Capitalization & Sentence Fragments Worksheet

Week 4: Focus on Capitalization and Sentence Fragments
 Capitalization, Sentence Fragment, Hyphen (single-thought adjective)
About 500 or so less than healthy hedgehogs are brought to lincolnshire’s
hedgehog hospital each year. Where 70 percent are helped and returned to
the wild.
 Capitalization, Sentence Fragment, Comma (Appositive), Spelling
The first five books of the hebrew bible the torah. Contane the laws of
judaism and the early history of the jewish people.
 Capitalization, Sentence Fragment, Spelling, Punctuation (Title),
Comma (separating adjectives)
In his book “things fall apart.” Chinua achebe relates the story of a beautiful
fascinating african culture that has all but dissapeared.
 Capitalization, Sentence Fragment, Quotation Marks, Comma
From about 620 to 560 B.C.E., an ancient greek named aesop wrote stories
that are fun to read. And contain advice like, “do not trust flatterers” and
“Better beans and bacon in peace than cakes and ale in fear.”
English 1
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 Comma (nonrestrictive phrase or clause), Capitalization, Sentence
Fragment, Comma (interrupter)
The sun was just slipping below the horizon when aunt Nakki who had ridden
her camel from the sultry areas to the south. Arrived at our camp near Siwa
 Comma (nonrestrictive phrase or clause), Capitalization, Sentence
Fragment, Comma (interrupter)
The sun was just slipping below the horizon when aunt Nakki who had ridden
her camel from the sultry areas to the south. Arrived at our camp near Siwa
 Comma (nonrestrictive phrase or clause), Capitalization, Sentence
Fragment, Comma (interrupter)
The sun was just slipping below the horizon when aunt Nakki who had ridden
her camel from the sultry areas to the south. Arrived at our camp near Siwa
 Comma (nonrestrictive phrase or clause), Capitalization, Sentence
Fragment, Comma (interrupter)
The sun was just slipping below the horizon when aunt Nakki who had ridden
her camel from the sultry areas to the south. Arrived at our camp near Siwa
English 1
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