Algonquin College’s LMS Course Template About This Document The LMS Course Template was created to support College efforts related to Academic Affairs Directive AA42 – Learning Management System. The desire to provide students with a consistent navigational experience across all of their Blackboard courses guided the creation of this template. This document outlines the Common Navigational Structure (Part A) and interface elements to be included in full-time and part-time Blackboard courses. This LMS template provides a basic structure for Blackboard courses that can be added to according to program or course needs. The look and feel of this template may also be tailored for each program as described in Colour Scheme, General Appearance, and Banner (Part B). Part 1 - Common Navigational Structure Part 1.1 At-A-Glance The following common navigational structure serves as a fundamental template from which items can be added as appropriate to the program or course. * are required links as outlined in AA42. ** can be added as appropriate to the type of course. A. ABOUT THIS COURSE Announcements* Course Information* Professor Information* B. LEARNING CONTENT Weekly Materials* Assignments* eTextbooks* Quizzes/Tests* C. COURSE ACTIVITIES This section can list any collaborative or interactive tools instructors wish to use such as: Discussion Board, Wiki, Journal, Groups** D. TOOLS AND RESOURCES AA42 LMS Template – April, 2014 Course Calendar *MyGrades *Email *Student Tools **Additional Resources **Help The Additional Resources section can include any tool that an instructor feels may be helpful for students. For example content such as a: Calendar, Glossary, External Links **etc. Page |1 Algonquin College’s LMS Course Template Example of a Course Template Based On the Common Navigational Structure Part 1.2 - Detailed LMS Template Content Aligned with AA42 A. ABOUT THIS COURSE 1. Announcements should appear as a course’s entry point. This will immediately inform learners of the latest news with regards to the course such as weekly expectations, changes or key reminders. As per Directive AA42: For all credit courses, students are to be provided with online access through the College’s Learning Management System to: Announcements, including but not limited to, general course updates, class cancellations, room changes, due dates of assignments, assessment dates for tests and final exam as applicable, and other relevant information; AA42 LMS Template – April, 2014 Page |2 Algonquin College’s LMS Course Template 2. Course Information should include the following information and documents: a. About This Course should describe to students the instructional mode for the course (e.g. hybrid, face to face, or fully online). Furthermore, it should outline learning expectations and set the stage for what the learning experience will be like. b. Course Outline: A current version of the course outline. c. Course Section Information (CSI): A current version of the course section information document. As per Directive AA42: For all credit courses, students are to be provided with online access through the College’s Learning Management System to: The approved Course Outline; Course Section Information (CSI); 3. Professor Information Professors as well as other staff (e.g., instructors, lab technicians etc.) contact information may be posted in this section. At a minimum, name and email address. As per Directive AA42: For all credit courses, students are to be provided with online access through the College’s Learning Management System to: Professor and instructor contact information; B. LEARNING CONTENT 1. Weekly Materials should include folders for each week and/or main topic of the course. 2. Assignments can list all of the major assignments that students need to complete in the course. Note: This is different from materials that support learning activities (e.g., hybrid, online, in-class) which can be posted within the Weekly Materials folder. 3. Quizzes/Tests can list all of the major tests and quizzes that students will complete during the course. Note: This is different from review quizzes that students do as a learning reinforcement activity rather than as a formal assessment. AA42 LMS Template – April, 2014 Page |3 Algonquin College’s LMS Course Template As per Directive AA42: For all credit courses, students are to be provided with online access through the College’s Learning Management System to: Available course materials and other resources or materials, as appropriate; Course materials provided to students online must be accessible via the College maintained Blackboard™ system. For courses delivered in hybrid or online course delivery mode, in addition to the above, students are to be provided with: A description of how learning is planned in the course, such as an explanation of how the online and inclass sessions support each other and what students are expected to accomplish during the online learning; Online assignments, such as quizzes, surveys, submission of materials and discussion forums, and group collaborative activities, such as blogs and wikis and other active learning activities as appropriate. C. COURSE ACTIVITIES 1. Courses may use certain tools frequently in order to encourage discussion, reflection, and collaboration. Below are examples of commonly used tools that may be included in the course navigation menu as appropriate: a. b. c. d. Discussion Board Wiki Blog Journal As per Directive AA42: For all credit courses, students are to be provided with online access through the College’s Learning Management System to: Available course materials and other resources or materials, as appropriate; D. TOOLS AND RESOURCES The following tools make it easy for students to find help, send email to teachers and fellow classmates, and instantly access course grade information: 1. Course Calendar shows when student tests, assignments and other events will occur. Professors and students are able to see, at a glance, when their assignments are scheduled across all of their courses. AA42 LMS Template – April, 2014 Page |4 Algonquin College’s LMS Course Template 2. MyGrades shows students what marks they received on their assessments. 3. Email is a quick link to a tool that allows students and instructors to send email. Note: Students and staff are able to send email from their Blackboard course. However, in-box messages can only be viewed through the College’s email program. 4. Help can provide links to Blackboard Help tutorials, ITS (Information Technology Support) and other key Student Support resources. 5. Tools provides a link to all Blackboard tools – including important Third-Party tools such as Blackboard Collaborate, and Publisher Materials. As per Directive AA42: For all credit courses, students are to be provided with online access through the College’s Learning Management System to: Available course materials and other resources or materials, as appropriate; Part 2 - Colour Scheme, General Appearance, and Banner A consistent look and feel for courses within the same program contributes to a cohesive learning experience for students. Programs can choose their own colour scheme and customize their course banners provided that the interface elements are accessible and AODA compliant. Program coordinators may consult their Curriculum Services representative and Marketing Officer to create a common look and feel for their program templates. The following course interface elements should be included in all Blackboard courses: 1. Banner that includes the following course information: Course Code and Section Number Course Title 2. Banners and all images with alternate text that can be read by screen readers. 3. Colour scheme of the course displays appropriate contrast between text content and its background. Certain colour combinations (such as red and green, grey on white) do not provide enough contrast for individuals with colour blindness. For information about accessibility and AODA compliance, please consult the Accessibility Office’s website: AA42 LMS Template – April, 2014 Page |5