SOFYA APTEKAR MAX PLANCK INSTITUTE Mailing address: 674 Vanderbilt Street #1 Brooklyn, NY 11218 Email: Site: Phone: 718-433-6682 EMPLOYMENT Sept. 2014 Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Massachusetts Boston 2011-now Research Fellow, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity Visiting Research Scholar, City University of New York, Graduate Center 2010-2011 Postdoctoral Research Associate, Office of Population Research, Princeton EDUCATION 2010 Ph.D. Princeton University Sociology Dissertation: Immigrant Naturalization and Nation-Building in North America 2005 M.A. Princeton University Sociology General exams in Culture (Honors), Immigration (Honors), and Demography 2001 B.A. Yale University Sociology Magna Cum Laude, Honors INTERESTS Race and ethnicity, immigration, urban sociology, sociology of culture, inequality BOOK The Road to Citizenship: What Naturalization Means for Immigrants and the United States. Under contract with Rutgers University Press. REFEREED ARTICLES 2013. “Citizenship Status and Patterns of Inequality in the United States and Canada.” Social Science Quarterly doi: 10.1111/ssqu.12018 2012. “Naturalization Ceremonies and the Role of Immigrants in the American Nation.” Citizenship Studies. 16(7): 937-952. 2009. “Contexts of Exit in the Migration of Russian Speakers from the Baltic Countries to Ireland.” Ethnicities 9(4):507-526. Sofya Aptekar - CV 2009. “Organizational Life and Political Incorporation of Two Asian Immigrant Groups: A Case Study.” Ethnic and Racial Studies 32(9):1511-1533. REVISE AND RESUBMIT “Visions of Public Space: Reproducing and Resisting Social Hierarchies in a Diverse Community Garden.” BOOK CHAPTERS Forthcoming. “Class and Race in Gentrifying Public Space.” In Diversities Old and New: Sociospatial Patterns in New York, Singapore, and Johannesburg, edited by Steven Vertovec. Under contract with Palgrave-Macmillan. Forthcoming. “Layers of Diversity and Immigrant Trajectories in Astoria, New York.” In Diversities Old and New: Socio-spatial Patterns in New York, Singapore, and Johannesburg, edited by Steven Vertovec. Under contract with Palgrave-Macmillan. (with Anna Cieslik) Forthcoming. “Route-ines.” In Diversities Old and New: Socio-spatial Patterns in New York, Singapore, and Johannesburg, edited by Steven Vertovec. Under contract with PalgraveMacmillan. (with Anna Cieslik, Raji Matshedisho, Alex Wafer, Laavy Kathiravelu, Junjia Ye, and Steven Vertovec) Forthcoming. “Rooms without Walls.” In Diversities Old and New: Socio-spatial Patterns in New York, Singapore, and Johannesburg, edited by Steven Vertovec. Under contract with Palgrave-Macmillan. (with Anna Cieslik, Raji Matshedisho, Alex Wafer, Laavy Kathiravelu, Junjia Ye, and Steven Vertovec) Forthcoming. “Immigration, Gentrification, and Neighborhood Change in Astoria.” In Immigrant Crossroads: Globalization, Incorporation, and Place-Making in Queens, NY, edited by Tarry Hum and Ron Hayduk 2008. “Highly-Skilled but Unwelcome in Politics: Asian Indians and Chinese in a New Jersey Suburb.” In Civic Hopes and Political Realities: Immigrants, Community Organizations, and Political Engagement, edited by S. Karthick Ramakrishnan and Irene Bloemraad. New York: Russell Sage Foundation Press. 2007. “Sticking Around: Delayed Departure from the Parental Nest in Western Europe and Japan.” In The Price of Independence: The Economics of the Transition to Adulthood, edited by Sheldon Danziger and Cecilia Rouse. New York: Russell Sage Foundation Press. (with Katherine Newman) OTHER PUBLICATIONS 2 Sofya Aptekar - CV 2012. “Immigration and Customs Enforcement.” The Making of Modern Immigration: An Encyclopedia of People and Ideas. Patrick J. Hayes, editor. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO. REVIEW ESSAY Forthcoming. “Immigration in Diverse Cities: Review of One in Three and New York and Amsterdam edited by Nancy Foner”. Sociological Forum. BOOK REVIEWS Forthcoming. “Civic Engagements: The Citizenship Practices of Indian & Vietnamese Immigrants by Caroline B. Brettell and Deborah Reed-Danahay.” Journal of American Studies. 2014. “Disenchanting Citizenship: Mexican Migrants and the Boundaries of Belonging by Luis Plascencia.” Political and Legal Anthropology Review 37(1). 2012. “Regions Apart: The Four Societies of Canada and the United States by Edward Grabb and James Curtis.” Social Forces. 2012; doi: 10.1093/sf/sos054 2011. “Asian Immigration to the United States by Philip Q. Yang.” Ethnic and Racial Studies. 34(12):2216-2217. 2011. “Partly Colored: Asian Americans and Racial Anomaly in the Segregated South by Leslie Bow.” Ethnic and Racial Studies. 34(2): 380-381. 2011. “Chains of Babylon: The Rise of Asian America by Daryl J. Maeda.” Ethnic and Racial Studies. 34(1):175-176. 