July 27, 2014 - Bunker Hill United Methodist Church

Weekly Calendar
Sunday, July 27
8:30 a.m. ........ Early Worship
9:45 a.m. ........ Sunday School Classes
11:00 a.m. ........ Worship Service and Children’s Church
5:00 p.m. ........ Salad Supper
6:00 p.m. ........ Cornhole Tournament
6:15 p.m. ........ Ice Cream Social
Bunker Hill United Methodist Church
1510 Bunker Hill – Sandy Ridge Road, Kernersville, NC 27284
July 27, 2014
Mission Statement:
Our purpose is…..
“to glorify God by sharing our faith
and by being dedicated disciples of Christ.”
Monday, July 28
5:45 p.m. ........ Yoga (Sanctuary)
Tuesday, July 29
Wednesday, July 30
Thursday, July 31
8:00 a.m. ........ Thrilling Thursday
Friday, August 1
Saturday, August 2
Sunday, August 3
8:30 a.m. ........ Early Worship
9:45 a.m. ........ Sunday School Classes
11:00 a.m. ........ Worship Service and Children’s Church
7:00 p.m. ........ Renewal Services
CVLI #501344210 CCLI# 1701986
Members, new members, and visitors—contact the church office if you would like to be
added to the Phone Tree or News from the Pews monthly newsletter. Also, include your
phone number and e-mail address. Please leave information with the office at 993-8132,
ext. 100; or e-mail bunkerhillumc@triad.rr.com; or you may drop it in the collection
plate; or put a note in the clear box on the wall beside the office door. Thank you, and
welcome to Bunker Hill United Methodist Church.
Office: 336-993-8132; Fax: 336-993-0605
E-mail: bunkerhillumc@triad.rr.com; Website: bunkerhillumc.com
Sunday Worship Services
8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.
Sunday School Classes
9:45 – 10:45 a.m.
Our Church Staff:
David Rorie, Pastor 993-5429 ⧫ Jessica Dalton, DCE
Carol Earnhardt, Music Director ⧫ Karen Powell, Office Administrator
Sharon Landreth, Child Care Program Director
July 27, 2014
Seventh Sunday after Pentecost
8:30 a.m. Worship
July 27, 2014
Seventh Sunday after Pentecost
11:00 a.m. Worship
Prelude ............................................................................... Tommy Dunn
“How Deep the Father’s Love for Us”
Prelude ................................................................................ Tommy Dunn
“How Deep the Father’s Love for Us”
*Opening Prayer ...................................................................... Mark Yates
*Opening Prayer ....................................................................... Mark Yates
*Hymn of Praise ..................................................................................... 64
“Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty”
*Hymn of Praise ..................................................................................... 64
“Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty”
*Act of Praise, 743 ................................................................ Bobby Tester
“Psalm 8”
*Act of Praise, 743 ................................................................ Bobby Tester
“Psalm 8”
*Greeting................................................................................Anita Billups
*Greeting ............................................................................... Anita Billups
*Passing the Peace
*Passing the Peace
(Children may come forward for the Children’s Message.)
Special Music ..................................................................... Tommy Dunn
“I Will Rise”
Children’s Message ............................................................Jessica Dalton
(Children pre-K through 4th grades may go to Children’s Church.)
Joys and Concerns................................................................. David Rorie
Special Music ..................................................................... Tommy Dunn
“I Will Rise”
Morning Prayer .................................................................... Tom Bridges
Joys and Concerns ................................................................. David Rorie
Youth Mission Trip Report
Morning Prayer .....................................................................Tom Bridges
Service of Giving .................................................................Anita Billups
Youth Mission Trip Report
Offertory Special ................................................................ Tommy Dunn
“All the Way My Savior Leads Me”
Carey Scott Ellis Scholarship Presentation
*Doxology............................................................................................... 95
“Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow”
Service of Giving................................................................. Anita Billups
Offertory Special ................................................................ Tommy Dunn
“All the Way My Savior Leads Me”
Scripture Lesson.....................................................................Sue Bridges
*Doxology .............................................................................................. 95
“Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow”
Morning Message.................................................................. David Rorie
Scripture Lesson .................................................................... Sue Bridges
*Hymn of Response .............................................................................. 577
“God of Grace and God of Glory”
Morning Message .................................................................. David Rorie
*Hymn of Response ............................................................................. 577
“God of Grace and God of Glory”
*Benediction ............................................................................ Mark Yates
*Benediction ............................................................................. Mark Yates
*Postlude ....................................................................................... Selected
*Postlude ....................................................................................... Selected
*Please stand if you are able.
*Please stand if you are able.
The United Methodist Men will meet on Sunday, September 7,
7:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. See Emmett Ellis if you have
CIRCLE #1 will meet on Wednesday, August 13 at 10:00 a.m. Contact Betty
Crews for more information about Circle #1 (993-2334).
