Patrons Prof. Michel Kazatchkine (chair) Prof. Chris Beyrer Prof

Prof. Michel Kazatchkine (chair)
Prof. Chris Beyrer
Prof. Adeeba Kamarulzaman
Dr. Jessie Mbwambo
Dr. Fabio Mesquita
Prof. Julio Montaner
Dr. Evan Wood
Dear Doctor (add name of friend or colleague)
…your introduction … I am a member of International Doctors for Healthier Drug Policies (IDHDP) a
network of over 1200 medical doctors from all almost 100 countries around the world.
I would like to tell you about our current campaign; ‘Striving for equity in the treatment of pain.’ The
campaign’s purpose is to highlight the enormous inequity allowing the poorest 80% of the world’s population
to suffer unspeakable pain without the relief from controlled medicines, like morphine, which the richest
20% take for granted. Whether dying from painful chronic conditions, suffering during complicated
childbirth or after suffering serious injury – the fact remains that 80% of the world’s population has
extremely limited or no access to this form of medicine.
Regulations to prevent the misuse of drugs like heroin appear to have created an unnecessary atmosphere of
fear when it comes to prescribing what are in essence similar drugs for the treatment of pain. There is no
reason why it is not possible to reduce the harm created by the misuse of drugs like heroin while at the same
time ensuring that drugs like morphine are readily available to be prescribed by doctors for the treatment of
severe pain irrespective of which country the patient lives. Future policies based on health must be developed
to address both issues.
IDHDP also wants to highlight the need for information and training in many countries for the proper
treatment of pain. Even in countries where effort has been made to reduce excessive red tape to prescribe
controlled medicines for the treatment of pain there are still significant training needs for medical staff
particularly in the area of effective palliative care. Perhaps of greatest importance is the need for a global
public information programme on the basic human right of access to medicine to alleviate otherwise
intolerable pain. This campaign fits completely within our first two aims:
Opioids should be available to relieve pain for all patients who need them
Opioid substitution therapy should be available to all who need it
Naloxone should be widely accessible to prevent deaths from opioid overdoses
Needle and syringe programs should be easily accessible to help prevent HIV and HCV
We are entering a really important time as we move towards the UN General Assembly Special Session
(“UNGASS”) on the World Drug Problem in April 2016, the first for many years. It is very important that
policy makers are aware that doctors from all over the world want to see health become much more
prominent in future drug policies.
By signing up as a member you are signing up to the campaign. Becoming a member is free, easy and entitles
you to our highly acclaimed monthly newsletter – please join here now and pass on to other doctors you
I look forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards
International Doctors for Healthier Drug Policies (IDHDP)
5th Floor - 8-12 Camden High Street - London NW1 0JH – UK
Community Interest Company 08699645