Study 1: Study 2: Evaluation: Learning objective 5: Explain how social or cultural factors affect one cognitive process. Key vocabulary: Study 1: Study 2: Evaluation: Learning objective 6: Evaluate the extent to which one cognitive process is reliable. Key vocabulary: Study 1 with evaluation: Study 2 with evaluation: Learning objective 7: Discuss the use of technology in investigating cognitive processes. Key vocabulary: Description of technology 1: Study to support technology 1: Description of technology 2: Study to support technology 2: Evaluation of use of technology to investigate cognitive processes: Learning objective 8: Discuss the extent to which cognitive and biological factors interact in emotion. Key vocabulary: Theory 1: Study to support theory 1: Theory 2: Study to support theory 2: Evaluation: Learning objective 9: Evaluate one theory of how emotion may affect one cognitive process. Key vocabulary: Study 1: Study 2: Evaluation: