Impact on Student Learning Assignment Name of Intern Teacher: Semester Taught: Name of Class or Grade Level: Topic of Unit/Lesson: Name of Person Providing Feedback: Feedback Rubric-Revised December 2013 Criteria Clear Learning Expectations Assessing Prior Knowledge Proficient Emerging Undeveloped Learning expectations are based on a thoughtful analysis of relevant standards, curriculum guides, student needs, previous learning, and overall trajectory of intended learning. Learning expectations are based solely on state or district standards. Lesson/unit does not seem to be developed to address any relevant learning expectations. There is a clear plan for sharing explicit learning expectations with students using understandable language. Success criteria or expectations for performance on specific assignments are aligned with overall learning expectations. There is a plan for presenting learning expectations to students. There is no plan for presenting learning expectations to students. There is a plan for presenting success criteria to students. There is no plan for presenting success criteria to students. There is an plan for administering a preassessment There is no plan for administering a preassessment. There is a plan for sharing rubrics and exemplars with students to illustrate performance expectations and ensure that students have a shared understanding of quality. The plan includes pre-assessments to determine prior student knowledge of the learning expectations. There is a plan for how to use the results of preassessments to inform the instructional design to meet student needs. Comments Criteria Monitoring Student Progress Quality Feedback Proficient There is an explicit plan for using assessments throughout the lesson/unit to monitor individual student progress toward meeting learning expectations. Students are provided with multiple opportunities to demonstrate learning progress through a variety of assessments that allow for student choice and continued revision. There is a plan for providing corrective feedback to each student throughout the lesson/unit. Students are provided with the time, opportunity, and structure for using feedback to revise work. Self- and Peer Assessment Students are provided with opportunities to assess their own progress toward meeting the learning expectations and there is a plan for guiding students through this process. There are opportunities for students to provide feedback to their peers during the learning process. Additional comments to help improve the plans: Emerging There is an explicit plan for using assessments to monitor student progress. Undeveloped There is no explicit plan for using assessments to monitor student progress. There is a plan for providing feedback to students. There is a plan for providing feedback to students. Students are given an opportunity for selfassessment or peerassessment. Students are not given the opportunity for self-assessment or peer assessment. Comments