Invitation for aquaculture tenure applications AQUACULTURE ACT 2001 This document provides details of the criteria to be met and guidelines to be addressed for applicants in the submission of an application seeking to undertake the farming of molluscs other than filter-feeding molluscs and/or algae across all zones contained within the Aquaculture (Zones-Cape D’Estrees) Policy 2006. TENURE RELEASE Across all zones contained within the Aquaculture (Zones-Cape D’Estrees) Policy 2006 a maximum total of four (4) hectares for the farming of molluscs other than filter-feeding molluscs and/or algae. CONTENTS INVITATION FOR TENURE APPLICATIONS................................................................................. 1 INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................................. 4 SITE SELECTION........................................................................................................................... 5 ATAB ASSESSMENT (CONTAINING PRESCRIBED ASSESSMENT CRITERIA AND MINISTER’S ASSESSMENT GUIDELINES)................................................................................... 16 LEASE APPLICATION FORM………………………………………………………………………… 21 ATTACHMENTS: Appendix 1: Map of the Cape D’Estrees (inner, middle and outer) subtidal aquaculture zones. Appendix 2: Aquaculture (Zones-Cape D’Estrees) Policy 2006. Appendix 3: Ministerial Prescribed Assessment Criteria and Assessment Guidelines. Appendix 4: Lease Application Form for the farming of molluscs (other than filter-feeding molluscs) and/or algae in the Cape D’Estrees (outer) subtidal aquaculture zone. Appendix 5: Sample Aquaculture Licence Appendix 6: Sample Production Lease INTRODUCTION The Aquaculture Act 2001 (the ‘Act’) provides for the granting of rights to occupy State waters and provides security for aquaculture operators while protecting the interests of the community. Under the Act, a licence may not be granted for aquaculture in State waters unless the area is subject to a lease granted by the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Fisheries (the ‘Minister’) or their delegate. The Act allows for four types of lease, namely pilot, production, research and emergency leases. Aquaculture leases provide security of tenure, whilst licences accommodate flexible regulatory and adaptive management practices. The competitive tenure allocation process will ensure a fair and efficient means of allocating and utilising the State’s marine resources. In accordance with the Act, Primary Industries and Regions South Australia (PIRSA), on behalf of the Minister, is seeking applications from suitable persons to undertake the farming of molluscs other than filter-feeding molluscs; and or algae across all zones contained within the Aquaculture (Zones-Cape D’Estrees) Policy 2006. A maximum total of 4 hectares will be made available across all zones contained within the Aquaculture (Zones-Cape D’Estrees) Policy 2006. All applications for new leases within aquaculture zones (in State waters) will need to be assessed, together with the proposed activity to be licensed, by the Aquaculture Tenure Allocation Board (ATAB). This process aims to ensure fairness and transparency for the allocation of aquaculture lease tenure. Applications will be assessed against set assessment criteria, taking into account the objects of the Act, the Minister’s published assessment guidelines and the prescribed criteria of the relevant policy. An invitation for applications will be advertised in The Advertiser on Thursday 28 May 2015. Applications must be lodged with Ms Lucy Stark, Executive Officer, Boards and Committees, email or GPO Box 1625, Adelaide SA 5001 by 5.00pm Wednesday 10 June 2015. Zones within the Aquaculture (Zones-Cape D’Estrees) Policy 2006 The purpose of the Aquaculture (Zones- Cape D’Estrees) Policy 2006 is to provide for subtidal abalone aquaculture and algae farming. The seagrass Posidonia dominates the waters adjacent Cape D’Estrees at depths down to approximately five metres. Further offshore substrate ranges from rocky bottom to bare sand. Rocky substrates are characterised by diverse invertebrate and algae communities. The Aquaculture (Zones- Cape D’Estrees) Policy 2006 addresses: The potential for growth and expansion of the subtidal abalone aquaculture industry in the Cape D’Estrees region; The need to ensure that aquaculture development is progressed in an ecologically sustainable manner; and The need to provide certainty for the industry and the community in the approval process for aquaculture license and lease applications. Zone Within the Policy Cape D’Estrees (inner) subtidal aquaculture zone Cape D’Estrees (middle) subtidal aquaculture zone Cape D’Estrees (outer) subtidal aquaculture zone Prescribed class of aquaculture the farming of molluscs other than filterfeeding molluscs; and the farming of algae. the farming of molluscs other than filterfeeding molluscs; and the farming of algae. the farming of molluscs other than filterfeeding molluscs; and the farming of algae. Total leased hectares of zone (ha) 60 60 60 Total biomass of zone (tonnes) An amount that would, in the opinion of the Minister, have an environmental impact on the zone equivalent to the environmental impact that 1,020 tonnes of finfish would have on the zone An amount that would, in the opinion of the Minister, have an environmental impact on the zone equivalent to the environmental impact that 1,020 tonnes of finfish would have on the zone An amount that would, in the opinion of the Minister, have an environmental impact on the zone equivalent to the environmental impact that 1,020 tonnes of finfish would have on the zone SITE SELECTION It is the responsibility of applicants to identify and select specific sites within the zones contained within the Aquaculture (Zones-Cape D’Estrees) Policy 2006. In determining an appropriate site, applicants should consider the boundaries of the zone and exclusion zones. In addition applicants should be mindful of existing operators in the area. A map of the zones contained within the Aquaculture (Zones-Cape D’Estrees) Policy 2006 is provided in Appendix 1. Applicants may apply for one or many sites, however the number of sites applied for (and size) must be clearly defined within the application form and not exceed an aggregate or a total of four (4) hectares across all zones contained within the Aquaculture (Zones-Cape D’Estrees) Policy 2006. In considering the location of sites, PIRSA will assess applications against the relevant zone policy (the Aquaculture (Zones-Cape D’Estrees) Policy 2006). Examples of specific provisions established by zone policies are provided in Appendix 2. Refer to for a full version of the policy document. How applications fit within the provisions of these policies will be considered by the ATAB as part of their assessment of the applications and making recommendations to the Minister as to any applications that should not be granted and as to the order of merit of any other applications. The Minister or his delegate makes no claims that the area which is subject to the invitation for tender is suitable for any particular form of aquaculture. Investors should undertake their own investigation and assessment of potential site suitability. ATAB LEASE ASSESSMENT AND MINISTER’S ASSESSMENT GUIDLEINES This call for applications has been made in accordance with the Act which enables new production leases to be granted within Aquaculture zones. The key objective of the tenure allocation process under the Aquaculture Act is to ensure an equitable assessment process for the release of new lease area in aquaculture zones and to allocation of tenure to the operators who will use the marine resource at an optimum level (in terms of the quality and quantity of output relative to the capacity of the environment in an ecologically sustainable way). Successful applicants who can demonstrate a proven capacity to manage and develop a site in an environmentally sustainable manner will be offered the opportunity to apply for a Production Lease and associated aquaculture licences. Assessment Criteria to be met Assessment criteria are detailed in Appendix 3. Applications must be lodged using the relevant application form (Appendix 4 for applications relating to the release of water within the Aquaculture (Zones-Cape D’Estrees) Policy 2006) Prescribed Minister’s Assessment Guidelines Applications received will be assessed by the (ATAB) in accordance with the Minister’s assessment guidelines (section 35 (6) of the Act). The relevant Ministerial assessment guidelines that relate to the invitation to tender in either zone are attached in Appendix 3. Licence Assessment A preferred applicant recommended by the ATAB will be eligible to submit a full licence application to PIRSA which will be assessed in relation to the specific site location nominated in accordance with the objectives of the Act. A recommendation by the ATAB to grant tenure to an applicant does not guarantee success in obtaining an aquaculture licence. PIRSA and the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) will use additional information to determine any specific licence conditions required. The information required for the licence assessment will include: A survey of the site provided by a licensed surveyor A bio-geographical report of the site conducted by a marine biologist During the licence assessment process PIRSA will seek public submissions on the proposal. A public notice will appear in a newspaper circulating generally in the State. In assessing the application(s) PIRSA will take into consideration the information received as part of this public submission process. AQUACULTURE LEASE AND LICENCE INFORMATION On successful completion of the lease and licence assessment process the preferred applicants will be granted an aquaculture production lease and licence issued by the Minister. Aquaculture leases and licences attract annual fees payable to PIRSA for regulatory activity undertaken on behalf of the Minister administering the Act. Licence Type Abalone - subtidal - intertidal Algae Lease Type Production - subtidal - intertidal Production (Algae) Annual Licence Fee (GST exempt) $4919.00 $1990.00 $1848.00 Annual Lease Fee (GST exempt) $3608.00 $1130.80 $1130.80 These figures are subject to change as the fee structure for the 2015/2016 financial year has not been set. As such, these figures should be used as a guide only. Once the successful applicants have been offered licences and leases over the sites, they will be expected to pay the current year’s licence and lease annual fees. Examples of an aquaculture licence and a lease are attached as Appendix 5 and Appendix 6. It should be noted that licence/lease conditions contained in the attached examples