Monday, July 28 –Yoga: Join us Monday at 5:45 p.m. for a wonderful hourlong Yoga class. Each class is led by Certified Yoga Instructor, Susan Bennett.
The cost is only $4 per class!!
CIRCLE #2 will take the summer months off and will
meet again in September. Contact Eva Rushing for more
information about Circle #2 (869-6699).
Monday, July 28: Our area Missional Network meeting will be held at the
Main Street UMC, Kernersville at 7:00 p.m. Interested persons are welcome to
attend. David or Tom Bridges will be glad to tell you about our network.
THE BLAKE IDOL CIRCLE will not be meeting during the summer months.
We will resume on the third Tuesday in September! Contact Sue Bridges for
more information about The Blake Idol Circle (993-0835).
THE SUNSHINE CIRCLE will not have a regular meeting in July. Contact
Gloria Wright for more information about The Sunshine Idol Circle (993-3278).
Ice Cream Social/Corn Hole Tournament
Thrilling Thursday (Celebration Station)
No Youth Group
Thrilling Thursday (Airbound Trampoline Park)
Tommy Dunn is our guest musician today at Bunker Hill.
He resides in Kernersville and is the organist and
webmaster at First United Methodist Church in
Mocksville as well as the media designer for the Early
Light contemporary service. Prior to going to
Mocksville, Tommy was the music director and organist at Hickory Grove
United Methodist Church in Greensboro. He began playing piano by ear at the
age of 2 and went through school accompanying many choral groups and
musicals. He furthered his study of church music and voice at Pfeiffer College in
Misenheimer, NC.
Sunday, July 27: Come out and celebrate the summer with
your church family. Bring your favorite summer salad and
homemade ice cream or toppings to share. The Salad Supper
begins at 5:00 p.m., followed by the Cornhole Tournament at
6:00 p.m. and the Ice Cream Social at 6:15 p.m.
The entry fee for the tournament is $10 per person, with all proceeds going to
benefit Open Arms Ministry.
Sunday’s Special Music Talents Scheduled
August 3 – Carol Earnhardt
August 10 – Robert Summerell
August 17 – Devyn Siquieros
August 24 – Open
Sunday, August 3 – A video report concerning the activities and decisions of
our recent Annual Conference will be presented in the sanctuary during the
Sunday School hour, beginning at 10:00 a.m. Contact Don Blalock if you have
Sunday, August 3 – Spiritual Renewal Begins. (Sundays - August 3, 10, 17,
and 24 at 7:00 p.m.) Mark your calendars and plan to
attend each of our August Renewal Services on the
nights of the 3rd, 10th, 17th, and 24th. Worship will
begin at 7:00 p.m., followed by refreshments in the
fellowship hall. A refreshment signup sheet is placed
on the fellowship hall for those groups who are
willing to sponsor one of the receptions.
Special Speakers for Renewal Services
August 3 – Lauren Hill
August 10 – Ashley White, St. Paul’s UMC, Mocksville
August 17 – Chris Grimmett-Morehead UMC-Greensboro
August 24 – Emily Roach-Lewisville UMC-Lewisville
Renewal Service Performance Calendar
August 3 – Glenn High School Baccalaureate Praise Band
August 10 – North Pointe Church Youth Praise Band
August 17 – Roman Brady, Ashley Brady, Carol Earnhardt
August 24 – Bunker Hill UMC Choir
Sunday, August 10 – The United Methodist Women will be in charge of
leading our worship services on Sunday, August 10. Please plan to attend.
Monday, August 11 – Newsletter Articles for September are due.
Tuesday, August 12 – Tuesday Morning Prayer Group: 8:00 a.m. (NH).
Wednesday, August 13- Staff Meeting at 4:15 p.m. in the pastor’s office.
Wednesday, August 13: The Choir and Handbells are on summer break. Choir
will resume rehearsals on August 13, 7:15-8:30 p.m. in the sanctuary. NEW
MEMBERS are always welcome!!. Handbells will resume rehearsal on
September 3.
Tuesday, August 14 – The Staff Parish Relations Committee will meet on
Thursday, August 14, at 7:00 p.m. Committee members are Robin Austin,
Chairperson; Weldon Idol; Alan Idol; Danny Hill; Barry Burkepile; Mark Yates;
Wendy Lawson; Karen Smith; Richard Landreth; Tom Bridges; Don Blalock;
David Rorie.
Monday, August 18 - Trustee Committee Meeting at 7:00 p.m. (NH)
Saturday, August 23: The choir will participate in a workshop with Dr.
Welborn Young from UNC-G. The workshop will be on Saturday, August 23 at
Main Street United Methodist Church and will be attended by church choir
members from across the Piedmont. Please plan to attend this exciting event as
we prepare for a year of music ministry.
Wednesday, August 27 - Newsletter Folders at 10:00 a.m. (NH).
September 17: Oasis Meals begin.
