Construction Coordinator Duties The Construction Coordinator acts as the “eyes and ears” of the project during construction, making sure that all project construction is completed in accordance with the project plans and specifications and all University of Texas Standards. Project Planning 1. The Coordinator is available for the initial walkthrough of the project sharing pertinent information on the building and the occupants with the PM and PSP (make sure to check their calendar before scheduling). 2. The Coordinator will apply for Contractor parking (when available) and lay down areas to be reserved and inform the Project Manager so the areas can become part of the final construction documents and the dollar amount is provided for budgetary planning. Project Pre Bid 1. The Coordinator shall comment on any parking situation or dumpster location that could inadvertently affect the project. 2. The Coordinator shall comment on any special events that could have an impact on the project with dates. 3. The Coordinator will reserve a van to shuttle contractors and subcontractors to a jobsite meeting after the formal Pre Bid has been completed by PMCS Contracting. 4. The Coordinator shall secure the necessary keys to access the proposed construction area and any auxiliary rooms such as mechanical rooms or custodial closets if needed. 5. The Coordinator will drive the Project Manager and contractors/subcontractors to the first site visit. Any second site visits require the contractor/subcontractors to find their own transportation and parking on campus. The garages can usually accommodate them. 6. The Coordinator will participate in the selection review of Contractor proposals as part of the selection committee on Competitive Sealed Proposal (CSP) projects. 7. The Coordinator should share factual and specific information regarding the past performance of a firm applying for project selection with all team members. Typical information should relate to past Safety performance; job site security; incidents that occurred at UT; contractor’s ability to work well within the team structure; contractor’s history at UT completing projects on time and within budget. 8. Upon contractor selection, the Coordinator will apply for the reserved parking to be placed in the Contractor’s name and request permit issuance to the Contractor when they are prepared by Parking & Transportation. 9. The Coordinator will initiate the process for requesting the necessary keys for the Contractor allow to access to the building. If access is done through Proximity cards the Coordinator will secure the relevant information from the contractor and completes the Affiliated Worker Request (Typically a one to 2 week process). 10. Once approved for a proximity card, the coordinator will call the contractor and explain the process for securing the cards and will coordinate between the contractor and the building manager to have access provided to the cards. Project Pre Con 2. The Coordinator will bring copies of “The Contractor’s Handbook “and will distribute them to the Contractor PM and Superintendent. Extra handbooks should be made available for distribution by the Contractor to their subcontractors if needed. 3. During the Pre Con Agenda, the Coordinator will review the guidelines on the Pre-Construction Agenda designated for Construction Coordinators for the project including safety expectations, Environmental controls, and construction coordination expectations. Prior to Mobilization Within the first week after the Pre-Con but prior to mobilization, the Contractor must submit their Company Safety plan as well as the Emergency Action Plan (specific to the site) to the PMCS PM and the Coordinator. The CC will review the documents to verify they include all required information and the CC will submit any comments or requests for revision to the PM. Site Expectations: 1. The Coordinator visits the site on a daily basis or as it is deemed necessary for projects scheduled to work during the daytime. Note: Night, weekend or Holiday project schedules may have coordinator attendance limitations. 2. The Coordinator verifies that the Contractor is displaying proper project signage, protection from unauthorized entry and protection of the surrounding site using proper dust containment. 3. The Coordinator shall review the Contactor’s job site manual for proper completion of daily JHA’s and the review of all SDS sheets and to verify that the product being used matches the SDS. 4. The Coordinator will record the project activities – trades and equipment for safety compliance, Environmental controls and quantity and quality of work, Contractor’s compliance to their own Safety Plan and Emergency Action Plan. If the PM forwards Change orders or RFI’s to the CC, the CC will monitor site plans to assure contractor is keeping the site copies updated for final record drawings. Lack of updated record drawings on site will be noted on the Coordinators weekly site reports. 