might not match those which are issued for each specific site. Additionally, licence conditions may vary among sites, and it will be the responsibility of the operator to ensure they are familiar with the licence and lease conditions. LODGEMENT OF APPLICATIONS The closing date and time for applications is 5.00pm Wednesday 10 June 2015. Applications must be made on the prescribed form. Applications (or enquiries relating to this call for applications) should be directed to: Ms Lucy Stark Executive Officer Boards and Committees Primary Industries and Regions South Australia GPO Box 1625 ADELAIDE SA 5001 Phone Number: (08) 8226 8103 Email: LATE APPLICATIONS Applications received after the specified closing time at the above address will be deemed late. In most circumstances, late applications will not be assessed unless the applicant can provide clear evidence that the documents were dispatched in sufficient time so that they would normally have been received before the specified time and date. However, it is within the Minister’s discretion to accept or refuse a late application. Appendix 1 Cape D'Estrees (inner, middle and outer) subtidal aquaculture zones Appendix 2 South Australia Aquaculture (Zones—Cape D'Estrees) Policy 2006 under the Aquaculture Act 2001 Contents Part 1—Preliminary 1 2 3 4 Short title Interpretation Zones Prescribed criteria for all aquaculture zones Part 2—Cape D'Estrees aquaculture zones Division 1—Cape D'Estrees (inner) subtidal aquaculture zone 5 6 7 Identification of aquaculture zone Class of permitted aquaculture Prescribed criteria Division 2—Cape D'Estrees (middle) subtidal aquaculture zone 8 9 10 Identification of aquaculture zone Class of permitted aquaculture Prescribed criteria Division 3—Cape D'Estrees (outer) subtidal aquaculture zone 11 12 13 Identification of aquaculture zone Class of permitted aquaculture Prescribed criteria Part 3—Laura Bay aquaculture exclusion zone 14 Identification of aquaculture exclusion zone Schedule 1—Map Legislative history Part 1—Preliminary 1—Short title This policy may be cited as the Aquaculture (Zones—Cape D'Estrees) Policy 2006. 2—Interpretation In this policy— Act means the Aquaculture Act 2001; filter-feeding molluscs includes cockles, mussels, oysters and scallops; leased area means an area subject to an aquaculture lease; licence means an aquaculture licence. Note— Unless the contrary intention appears, terms used in this policy that are defined in the Act have the respective meanings assigned to those terms by the Act. 3—Zones (1) (2) Pursuant to section 11 of the Act, this policy— (a) identifies aquaculture zones and an aquaculture exclusion zone; and (b) specifies for an aquaculture zone— (i) the classes of aquaculture permitted in the zone; and (ii) prescribed criteria to be taken into account in the determination of applications for licences or in the making of other decisions under the Act in relation to the zone. This policy does not limit the matters that may be taken into account in the determination of applications for licences or in the making of other decisions under the Act. 4—Prescribed criteria for all aquaculture zones In the determination of applications for licences and in the making of other decisions under the Act in relation to the aquaculture zones in this policy, it must be taken into account that, of the aggregated area leased or available for lease in those zones, 5 hectares must be reserved for the farming of aquatic organisms for the purposes of research. Part 2—Cape D'Estrees aquaculture zones Division 1—Cape D'Estrees (inner) subtidal aquaculture zone 5—Identification of aquaculture zone The Cape D'Estrees (inner) subtidal aquaculture zone is comprised of the waters delineated in the map in Schedule 1 as the Cape D'Estrees (inner) subtidal aquaculture zone. 6—Class of permitted aquaculture The classes of aquaculture permitted in the Cape D'Estrees (inner) subtidal aquaculture zone are— (a) the farming of molluscs other than filter-feeding molluscs; and (b) the farming of algae. 7—Prescribed criteria In the determination of applications for licences and in the making of other decisions under the Act in relation to the Cape D'Estrees (inner) subtidal aquaculture zone, it must be taken into account that the zone must not contain more than 60 hectares of leased area. Division 2—Cape D'Estrees (middle) subtidal aquaculture zone 8—Identification of aquaculture zone The Cape D'Estrees (middle) subtidal aquaculture zone is comprised of the waters delineated in the map in Schedule 1 as the Cape D'Estrees (middle) subtidal aquaculture zone. 9—Class of permitted aquaculture The classes of aquaculture permitted in the Cape D'Estrees (middle) subtidal aquaculture zone are— (a) the farming of molluscs other than filter-feeding molluscs; and (b) the farming of algae. 10—Prescribed criteria In the determination of applications for licences and in the making of other decisions under the Act in relation to the Cape D'Estrees (middle) subtidal aquaculture zone, it must be taken into account that the zone must not contain more than 60 hectares of leased area. Division 3—Cape D'Estrees (outer) subtidal aquaculture zone 11—Identification of aquaculture zone The Cape D'Estrees (outer) subtidal aquaculture zone is comprised of the waters delineated in the map in Schedule 1 as the Cape D'Estrees (outer) subtidal aquaculture zone. 12—Class of permitted aquaculture The classes of aquaculture permitted in the Cape D'Estrees (outer) subtidal aquaculture zone are— (a) the farming of molluscs other than filter-feeding molluscs; and (b) the farming of algae. 