科目名 Course title Designing of Surface and Bulk Characteristics [表面・組成設計学 E] 講義題目 Subtitle 責任教員 Instructor-in-charge 坂入 正敏 (工学研究院材料科学部門) Email: msakairi@eng.hokudai.ac.jp Masatoshi SAKAIRI [Division of Materials Science and Engineering] - Part 1 担当教員 Other instructors 林 重成 (工学研究院材料科学部門) Email: hayashi@eng.hokudai.ac.jp 科目種別 Class specification 工学院専門科目 Engineering Shigenari HAYASHI [Division of Materials Science and Engineering] - Part 2 開講年度 Academic year 授業形態 Class type 対象学科・クラス Eligible department/class 2011 開講学期 Semester 講義 単位数 Credits 補足事項 Other information Lecture Winter 2 学期 時間割番号 e3 Course No. 3615 2 対象年次 Expected students MC1 ~ DC3 キーワード Keywords: Electrochemistry, Surface finishing, Microstructure, Corrosion and protection, Surface reaction, High-temperature oxidation 授業の目標 Objectives: Design and analysis of surface and bulk are necessary to manufacture environment -friendly and long-life metal products. The aim of this course is to understand degradation and chemical composition change by surface and bulk reaction of metals and alloys in environments. Through this course students study 1) electrochemical techniques to analysis and control surface reaction and surface modification, 2) degradation of metals and alloys by high-temperature oxidation and corrosion. 到達目標 Goals: 授業計画 Outline: [Part 1] Introduction of Electrochemistry (3 times) Study equilibrium and kinetics of surface reaction of electrode in solutions, and relationship between surface reaction and electrochemical signals. Electrochemical signal processing (1 time) Study electrochemical signal processing, such as electrochemical impedance and electrochemical noise analysis and relationship between electrochemical signal and surface reaction. Optical surface analysis (1 time) Study optical surface analysis techniques, such as Raman spectroscopy, ellipsometry, infrared spectroscopy. Electrochemical surface modification (3 times) Study electrochemical surface modification technique, such as anodizing, electro-deposition and electroless-deposition. [Part 2] Introduction to High-temperature oxidation and corrosion (1 time) Study heat resistant alloys and coatings, principal of oxidation at high-temperatures. Thermodynamic Fundamentals (1 time) Study thermodynamics of high-temperature oxidation of pure-metals and alloys. Mechanism of High-temperature oxidation (2 times) Study Wagner’s theory for pure-metal, oxidation kinetics, diffusion in oxide scale. Oxidation of binary alloys (2 times) Study Wagner’s theory for alloy oxidation, diffusion in oxide scale and alloy substrate, and internal oxidation. Oxidation in complex environments (1 time) Study oxidation and corrosion in mixed oxidants, water vapor effects. 成績評価の基準と方法 Grading: Based on attendance (30%), reports (20%) and final examination (50%) テキスト・教科書 Textbooks: Handout is distributed and references are indicated in the handout. 1. N. Birks, G.H. Meier, and F.S. Pettit, Introduction to the High-Temperature Oxidation of Metals, 2nd ed. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. 2. D.J. Young, High Temperature Oxidation and Corrosion of Metals, Elsevier Corrosion Series, Elsevier, Oxford, UK. 3. A. J. Bard and L. R. Faulkner, Electrochemical Methods -Fundamentals and Applications- John Wile & Sons, New York. 講義指定図書 References: 参照ホームページ Website: 受講条件 Note: