Sumter County High School “Graduating Independent, Productive Citizens” Response to Intervention School Plan Subject Levels: English/Language Arts, Mathematics, and Behavior RTI Committee Members: Principal Asst. Principal(s) Academic Coaches Intervention Teachers School Psychologist Counselors RTI Coordinator Secondary Curriculum Director How often will RTI Committee meet? Four times a year. Sumter County High Schools Response to Intervention Plan Tiers of Instruction: Description of Tier 1 (Core) Instruction: The core tenet of Tier 1 is to provide high quality instruction to all students in Sumter County Schools. The purpose of Tier 1 is to eliminate poor instruction and behavioral supports as a possible cause of academic underachievement or behavioral problems. Sumter County utilizes standards-based instruction within a within a Common Core Framework. Effective, evidence-based instructional practices are incorporated into all classrooms, regardless of grade, ability level, or subject matter. Tier 1 also incorporates effective, positive school-wide behavioral programs. The high schools of Sumter County utilize a positive behavioral incentive program (PBIS) to promote positive academic and social behaviors across all students. Approximately 80% of the student body should achieve academic success when receiving Tier 1 instruction alone. Area of Intervention: All Subjects All Subjects All Subjects All Subjects Name of Intervention: Saturday Blitz Tutoring PASS Afternoon Tutoring Description of Intervention: (include how often, # of students) Grade Level Targeted: Who Delivers Intervention: 2/4 hour Sessions 9-12 Teachers 4 afternoons per week (M-Th), 2 hours per afternoon 9-12 Teachers 9-12 Teachers 9-12 Teachers 3 days before each SAT test; 3 hrs of PSAT/SAT Prep Classes instruction each day; also available online through e20/20 4 afternoons per week (M-Th), 2 hours USA Test Prep per afternoon; Also available on-line Description of Tier 2 Instruction: Tier 2 instruction is slightly more intensive than Tier 1 instruction and typically involves smaller, group-based instruction. Tier 2 also involves more frequent progress monitoring than Tier 1. Students are selected for Tier 2 academic courses based on their performance on state-mandated assessments (and other factors). Generally, they remain in these Tier 2 courses for the duration of the school year. Page 2 Sumter County High Schools Response to Intervention Plan Students who do not demonstrate adequate progress are provided with more intensive intervention and are considered for Tier 3 instruction, as determined by the RTI Committee. Approximately 15% of the student body should achieve success through Tier 2 instruction. Area of Intervention: Reading Reading Math All Subjects Name of Intervention: Daily instruction for 60 minutes 9-10 STARS program Daily instruction for 60 minutes 11 Math Support Classes “At-Risk” NonTraditional Credit Program Thursday Remediation All Subjects All Subjects All Subjects Behavior Behavior Grade Level Targeted: – Reading Support All Subjects All subjects Description of Intervention: (include how often, # of students) Summer School/OnLine EXPRESS Credit Recovery Grad Test Prep Re-teaching Club Mentors Behavior Monitoring and Counseling Behavior Contract Positive Incentives Daily instruction for 60 minutes Full day instruction in a hybrid direct instruction/computer-based model. Thursday remediation period (40 minutes) Support for students failing courses. Full day instruction – credit recovery or graduation test prep E 20/20 Weekly Tutoring/Pull-outs/Wednesday morning/Thursday remediation Who Delivers Intervention: Academic Reading Coach th 11 grade ELA teachers 9-11 Teacher 9th Teachers 9-11 Teachers 9-11 Teachers 9-12 Teachers 11th Academic Coach Individualized 9-11 Teachers Individualized 9-11 Counselors Individualized 9-11 Counselors Page 3 Sumter County High Schools Response to Intervention Plan Description of Tier 3 Instruction: In Tier 3, students receive intensive instruction based on their specific skill deficit. This instruction is typically delivered in a small group or individualized setting. Students in Tier 3 are progress monitored on a bi-weekly basis. This more frequent progress monitoring allows for the determination of a rate of growth and provides data on which to base instructional decisions (i.e., determining the effectiveness of the intervention). Approximately 5% of the student body should be served through Tier 3 instruction. Students who continue to struggle despite receiving high quality, research based Tier 3 interventions are considered for referral for a comprehensive evaluation to determine special education eligibility. In regards to students with behavioral difficulties, those who continue to struggle after receiving a Tier 2 intervention are further assessed through the completion of behavioral questionnaires by their teachers. Individualized behavior intervention plans are developed and implemented in the classroom. Progress on their behavioral goals is monitored daily. As well, students who continue to struggle despite receiving an intensive individualized behavior plan are considered for referral for a comprehensive evaluation to determine special education eligibility. Area of Intervention: Reading Math Behavior Name of Intervention: E20/20 E20/20 Individualized Behavior Intervention Description of Intervention: (include how often, # of students) Individualized Individualized Daily Monitoring Grade Level Targeted: 9-12 9-12 9-12 Who Delivers Intervention: Determined by RTI Team Determined by RTI Team Teachers Determined by RTI Team What distinguishes Tier 2 from Tier 3 (Is it the intervention itself; how often it is delivered; the size of the group, etc)? Intervention intensity distinguishes Tier 2 from Tier 3 instruction. This includes aspects such as the intervention itself, frequency of delivery, the duration of the intervention, and the size of the group to which it is provided. Page 4 Sumter County High Schools Response to Intervention Plan Assessments: What assessments, sources, etc. will be used to help identify which students need intervention? Universal Screening The RTI committee reviews a rubric of multiple measures to determine placement in Tier 2 and 3 supports including: - State-mandated assessment results (CRCT & EOCT) - GRASP - Common Formative Assessments - Grades for previous 2 years - Teacher recommendation Progress Monitoring (bi-monthly) - Individualized based on student needs. How will you determine which students will receive Tier 3 instruction? Determinations will be based on the rate of progress of students in Tier 2 supports on the following indicators/measures: - Class Grades - Test Scores - Progress Monitoring assessments Who will keep up with the RTI folder for each student, which contains the RTI Documentation Form and all Progress Monitoring sheets? High School counselors will manage students’ RTI folders. Who will notify parents of student placement into Tiers 2 or 3? High School counselors will manage students’ RTI folders. Page 5 Sumter County High Schools Response to Intervention Plan Intervention Team Meetings: Who will schedule Intervention Team Meetings? District RTI Coordinator will send reminders to team members of upcoming meetings. Each Tier 3 student will have his/her own Intervention Team. What staff members will be on each team (i.e. principal, classroom teacher(s), speech teacher, special ed. Teacher, reading interventionist, counselor, ELL teacher)? Intervention team members will vary based on student needs. What will the role of the Intervention Team be? The intervention team will evaluate the student’s response to the specified intervention and make recommendations. How often will the Intervention Team meet for students in Tier 2/Tier 3? The frequency with which the intervention team meets will vary depending on student needs. Page 6