13—Prescribed criteria In the determination of applications for licences and in the making of other decisions under the Act in relation to the Cape D'Estrees (outer) subtidal aquaculture zone, it must be taken into account that the zone must not contain more than 60 hectares of leased area. Part 3—Laura Bay aquaculture exclusion zone 14—Identification of aquaculture exclusion zone The Laura Bay aquaculture exclusion zone is comprised of the waters delineated in the map in Schedule 1 as the Laura Bay aquaculture exclusion zone. Schedule 1—Map Coordinates—Cape D'Estrees (outer) subtidal aquaculture zone (GDA94) Point Longitude Latitude A 133°43'03.14″ east 32°14′30.52″ south B 133°43′53.56″ east 32°14′30.54″ south C 133°44′32.02″ east 32°16′05.35″ south D 133°43′39.1″ east 32°16′04.37″ south Coordinates—Cape D'Estrees (middle) subtidal aquaculture zone (GDA94) Point Longitude Latitude E 133°44'01.28″ east 32°14′01.22″ south F 133°44′44.07″ east 32°14′00.52″ south G 133°44′58.94″ east 32°15′01.33″ south H 133°44′19.82″ east 32°15′00.59″ south Coordinates—Cape D'Estrees (inner) subtidal aquaculture zone (GDA94) Point Longitude Latitude I 133°44'57.79″ east 32°15′03.25″ south J 133°45′31.98″ east 32°15′02.13″ south K 133°45′53.74″ east 32°15′51.65″ south L 133°45′13.75″ east 32°15′50.88″ south Coordinates—Laura Bay aquaculture exclusion zone (GDA94) Point Longitude Latitude M 133°48′30.02″ east 32°14′37.3″ south N 133°48'44.09″ east 32°15′11.15″ south O 133°49′45.86″ east 32°16′04.48″ south P 133°50′18.33″ east 32°15′18.04″ south APPENDIX 3 ATAB Assessment AQUACULTURE ACT 2001 This document provides details of the criteria to be met and guidelines to be addressed for applicants in the submission of an application seeking to undertake the farming of molluscs other than filter-feeding molluscs and/or algae across all zones contained within the Aquaculture (Zones-Cape D’Estrees) Policy 2006. PRESCRIBED ASSESSMENT CRITERIA AND MINISTER’S ASSESSMENT GUIDELINES (ATAB ASSESSMENT NO. 2, 2015) ATAB Assessment Criteria The Aquaculture Tenure Allocation Board (ATAB) will assess applications and make recommendations to the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Fisheries or delegate as to any applications that should not be granted and as to the order of merit of the other applications. The key objective of the tenure allocation process under the Aquaculture Act 2001 (the ‘Act’) is to ensure an equitable and transparent process is followed to allocate tenure to operators who will use the marine resource at an optimum level (in terms of the quality and quantity of output relative to the capacity of the environment). ATAB assesses all applications for new leases within aquaculture zones (in State waters), together with the proposed activity to be licensed to ensure fairness in the tenure release process. Under section 35 (5) the ATAB must assess each of the applications received in accordance with a public call for applications taking into account— (a) (b) (c) (d) the objects of this Act; and any prescribed criteria or other relevant provisions of the applicable aquaculture policy; and any applicable criteria and weightings make a recommendation to the Minister as to whether or not the lease and corresponding licence should be granted. The Objects of the Act are: to promote the ecologically sustainable development of marine and inland aquaculture; to maximise the benefits to the community from the State’s aquaculture resources; and to ensure the efficient and effective regulation of the aquaculture industry. The ATAB will assess applications and apply the following prescribed assessment criteria established in accordance with section 35(5)(c) of the Act: That the lease area must be located within any of the zones within the Aquaculture (Zones-Cape D’Estrees) Policy 2006. In relation to the 4 hectares of lease tenure released across all zones contained within the Aquaculture (Zones-Cape D’Estrees) Policy 2006 that the lease and licence will be for the farming of molluscs other than filter-feeding molluscs and/or algae. That the intended purpose is within the Objects of the Act. That the application is relevant to and consistent with the relevant aquaculture zone policy. The previous knowledge and experience of the applicant in the farming of the proposed species. That the applicant shows a high level of commitment to ensuring that the proposed aquaculture operations will be managed in an environmentally sustainable manner and operations will be compliant with the requirements of the Act. The size of the applicants proposed lease/licence site or sites do not exceed the amount of hectares released or available in the respective zone the application applies to. That the applicant has the financial capacity (including the business capacity of the applicant) to establish and operate the proposed site as a viable enterprise. Minister’s Assessment Guidelines The assessment of applications received by the ATAB as part of this public call must be carried out in accordance with the Minister’s assessment guidelines (section 35 (6) of the Act). They are as follows; Capability Nature of the proposal Description Technical and