2008. “Immigrants and Boomers: Forging a New Social Contract for the Future of America by Dowel Myers.” Ethnic and Racial Studies 31(8):1504-1506. IN REVIEW “Gifts Among Strangers: The Moral Order of the Freecycle Network.” “Crossing into Citizenship in Canada and the United States.” SELECTED PRESENTATIONS 2014 Aptekar, Sofya. “Visions of Public Space: Reproducing and Resisting Social Hierarchies in a Diverse Community Garden.” Paper presentation at American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA 3 Sofya Aptekar - CV 2013 Aptekar, Sofya. “Growing Diversity: Imagining Public Space in a Community Garden.” Department of Sociology and the Immigration Studies Working Group, Queens College, CUNY 2012 Aptekar, Sofya. “Conviviality, Contestation, and Exclusion in Diverse Public Spaces.” Paper presentation at American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Denver, CO 2011 Aptekar, Sofya. “Crossing into Citizenship in Canada and the United States.” Paper presentation at American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV 2010 Aptekar, Sofya. “Gifts among Strangers: Competing Models of Fairness in a Local Freecycle Network.” Paper presentation at Eastern Sociological Society Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA 2009 Aptekar, Sofya. “Naturalization Ceremonies and Immigrant Citizenship: From Liability to Supercitizen.” Paper presentation at American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA 2008 Aptekar, Sofya. “Determinants of Naturalization in Canada and the United States: The Changing Role of Education.” Paper presentation at American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Boston, MA GRANTS AND FELLOWSHIPS 9/09-8/10 University Center for Human Values Graduate Prize Fellowship ($30,000) 9/09-6/10 Quin Morton Graduate Teaching Fellowship ($25,450) declined 6/09-8/09 Program in American Studies, dissertation writing support ($5,000) 1/09-12/09 CUNY Graduate Center Doctoral Student Research Grant (co-PI, $925) 6/08-8/08 Center for Canadian Studies, summer research support ($4,000) Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies, summer research support ($1,000) Center for Migration and Development, summer research support ($1,500) 1/08-12/08 Department of Sociology, Princeton University. Dissertation support grant. ($1,000) 6/07-8/07 Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies, summer research support ($1,000) 9/04-5/06 Center for Migration and Development, Princeton University. Fellowship support ($5,000) 4 Sofya Aptekar - CV 5/06-8/06 Global Network on Inequality Fellowship, Princeton University. Award to study labor migration from the former Soviet Union to Ireland. ($7,000) TEACHING Spring 2014 Summer 2013 Fall 2012 Spring 2012 Fall 2010 Peopling of New York Introduction to Sociology Social Statistics Social Statistics Sociology of the Third World Hunter College, Macaulay, CUNY Brooklyn College, CUNY Queens College, CUNY Queens College, CUNY Rutgers University TEACHING ASSISTANTSHIPS Spring 2007 Fall 2006 Fall 2005 Modern Mexican Society Introduction to Urban Studies Sociology of Immigration Douglas Massey Douglas Massey Margarita Mooney TEACHING HONORS Spring 2007 Nominated by the Department of Sociology for the Association of Princeton Graduate Alumni Graduate Teaching Prize RESEARCH ASSOCIATE 03/12-12/12 Department of Sociology, Queens College, CUNY Project: Greek Immigration. Nicholas Alexiou 04/10-05/11 Department of Sociology, Princeton University Project: Race, Gender, and Class and the Big Test. Howard Taylor 10/04-05/07 Department of Sociology, Princeton University. Project: Transition to Adulthood in Europe and Japan. Katherine Newman 10/05-09/07 Russell Sage Foundation, New York Project: Immigrant Civic Engagement Project. S. Karthick Ramakrishnan and Irene Bloemraad MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS American Sociological Association Eastern Sociological Society OTHER PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES 5 Sofya Aptekar - CV Reviewer, American Sociological Review, International Migration Review, American Journal of Sociology, British Journal of Sociology, Social Forces, Ethnography, Sociological Forum, Laboratorium, Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development Organizer, American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, 2014. Section on Racial and Ethnic Minorities Paper Session. Race and Ethnicity in Everyday Encounters Member of Selection Committee. 2014. James E. Blackwell Distinguished Graduate Student Paper Award. Section on Racial and Ethnic Minorities. American Sociological Association Annual Meeting. Organizer, Eastern Sociological Society Annual Meeting, 2014. Themed Paper Session. The Invisible Work of Getting Along: Everyday Interactions Across and Through Difference. Member of Steering Committee, Making Connections: 2013 International Migration Section’s Mini-Conference, New York, August 2013 Discussant, American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, 2011. Section on International Migration Paper Session. Place Matters: Local Dynamics of Immigration in the United States and Beyond Member of Organizing Committee, Making Connections: 2009 International Migration Section’s Mini-Conference, San Francisco, August 2009 Consultant on immigration, StoryCorps Advisory Board, Minor Miracles Foundation OTHER SKILLS AND ACTIVITIES Instructor, English as Second Language, Catholic Charities of Trenton, Catholic Charities of Brooklyn and Queens Instructor, English, Albert Wagner Youth Correctional Facility Languages: Russian (native), Spanish (intermediate) 6