Mitosis/Meiosis review answers

Mitosis/Meiosis Review Guide
The number of chromosomes a human body cell has ? 46
The sex of a human offspring is determined by? (think of male and female sex cells) Male XY
List the 4 stages of Mitosis. Prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase
Mitosis occurs in these types of cells? Body or Somatic cells
List the stages of the cell cycle involving Mitosis. Interphase, Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase,
Telophase, Cytokinesis
6. Cells that contain 1 set of chromosomes are considered haploid or diploid? Haploid
7. How many chromosomes are located in the cell after the S phase in Interphase? 92
8. How many of our 23 pairs of chromosomes are located in our body cells. All. Out of our 23
pairs the first 22 pairs are autosomic or body chromosomes and the 23rd pair is our sex cell.
Cell Cycle: Mitosis: Name the phase of the cell cycle being discussed. For interphase use G1 S or G2
Normal growth phase. G1: Interphase
Nuclear membrane breaks down Prophase
Chromosomes are moving to the middle of the cell Metaphase
Nucleolus comes back. Telophase
Cytoplasm splits to form 2 new identical cells Cytokinesis
Spindle fibers are forming Prophase
DNA duplicates S phase: Interphase
Sister chromatids separates at the centromeres and move towards opposite ends. Anaphase
The rest of the cell parts replicate to get ready for mitosis. G2/Interphase
Nuclear membrane comes back. Telophase
Cell membrane starts to cleave in. Telophase
Centrioles move towards opposite ends of the cell Prophase
Chromosomes become visible and pair together. Prophase
Spindle fibers start to disappear. Telophase
Be able to Identify pictures of each stage of Mitosis
Cell Cycle: Meiosis Name the phase of the cell cycle being discussed.
Crossing over is occurring Prophase 1
Chromosomes duplicate S Phase/Interphase
Homologous chromosome pairs move towards opposite ends of the cell Anaphase 1
New spindles form around in each cell. Prophase 2
Chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell. Metaphase 2
Cells split to form two new cells : (2n) Cytokinesis 1
Chromosomes split at the centromere and chromatids move to opposite ends of the cell
Anaphase 2
30. Nuclear membrane forms around chromosome pairs. Telophase 1
31. Chromosome pairs line up in the middle Metaphase 1
32. Chromosomes split to form gametes (1n) Cytokinesis 2
33. Nuclear envelope forms around each set of chromatids Telophase 2
34. Be able to identify pictures of each phase in the cell cycle of Meiosis.
35. Define gamete, haploid, diploid, crossing over, independent assortment, polar bodies,
homologous chromosomes,
Gamete: Sex cell (egg or sperm) that is haploid
Haploid: 1 set of chromosomes
Diploid: 2 sets of chromosomes
Crossing over: Exchange of genes between Homologous Pairs
Independent assortment: This principle states that the alleles(genes) for a trait separate
independently when gametes are formed.
Polar Bodies: small cell (which eventually disintegrates) that is the by-product of meiosis
in female animals. One functional ovum and potentially three polar bodies result from
Homologous Chromosomes: a biological cell, a chromosome pairs with another
chromosome during meiosis. This pairing (synapsis) happens between two
chromosomes that are homologous, i.e. chromosomes having the same genes at the
same loci but possibly different alleles. For example, two chromosomes may have genes
encoding eye color, but one may code for brown eyes, the other for blue.
36. Explain what genetic variation is and what causes it. Crossing over, Random Fertilization,
independent assortment: Genetic variability among species or families
37. In human fertilization when a sperm and egg unite to form a zygote with how many
chromosomes. 46.
Picture Identification
Prophase 1
2. Metaphase 2
3. Anaphase 2
4. Cytokinesis 2
5.Prophase 2
6. Telophase 1
7. Interphse 1
8. Anaphase 1
9. Telophase 1
10. Metaphase 1
11. Telophase 2
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