Mrs. Banas 30 SOCIOLOGY Syllabus for Unit 1 & 2 31 -Go over course syllabus and FEB 1 2 -What is Sociology? Lecture 3 assign textbooks 6 -Finish skits if needed -Old School Lecture- Famous Sociologists and Theories (I will collect your notes) -Semantic Mapping- Sociologists and their theories (work in groups of three-four and make a word map- be ready to tell me how all of the terms fit together) -Speed Discussion (discuss quotes from famous sociologists)- if time permits HW: Suicide as a Social Issue (investigate suicide from a variety of different socio-cultural perspectives) Research suicide as a social problem from the perspective of Marx, Weber, or Mead. Use chart to study for quiz on famous sociologists and sociological theories. -Sociology Questions power point (photos of families) -Sociological Theories Puzzles (in groups- make 8 groups)- apply your knowledge of sociology to solving puzzles -Speed Meeting Activity- read sociological questions and students rotate around the room (ring bell) -Sociology theory skits (2 min skits)- In your groups you are assigned a theory. The class is divided into three teams each representing a theory. HW: Chart on the History of Sociology (use textbook) and different sociological theories- use your textbook or Internet HW: Storytelling- Tell me a story about a dispute that you had recently between you and a friend, a parent, or a significant other. After writing the story, write a reflection in which you look at the dispute from Functionalist, Conflict, or Symbolic Interactionist perspective and be sure to use the terms associated with the theory for full credit. Staple RUBRIC to the story. 7 8 -Quiz on sociologists and 9 10 -Quiz on sociological research theories methods -Love it or hate it? (Music poll) -Compile data for the Helpful Experiment and discuss “Helping Experiment.” Try to find correlations. -Sociological Research lecture -Context a “Helping Experiment.” HW: Conduct “Helping Experiment” study and collect data. Study vocabulary on sociological methods and concepts for quiz. -Read “Components of Good Surveys” handout -US Census Bureau assignment Lab 302 HW-TEST on Sociological concepts and vocabulary 13 14 -Test on Unit One (multiple 15 choice and short answer response)30 min Unit Two: Culture EQ: What causes social differences? Do all social groups practice appropriate societal control? 16 ½ day 17 Cultural artifacts day and story telling day -Story telling circle (the whole class) -Lecture on Culture -Start homework HW: Prepare questions for immigrant interview and Complete Decoding Human Behavior assignment HW: Story telling: Describe a crosscultural experience that happened to you or an example of “culture shock” OR discuss an important family holiday/celebration (ideas to include: subculture, cultural values, norms, culture shock, ethnocentrism, cultural relativity). Bring in a cultural artifact for show and tell. 20 NO SCHOOL 21 Cultural Relativism v Ethnocentrism 22 23 Quiz on culture Proverbs activity -Body Ritual of the Nacirema -Read “American Values” and “Norms and Sanctions” -Ethnocentrism statements and discussion. National Geographic Taboo visual (15 min episode)Discuss- differences and similarities Subculture or Counterculture? Research a subculture in America (from book “Freak Nation”) –JIGSAW activity -Discuss interview assignment (avoiding questions that are ethnocentric) -Read story of Danish couple -Context Decoding human behavior exercise (observational studies in classroom and lunch room) HW: Begin Decoding human behavior assignment. Study for Quiz on culture HW: Work on Immigrant Interview and Human Behavior assignment 24