For “Free Live Footage”of our Planet Earth Melting: Visit

The development of solar cell technology that generates electricity without any
pollution or high maintenance began with the research of French physicist
Antoine-César Becquerel, observing experiments with a solid electrode in an
electrolyte solution giving small Voltage, when light fell upon the electrode.
1839: 19 year old Alexandre Edmond Becquerel working with his dad, turned
energy from the sun into Electricity, founding the basic design of “Photovoltaic
Effect” still feeding the future thought to grow.
1883: Charles Fritz makes a huge breakthrough in solar panel technology
converting the suns energy at a conversion rate of 1-2%.
During the initial years of electricity distribution, Thomas Edison’s Direct Current
was the standard for the United States, and no practical AC motor was available
at this time. The success of his electric light brought Thomas Edison to new
heights of fame and wealth, as DC Electricity spread around the world.
In 1886, George Westinghouse with Nikola Tesla’s contributions built the first
commercial AC system in Buffalo, New York.
In 1887, there were ‘121 Edison Power Stations’ in the United States delivering DC
Electricity to customers. His various electric companies continued to grow until in
1889 they were brought together to form Edison General Electric.
In 1892, EGE formed up with Thomson-Houston dropping the Edison name forming
‘The General Electric Company’
Edison tried to prevent AC from being adopted with the "War of Currents".
Sir Thomas Edison
With the miracle of free light
George Westinghouse &
Nikola Tesla
I searched, found & did not believe that the NSW Government of Australia in 2013
was not using millions of watts but 18 Terawatts per hour.
In figure that’s TW – 000 000 000 000 watts per hour. Which looks like a lot of
pollution considering we have Free Electricity before us?
Are we really hurting the Planet by using AC Power? I found NASA Photos for the
last 32 years of our Planet, & it looks like its melting. Wouldn’t you agree?
For “Free Live Footage”of our Planet Earth Melting: Visit
Seeing the planet melt is humiliating & I feel disgusted not writing these words
earlier, but were on a time schedule & God is always on time in his plans to
revolutionize the planet.
Yes big sacrificing had to be made, like Adolf Hitler & the killing of Millions of Jews
in the worst possible way imaginable, don’t worry there were Nazi Christians to help
with the killing. Does Christian Nazi means the Pope was in on it?
Maybe our Past has everything to do with our Future.
In 2013, there are approximately 3,000 working satellites operating the Earth orbit,
regardless of thoughts to how much pollution we’ve created to achieve this
Space Rocket taking off
Could we be to blame for the Ice melting so quickly & nobody else? How about the
BP Oil Leak in the Gulf, I wonder if that hurt the planet or was it just whatever was
in the way
The planet is in our Hands, but not until we accept the Responsibilities for the Planet
So now that we know we’re in the wrong using AC, what do we do to get to where
we’re going? This is back to right.
There were Resulted Experiments completed of Solar Technology.
 The University of Delaware builds the first house in 1973, using nothing but the
sun's energy to run the household.
 The first solar powered aircraft takes flight in 1981, by Paul Macready, flying from
France to England, "Solar Challenge" is the name given to the project.
 Going from Sydney to Perth, Han's Tholstrup drives the first solar powered car
going an impressive 2800 miles.
There are so many technologies ready to be trialled
Like the technology of the SOLAR POWER TOWER where you would receive
100 MW of power using 1000 acres of land that would also give over 12 hours of
storage when molten salt heat storage technology is used to supply enough
electricity to 50,000 homes. In one demonstration, it delivered power to the grid 24
hours per day for nearly 7 straight days before cloudy weather interrupted operation.
These plants are best suited for applications in the 30 to 400 MW range.
Gemasolar with its 19.9 MW of power is a commercial solar plant with central tower receiver and
molten salt heat storage technology, consists of a 185 ha solar field that has a 140-m high tower
receiver, a power island and 2650 heliostats, each 120 m2 and distributed in concentric rings around
the tower. The plant which belongs to the company Torresol Energy, has already been able to supply a
full day of uninterrupted power supply to the grid, using thermal transfer technology developed by
PS10 solar power plant
PS20 with PS10 on far right
The light is so intense that it lights up dust and water vapour in the air. The project has been
widely described as looking like something out of a sci-fi movie.
The PS10 (10MW) Solar Power Tower Plant took four years to construct by
Solucar in Spain. The solar receiver uses superhot pressurized water to produce
Saturated Steam at 275 °C. Heat in the 115 meter tall Solar Tower also stores steam
to allow power for only an hour, which is short compared to 13hr molten salt heat
storage, where you would need temperatures of around 600°C.
In 2009: The PS20 (20MW) using the same technology but twice the PS10 output
with a few changes of course, like the receiver is on top of a 165m tower & that
there are 1,255 mirrored heliostats, with improved thermal energy storage system
Let’s now go something really big, that big that on 27th October, 2010, California
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger opened the start of this huge Project publicly,
with the first phase being scheduled to finish 2013.
The Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System is using 4,000 acres of California
to produce a capacity of 392 Megawatts by using 170, 000 heliostat mirrors focusing
Solar Energy onto the boilers located on a Solar Power Tower
DC Power
2013: The keyless Nissan LEAF is 100% electric, which drives up to 170km on a
full charge.
‘Normal charge’ takes around 7-8 hours from empty to full or ‘Quick charge’ the Liion battery to 80% charge in about 30 minutes. The LEAF is almost silent with the
car’s features on your own iPhone app. So basically you could swipe your finger to
check the battery’s charge or how far you can go on your current charge & also to
operate the climate control system from the back seat