November 2015 Council Minutes

OLMC Parent Council Meeting: November 18, 2015.
Present: Mike Muise, Marie Nolan, Jennifer Barrie, Belinda Laurito, Jesselyn Lennox,
Judy DaCosta, Lisa Paquet, Kayla Hay, Terry Marquez, Morgan Nicholas, Tammy
Robidoux, Julie Van de Vrande, Nicole Byrd. Sharlene van Grunsven Shelley Younge.
6:01 Prayer: Our Father
6:05 Principal Report: Dr. Muise
School Improvement Plan- under the premise of Scholarship, Discipleship and
Discipleship: Students will recognize the face of Jesus in others and act in a manner that
treats others with respect, kindness and compassion. Identify the Goal: What would
Jesus do? Act in a manner that treats others with respect, every day.
Stewardship: Live by the words of Pope Frances, “as stewards if God’s creation, we are
called to make the earth a beautiful garden for the human family”. School is looking to
reduce and improve our school community with less trash, recycling etc. as well as goals
in curriculum areas.
Stained Glass: OLMC will get them from the Nunnery and put them around the school.
EQAO Data: Reports are released on November 19th. We are above the board standard in
reading, but we are below the board in Math. Looked and compared previous board
Trying to start a guitar club, purchased 21 for the school. Run groups of 20 to learn
guitar with different groups during the week. Kits offered for $130 from Dave.
Our enrollment is 464 students.
6:40 Teacher/ Staff Report: Mindfulness Guest- Welcome Katherine Davis. Training
through Mindful Schools and various other training. Mindfulness training could be
offered in classrooms. The program is 8 weeks long/ 2 times per week, 15-20 mins. each
time. This would help students understand themselves, their feelings and how to be
present where they are, when they are there. Being in the present moment without
judgement. It could be offered in January in the mornings.
Money for classroom teachers- $100/ per classroom will remain the same. 25 staff/
classrooms with be compensated. Provide receipts by January 31.
Zumba: Start in January - Form will go home to see about interest first. We will go
from there. Look into Good life and SLC to check out options.
7:00 Treasurer Report- A bit of a deficit. Set up a doodle poll to schedule on line for
Budget- need extra money set aside for Shrove Tuesday. We need about $1000, we don’t
have McCain donations. May approach Findlay Foods.
Discussion about some things that council does not need to pay for, to give back to
7:20 Community - Mini Session Swimming W.J. Henderson- Register now.
Kingston Rec and Leisure Program online registration for January 2016 programs start
Wed. Dec 2 @ 6 pm
Kingston Parade- November 21 at 5 pm
Annual Tree lighting Ceremony after Parade at Springer Market Square
Napanee Parade of Lights Dec 5..5:30 pm
Tamworth Santa Parade Sunday Dec 6…1 pm after parade bring letter and get pics. With
8th Annual Napanee Downtown shopping party- coming up soon
Amherstview Lions Christmas Craft Sale Nov 21 9 am – 3 pm at Amherstview
Community Hall
Light up the Season- Sunday Dec 6….3- 5 pm Amherstview…Skate with Santa…free
shuttle bus
Bath- Miracle on Main St. At Fairfield Gutzeit House… . November 27 at 5:30 pm.
Many activities..Santa, Bergeron Estate, Hot chocolate etc…
Amherstview Lion Hamper Project is happening now- Call Neville 613- 389-3416
Lions Club breakfast with Santa November 28 call Bill Matier- 613 384- 2999
Skating with Santa Strathcona Paper Centre Dec 5- 9 am to noon.
Toy Drive- Cat. Centre Toy Chest or TD Canada Trust/ Monetary Donations Nov 21Dec 19
Clothes for Kids- really in need this year- Chorus Kingston on Queens, Kingston Kia,
Cataraqui Town Centre and at Frontenac Mall.
Dora coming to Mall on Friday.
Free Garage Sale- this Garage sale at Community Health Centre in Napanee on Friday
Blessed Sacrament Planning an Advent Mass- will keep us updated.
7:32 Parish Report: Sharlene
Knight of Columbus Breakfast Sunday November 29 purchase tickets by November 22,
no sales at the door.
Church still taking stamps.
Discussion Items :
Play- Clothing orders due back Friday. Well under way. Tickets for evenings are still
available. Daytime shows are sold out. There is a canteen.
Jingle Bell Walk: On Dec 4 at 1:00 pm. Hot Chocolate and candy canes provided by
parent council. Parents are welcome to attend.
Fronts: Booked in Friday Jan 22 playing Michigan/ Saginaw Tickets are $15/ with an
amount kicked back to us. Booked our Choir in. Maybe can get tickets before Christmas
for use as presents. Request for Frontenac players visit 2 weeks before the event.
Community Fundraiser- Leslie Fardella- Provide a Christmas for Children age 13-18,
next Friday night Ambush is playing at Odessa Fair Ground $25/ ticket. Donations are
requested for as gifts for the children or for silent auction Empties are accepted as well.
Drop of at Gino’s in Amherstview. For more information call Leslie at 613 530-7904.
Movie Night: Would like to plan another night.
School clothing – looking at selling sweatshirts, pants, hats etc.