RETURN TO THE FHCF FLORIDA HURRICANE CATASTROPHE FUND EXPOSURE EXAMINATION – CONTRACT YEAR 2014 REQUIRED RECORDS CHECKLIST Please provide us with the following information and return this checklist with the data: Company Name: Group Name: Please submit only one CD (or DVD) per company with ALL of the following records: Required Documents Required Records Checklist Direct Written Premium (DWP) Report for the year ending 12/31/13 * Statutory Page 14 (Florida direct written premiums) for the year ending 12/31/13 Completed Operations Questionnaire Attachments required for question 9 regarding single structures with mixed occupancies, if applicable Attachment required for question 29 regarding non-owner occupied condos, if applicable Attachments required for questions 54 and 55 regarding Specialized Fine Arts, if applicable Completed Construction Mapping Worksheet and copy of approved mapping, if applicable Definition of Windstorm Mitigation Features reported to the FHCF for structure opening protection and roof shape, for both personal and commercial lines of business. Please identify the codes for which credits are given. List of all forms and endorsements used (as of the Data Call date) for all covered and reported policies including numbers and titles (Please provide in Microsoft Excel format). Copies of all forms and endorsements included in the list referenced above. Item to Return CD-Rom CD-Rom CD-Rom CD-Rom CD-Rom Included? CD-Rom CD-Rom CD-Rom CD-Rom CD-Rom CD-Rom * For review purposes, policy numbers in the Data Call File and DWP File must be formatted alike. If not, an explanation on how to match the numbers is required. Street address where the examination should be conducted (the FHCF examiner will only travel to one location to conduct the examination): Street Address City State ZIP Code Please provide the name & contact information of the person who will be coordinating the exposure examination as well as an executive contact for the Company. Indicate the individual(s) that the FHCF should correspond with regarding the examination findings by checking the box to the left of the name. Exam Coordinator: Name Phone Number Title FAX Number Company Name Email Address Address City, State & ZIP Executive Contact: Name Phone Number Title FAX Number Company Name Email Address Address City, State & ZIP Revised 6/14