Environmental Capacity Business capacity In relation to proposals located within the Aquaculture (Zones-Cape D’Estrees) Policy 2006 the ATAB will ensure the proposed activity is the farming of molluscs other than filter-feeding molluscs; and or algae. The ATAB will evaluate the nature of the proposal including proposed farming practices and processes. The ATAB will evaluate the proposed stages and timeframes of development in relation to them being realistic and achievable. The ATAB will evaluate the level of previous experience the applicant has in the farming the species proposed to be farmed. The ATAB will evaluate the applicant’s level of commitment in relation to ensuring the proposed operations are managed in an environmentally sustainable manner and that the intended farming activity will be compliant with the requirements of or obligations under the Act. The ATAB will evaluate the information provided regarding the business capacity of the applicant to undertake the proposed farming activities. To assist the ATAB in evaluating business capacity the applicant should provide the following information: The applicant should provide information regarding the business capacity of the applicant to undertake the proposed farming activities. The applicant should provide the following information: - Three year financial projections for establishing and operating the site. To better inform ATAB, these projections may include a summary of establishment costs for the site including: Proof of the applicants financial capacity to establish and operate the proposed enterprise. Supporting infrastructure development costs (e.g. processing shed, boats and vehicles, equipment storage site, dive equipment) Site development costs (moorings, farming structures) Cost of spat/juveniles Cost of feed Labour costs (including the number of staff) Processing costs Fuel/Electricity costs Regulatory fees Operational/administrative costs Regional and social benefits/ Economic benefits to the state Selling/Distribution costs Costs of ongoing environmental monitoring. The applicant should provide the estimated level of capital investment required to establish the site or sites. Details of the level of finance required and proof of the funds available to establish and operate the enterprise over a three year period. This proof of funds can take the form of a letter or Certification of Financial Adequacy from a financial institution of note, indicating that the applicant has the assets/fund required. The ATAB will consider whether the applicant has illustrated that they have access to appropriate markets or has a strategy in place to access those markets. The ATAB will evaluate the information provided by the applicant outlining how the proposal will benefit the region. This may include information relating to: Improvements in the infrastructure of the region which enhances the regions overall capacity in aquaculture, food production and distribution Increases in regional employment brought about through flow-on benefits from aquaculture Introduction of new technology Any specific social and/or regional benefits of the proposal Any other information which may be relevant. The ATAB provides a recommendation to the Minister as to preferred (and non-preferred) applications in accordance with section 35(7) of the Act. One or more applicants may be offered leases provided that the total area granted as a result of this call for applications does not exceed the hectares released within the zone. The period of any lease issued to a successful applicant(s) as a result of this ATAB process will be for a period of one year only. *For example - Applicants should ensure that they are able to meet conditions of the licence, lease and Aquaculture Regulations 2005. Therefore applicants should refer to examples of lease and licence conditions which are available on the aquaculture public register and Aquaculture Regulations 2005 A preferred applicant recommended by the ATAB will be eligible to submit a licence application to PIRSA which will be assessed in accordance with the objectives of the Act. A recommendation by the ATAB to grant tenure to an applicant does not guarantee success in obtaining an aquaculture licence. PIRSA and the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) will use additional information to determine any specific licence conditions required. The first renewal period of any lease issued to a successful applicant(s) as a result of this ATAB process will be for a period of one year only thereafter the period of renewal is in the discretion of the Minister in accordance with the Act. Licence and lease conditions provided on the public register are for guidance only. Conditions may vary between sites, and it is the responsibility of the operator to ensure they are familiar with their licence and lease conditions, once the licence and lease are granted. In addition operators are required to comply with the requirements of all statutes, regulations, by-laws, ordinances, rules or other forms of statutory instruments or delegated legislation applicable to the licensed site or to the use of the licensed site by the licensee, including but not limited to the Act, Aquaculture Regulations 2005 and the Livestock Act 1997. It is the responsibility of applicants to understand the relevant pieces of legislation. Further information on South Australian