The Maltings College Executive Principal: Mr. Anthony Smith Acting Principal: Mr. Julian Dowson Admissions and Recruitment Policy Approved By Date 23rd Sept 2012 12th Oct 2012 12th August 2013 Date Approved Review Date Updates New logo added Apprenticeship recruitment policy added Changes for FA Sponsor Michael Horrocks Pages 1 Throughout Throughout TMC has a fundamental commitment to ensuring that all groups and individuals (students, staff, parents and others – henceforth referred to as the ‘college community’) are treated equally having due regard to individual characteristics. The college is committed to eliminating discrimination and promoting equality of opportunity for all embracing the new equality duty which covers the following eight protected characteristics: age, disability, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation. Page 1 The Maltings College admissions and recruitment policy 1.1 The Maltings College is open to applications for full time and part time courses and apprenticeship training, from young people who are (or will be) aged 16 – 19 years on 1st September of the academic year in which they are seeking a place. 1.2 The Maltings College will operate with a maximum number of students across all ages of 300 (excluding those who are undertaking apprenticeships as part of a full time apprenticeships from another provider). 1.3 This admissions and recruitment policy covers admissions for students (known as student employees) to full and part time learning programmes and the recruitment of employed 16-18 year olds seeking apprenticeship training. Student employees will be admitted in line with the admissions policy statements 1.3 to 2.12. Apprentice recruitment will be in line with policy statements 3.1 to 3.8. 1.4 The annual admission number for The Maltings College for new student employees will be 150. Learners will be enrolled on to an appropriate course for them at any age between 16-19 years, in line with EFA funding guidance. 1.5 As a sub-contracted provider of apprenticeships, the recruitment limit for 1618 apprentices will be negotiated annually at the beginning of the financial year for recruitment for the next academic year, with West Yorkshire Learning Providers (WYLP) as the prime contractor. For most years there will be around 50 learners on TMC delivered programmes. 2 Admissions for student employees: 2.1 The available places on each full time course will be based on the nature of the course and the limitations of the accommodation / resources / equipment available. Please refer to the prospectus and website on 2.2 Applications will be considered according to the set minimum entry requirements for individual course(s) of study requested by the applicant and these can be found in The Maltings prospectus. 2.3 Entry to certain courses may include applicants undertaking practical assessments (these are administered by the relevant industry professional e.g. SAKS for hair courses), undergoing interviews and/or submitting personal statements. Where practical assessments are to be used this will be identified in the individual course details within the prospectus. Details of all assessment processes for each course will be available on Page 2 Oversubscription Criteria 2.4 Where the number of applicants meeting the minimum entry criteria for a course exceeds the number of places available then places will be offered to young people currently on roll at the following schools in the order listed in 2.5 and 2.6. Note: the aim of this criteria is to meet the objectives of Inspire Learning Trust (ILT) and the operation of The Maltings College which includes improving post 16 provision for students at Hipperholme & Lightcliffe High School and those schools within Calderdale that do not offer courses at aged 16 and above specifically Park Lane Learning Trust. 2.5 Any students who attend schools which are members of Inspire Learning Trust Ltd (See footnote) 2.6 Any students attending Park Lane Learning Trust (in line with the note on 2.4 relating to schools with no post 16 provision) 2.7 In the event that in 2.4 the number of applicants who meet the admission criteria for a course still exceeds the number of places available then applications will be ranked according to student prior attainment levels and where appropriate the outcomes of practical assessments (with higher ranked students given priority) . 2.8 Where places on courses remain available after the application of criteria 2.1 to 2.4 then these will be available to students who do not meet criterion 2.5 or 2.6 with such applications ranked according to prior attainment and (where relevant) the results of practical assessments, with priority given to those ranked highest. Course Guidance / Appropriate Courses 2.9 Those applicants who are unsuccessful in securing a place on a course due to over subscription will, where the total number of New Entrants is less than 150, be offered an alternative course where a place on such is available, where the applicant meets the minimum course entry requirements and in accordance with 2.8 (for example if hair is oversubscribed, and beauty has places then places on a beauty course may be offered) Appeals 2.10 Where applicants have been unsuccessful in gaining a place at the college The Management Board are required to establish arrangements where applicants can appeal to an Independent Admissions Appeals Panel. Details of these arrangements are available from the college Schools within Inspire Learning Trust includes HLHS and TMC as of July 2013 Page 3 Waiting List 2.11 The Management Board will maintain a waiting list of unsuccessful applications (where the minimum course entry criteria are met) up to 31st December of the academic year in which the application was made. The waiting list will be ranked in accordance with the oversubscription criteria.. 2.12 See Appendix 1 for Admissions Timeline Page 4 3 Apprenticeship Recruitment 3.1 Apprenticeship recruitment occurs throughout the academic year and learners are able to start programme at the beginning of each learning term, in September, January and May. 3.2 During the recruitment and selection process, in line with WYLP ’Key Learning Standard: Learner Recruitment’, all employed learners will complete an application form, be interviewed and assessed by trained staff to ensure eligibility and suitability for the programmes on offer. Learners are expected to provide CV evidence and a reference. Additional evidence to support written or verbal statements of experience and qualifications will be required in the form of certificates. 16-19 learners are able to be accompanied by a Personal Adviser, parent / carer should that be appropriate. 3.3 Clear entry criteria are published for each training programme and form the basis of the selection process. Supporting evidence from employers will be taken into account, such as a reference, as well as commitment from them for the apprenticeship training programme. 3.4 All learners receive impartial information, advice and guidance throughout the recruitment process, and are made aware of the demands and benefits of an apprenticeship programme. Where appropriate, learners are directed to alternative providers within the WYLP network should their needs be better met there. 3.5 All learners receive a thorough planned, phased induction promoting rapid integration and retention within the programme. Learners receive a WYLP compliant Induction Handbook for future reference. 3.6 All learners will benefit from a positive and constructive initial assessment of learning and support needs, carried out by trained staff, resulting in an agreed Personal Learning Plan documenting current levels of skill (including literacy and numeracy), knowledge and experience; career aspirations; and the agreed learning programme to suit their personal and work needs. 3.7 Learner views are welcomed, sought throughout the learning programme (including during recruitment and induction stages) collated and used to inform selfevaluation. 3.8 See Appendix 2 for Recruitment Timeline Page 5 Appendix 1 The Maltings College Student Employees Application/admission timeline for full time and pre-apprenticeship programmes November – March Open Days & Evenings Expressions of interest by the end of each month Personal contact by TMC acknowledging all expressions of interest January – April TMC follows up expressions of interest and invites formal applications 31st May Deadline for Round 1 formal applications 30th June Offers made on Round 1 applications – conditional on examination grades being achieved August Open Day/Evening after summer exam results (including AS A2 and GCSE) Applicants who submitted in Round 1 confirm exam results and firm offers made August – the Friday(s) after results Deadline for Round 2 applications, with confirmed examination grades 31st August Round 2 firm offers made 1st - 30th September Remaining places on courses open for application/entry 1st October Applications for full time courses in that year closed. Page 6 Appendix 2 The Maltings College Apprentices Recruitment Timeline Recruitment At the first of three points in the learning year: September, January and May following the employer recruitment of apprentice On appointment Personal contact by TMC welcoming apprentice within one week of appointment with invitation to attend initial assessment Initial assessment Apprentice interview with sector lead within 2 weeks of contact from apprentice / employer Presentation of prior learning and experience Initial assessment relating to sector, English and maths Feedback to apprentice and employer on appropriate programme level and components within 1 week of initial assessment Induction Programme of induction starts within 6 weeks of notification of employment Induction Handbook provided On-going progress monitoring Page 7