5. The Coordinator will complete a weekly report documenting all project activities from the prior week and will distribute it to the Project Manager, the Senior PM, the Coordinator Manager, PSP, and members of the Contractor team. 6. The Coordinator will review the Contracting Project % Complete Lists and include the percentage of completed work in place as a tool to review payment applications or percent work completed against the total construction schedule. NOTE: When TREQS completes the ACCESS revisions to the CC Site Report, this information will be real time and updated in the Tableau database. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. The Coordinator will view the site for any safety infractions, advise the Superintendent that corrective action needs to take place and record any violations and corrective action taken by the contractor in the daily report. In the event of a critical safety infraction on the project, the Coordinator shall stop work in this particular area and have the Contractor take the proper corrective action prior to resuming work. No work is ‘Stopped’ unless it poses imminent danger. The Coordinator will report any specification violations to the Project Manager and their own manager. The Coordinator will monitor the installation to assure that the material installation is in conformance with the plans/specifications. The Coordinator will monitor the site for quality of workmanship of installations and all test observances (required by Specification) will be documented on the Test Log as well as any other entities who observed the tests. NOTE: Verify with the PM which tests the PSP needs to observe and CC should invite them (via email) to attend the test observations as well as any other relevant department personnel from the University. The Coordinator will be responsible for establishing all project outages and large vehicle deliveries. Proper request for notifications must follow the SOP processes. The Coordinator is responsible for submitting SWO’s for sprinkler and smoke outages as well as any support work to relevant PMCS Shops or to the EHS or Utility departments. Coordinators contact the Fire Marshall when circumstances require prolonged outages for approval; taking the entire system out of service; modifications to exiting through construction. Approval must be in writing from the UT Fire Marshall’s office. The Coordinator shall complete all Supplemental Work Orders for the project once in construction directing work to be completed by other UT entities and the Coordinator works with the shop personnel in question to assure understanding and scheduling both with the shop and the contractor but also with the building manager. The Coordinator reviews all payment applications and if they are in agreement, they sign the application stating their recommendation for payment on contractor pay applications. The Coordinator shall track Contractor parking and will apply for extensions as needed. The Coordinator shall be responsible for the coordination of any crane lifts necessary for the project. The Coordinator and the Lead Coordinator and CC Manager will review the Contractor Non Routine JHA and Lift Plan to determine if all items have been properly addressed. Lift plans and Non-routine JHA are due no later than 1 week prior to the planned lift. The Coordinator shall schedule all security guards or off duty Officers (Officers carry a gun) as needed for the project and notify the PM of cost to the project from UTPD. The Coordinator shall advise the Contractor and project teams of any events in the building or on campus that could possibly affect the project. The Coordinator shall be present at all major project outages. The Coordinator shall complete Contractor After- Hours Work form and submit this form to UTPD prior to the after-hours work. The Coordinator will witness all pressure testing for the project and complete the test log located in the project file (including Fire Hydrostatic testing). 24. The Coordinator shall attend weekly meetings; all punch walks and assist in the development of the final punch list. 25. The coordinator will continue to assist the contractor through final acceptance of the project. 26. The coordinator will assume all responsibilities for scheduling and monitoring the Warranty Process. As soon as the Substantial Completion letter is issued, the CC will utilize the date provided on the SC letter as the start date for Warranty. The PM will be kept informed but CC is responsible for scheduling the 10-month walkthrough with all relevant parties via email with sufficient notification to assure attendance. In the event the building manager feels the 10month walk is not warranted for a specific project, the CC will notify the PM and a copy of the client’s refusal email will be placed in the project file folder. If items are identified that require correction by the contractor at any time during the Warranty period, the CC will schedule that work with the Contractor, the building manager and the occupants and will notify the PM that Warranty item(s) have been identified and scheduled. When the work related to the Warranty has been completed, the CC will document completion date on the Warranty form. If contractor fails to comply the CC will forward all relevant information to the Manager of Contracts for further action. (See SOP for more detailed description)