legislation can be found on the South Australian Legislation website ( Licence/lease holders also must make themselves familiar with other policies of PIRSA as they relate to the operations of the aquaculture farm. These policies are available on the PIRSA web site ( Appendix 4 Production Lease Application Form for Cape D’Estrees (inner, middle and or outer) subtidal aquaculture zone PRIMARY INDUSTRIES AND REGIONS SA MARINE APPLICATION FOR A PRODUCTION LEASE INSIDE AN AQUACULTURE ZONE (Cape D’Estrees (inner) subtidal aquaculture zone) (May 2015) APPLICATION FEE $2,374 (includes $860.00 non-refundable application lodgement fee) Applications must be lodged to: Fisheries and Aquaculture Primary Industries & Regions SA GPO Box 1625 Adelaide SA 5001 Cheques must be made payable to “Primary Industries & Regions South Australia" PIRSA FISHERIES & AQUACULTURE Level 14, 25 Grenfell Street, Adelaide SA 5000 GPO Box 1625, Adelaide SA 5001 Telephone (08) 8226 0900 Facsimile (08) 8204 1388 Email APPLICATION CHECKLIST I have enclosed the application fee. All my contact details as stated are correct. Provide a description of the proposed aquaculture venture Provide an attachment Technical and Environmental Management Capability Provide full details to enable determination of financial capacity If in a company name, I have enclosed a copy of an ASIC full company search Provide any information that you think is relevant in demonstrating the benefits the proposal may bring to the region. Yes No Does this lease/licence have a Nominated Specified Person (Third Party)? If yes, please contact PIRSA Fisheries and Aquaculture for application form. I understand my requirement, under Aquaculture Act 2001 to inform PIRSA Fisheries and Aquaculture within 14 days of any changes. A person must not make a statement that is false or misleading in a material particular (whether by reason of the inclusion or omission of any particular) in information provided under the Aquaculture Act 2001. Maximum penalty: $5000 PERSONAL DETAILS OF THE APPLICANT 1. Personal details of lease applicants: (this person/company will be the lease holder) APPLICANT 1 (this person will also be the contact for all correspondence regarding this application): Full Name: D.O.B. ................................................................................................................. (Family Name) (First Name) Residential Address: Postal Address: ................................................................................................................................................................... Telephone: Work: .................................................................... Home: ............................. Facsimile: ............................... Email: …………………………………………………………………….. APPLICANT 2: Full Name: ........................................................................................................................................ D.O.B. ....................... (Family Name) (First Name) Residential Address ............................................................................................................................................................. Postal Address: ................................................................................................................................................................... Telephone: Work: .................................................................... Home: ............................. Facsimile: ............................... Email: …………………………………………………………………….. 2. Company details (if applicant is a company): Company Name: ………………………………………………………………………………………………... Business Address: Postal Address: ................................................................................................................................................................... Telephone: Work: .................................................................... ...................... Facsimile: ................................................. Email: …………………………………………………………………….. Australian Business Number (ABN): .................................................................................................................................... If the applicant is a company please attached an ASIC full company search detailing the full name, date of birth, residential address, and contact details of all Directors. PERSONAL DETAILS OF LICENCE APPLICANT 3. Will the operator of the site (i.e. the licence holder) be a different entity to the lease holder? YES Provide personal details of the site operator NO The lease holder and licence holder (operator) will be the same entity Full Name: ........................................................................................................................................ D.O.B. ..... Residential Address ........................................................................................................................................... Postal Address: ................................................................................................................................................. Telephone: Work: .................................................................... Home: ............................. Facsimile: ............. Email: …………………………………………………………………….. LOCATION Aquaculture Zone Area to the proposed location: ........................................................................................ (e.g. Cape D’Estrees (inner) subtidal aquaculture zone) Coordinates (GDA94 preferred) for each corner of the site: Metres East ............................ ........................................ Metres North Please specify datum: Metres East ............................ ........................................ Metres North AGD 66 Metres East ............................ ........................................ Metres North AGD 84 Metres East ............................ ........................................ Metres North GDA94 (WGS 84) Area of site applied for (in Hectares): ........................................ DETAILS OF SPECIES TO BE FARMED 4. 5. Identify the species to be farmed, and the expected tonnage on the site for each species identified. Common Name Scientific Name Max Expected tonnage on site (at full development) 1. ………………………… ………………………… ………………………… 2. ………………………… ………………………… ………………………… 3. ………………………… ………………………… ………………………… 4. ………………………… ………………………… ………………………… 5. ………………………… ………………………… ………………………… Proposed structures (e.g. Racks, Longlines or Cages): ............................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................... NATURE OF THE PROPOSAL 6. 7. Identify the species to be farmed, and the expected tonnage on the site for each species identified. Common Name Scientific Name Max Expected tonnage on site (at full development) 6. ………………………… ………………………… ………………………… 7. ………………………… ………………………… ………………………… 8. ………………………… ………………………… ………………………… 9. ………………………… ………………………… ………………………… 10. ………………………… ………………………… ………………………… Proposed structures (e.g. Racks, Longlines or Cages): ............................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................... 8. Provide a description of the proposed aquaculture venture, including farming practices to be used and all aspects of the production process. 9. Provide a detailed description of each stage of development on the site. This includes the area under development and the date of completion for each stage. 10. Specify the date when full production will be reached at the site: ................................................................ TECHNICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CAPACTIY 11. Provide an attachment outlining all relevant details which indicate the capabilities of the applicant and the proposed site operators in achieving the above proposal to ensure satisfactory levels of animal husbandry and welfare whilst supervising and carrying out the operation, and preventing or minimising environmental impacts resulting from the development. This should include evidence of commercial experience by the applicants. BUSINESS CAPACITY The applicant should provide information regarding the business capacity of the applicant to undertake the proposed farming activities. The applicant should provide the following information: - Three year financial projections for establishing and operating the site. To better inform ATAB, these projections may include a summary of establishment costs for the site including: Proof of the applicants financial capacity to establish and operate the proposed enterprise. Supporting infrastructure development costs (e.g. processing shed, boats and vehicles, equipment storage site, dive equipment) Site development costs (moorings, farming structures) Cost of spat/juveniles Cost of feed Labour costs (including the number of staff) Processing costs Fuel/Electricity costs Regulatory fees Operational/administrative costs The applicant should provide the estimated level of capital investment required to establish the site or sites. Details of the level of finance required and proof of the funds available to establish and operate the enterprise over a three year period. This proof of funds can take the form of a letter or Certification of Financial Adequacy from a financial institution of note, indicating that the applicant has the assets/fund required. The applicant should illustrate they have access to appropriate markets or has a strategy in place to access those markets REGIONAL, SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC BENEFITS OF THE PROPOSAL 12. Provide any information that you think is relevant in demonstrating the benefits the proposal may bring to the region. This information may include: Improvements in the infrastructure of the region which enhances the regions overall capacity in aquaculture, food production and distribution Increases in regional employment brought about through flow-on benefits from aquaculture Introduction of new technology Any specific social and/or regional benefits of the proposal Any other information which may be relevant. DECLARATION BY LESSEE I declare that the information contained in this application is true and accurate: Signature of all applicants: Signature Name Date ................................................... .................................................. ........................................ ................................................... .................................................. ........................................ ................................................... .................................................. ........................................ Appendix 5 Sample Abalone Licence Appendix 6 Sample Production Lease