July: Natural Peanut Butter and Jelly
August: Grits and Oatmeal
STEWARDSHIP 07/20/2014
Sunday School Attendance
8:30 a.m. Worship Service 06/29/14
11:00 a.m. Worship Service
Weekly Budget Needs
Received for Budget
Budget Needs to Date
Contributions to Budget Year-to-Date
Ahead in Budget Year-to-Date
Koins for Kids Collections
.................................. not available
.................................. not available
.................................. not available
...................................... $6,708.00
.................................. not available
.................................. not available
.................................. not available
.................................. not available
.................................. not available
Those Who Serve
The Prayer Page
If you are unable to serve the Sunday that you are designated, please call
and trade with someone on your team, or contact your team leader.
Long Term: Wade Johnson (Almeta Idol’s brother-in-law); Ricky Hedgecock
(Piedmont Christian Home); Almeta Idol’s niece; Daisy Owensby (Danny Hill’s
Mother); Reba Tuttle (Gary and Steve Siler’s mother); Tim Hedgecock (Golden
Living, Greensboro): Rhonda Hedgecock; Betty Baldwin (Bobby Tester’s
sister); Nimm Shelton (Ann Stafford’s brother); Mary Ann Austin (Reggie’s
mother); Ryan Dilger (Dan Dilger’s grandson); James Rigsbee; Caiden Hawtree
(Cathy Hedgecock).
Church Opening:
Worship Leaders:
Church Members: Homebound, Nursing, Retirement Homes: Virginia
Griffith (Westchester Manor); Paige Weavil (Kerner Ridge); Juanita Klutz;
Thelma Robbins (Kerner Ridge); Harold Froelich; Verna Aden (Brighton
Gardens, Greensboro); Robert Anderson; Doris Anderson; Bernice Smith; Irene
Wagoner; Geneva Lane (Shannon Gray).
8:30 a.m. Nursery:If you are in need of a nursery volunteer today,
please see one of the ushers. Thank you.
Active Military Members and Friends: (Please update the church office with
names and service of our active military members and friends.)
John Michael Earnhardt, U. S. Army, Fort Eustis, VA.
Prayer Requests for the week of July 27: Jimmy Queen.
Fred and Jayne Thompson (Mission trip to Haiti, July24-August 1);
Help us keep our Prayer Page current. If you would like to add or remove a name,
drop a note in the collection plate or call the church office at 993-8132.
Anita Billups
Mark Yates
Jayne Thompson
Denise Ayers
11:00 a.m.
Mason and LaRae Smith
Jimmy and Donna Idol
Alan and Trish Shupe
Mason and LaRae Smith
11:00 a.m.
(2-4 years):
Mike and Kim Pardue
Christie and Bill Vandervelde
Gary and Janice Siler
Hilda Sink and Debbie Froelich
Jessica Dalton
Jessica Dalton
Jason and Michelle Shupe
Jessica Dalton
Tech Booth:
Continued Prayer: Ethel Nelson; Vernia Yates (Mark’s mother); Luke Finison;
Debbie Thompson (Jerry and Betty Sue Proctor’s niece); Bob Kelley; Ida
Thomas (Janice Coltrane’s mother); Juliann Hegland (Tom and Sue Bridges’
granddaughter); Cari Snipes (Carol’s daughter); Sudy Hale; Gail Gentry (Nikki
Lemmings’ grandmother); Donna Kearns; Catherine Altschuler and family
(Tom and Sue Bridges’ daughter); Chris Hall; Jim Liddick Family; Johnny
Amos; Ryleigh Cresimore; John Tester (Bobby’s brother); Dale Gantt (Steve’s
brother); Carol Lyons (Kathy Gantt’s sister); Alina Ruez (Chris Hall); Steve
Hutton; Kim S and son, Tucker (Yvonne Thigpin); Bertha Stainback (Carl’s
mother); Sandra Lawson (Ann Rorie); Martha Stafford Family; Luke and Rachel
Duggins and family; Inez Whitt; Todd Gray family; Imogene Idol;
Vacation Bible School; Virginia Meyer Family; Bill Carter (Chris Hall); Hubert
Jackson (Gloria Wright’s brother);Kayleen Brendle (Kathy Emig); Sharon
Ed Powell
Wilbur Idol
07/27 Team D:
08/03 Team A:
08/10 Team B:
08/17 Team C:
Sammy Idol, Gary Siler, Jackson Northen
Roger Duggins, Wendy Lawson, Donald Blalock
Doyle Blalock, Fred Thompson, Larry Redfearn
Joey Billups, Sarah Brown, Seth Brown
8:30 a.m. Greeters:
July: Chip Leonard (FE)
August: Larry Redfearn (FE); Linda Davis, Florence Clark (BE)
11:00 a.m. Greeters:
July: Carolyn Chandler
August: Steve Gant (FE); Kathy Gant (BE)
8:30 a.m. Ushers:
July: Skip and Pat Boyles
August: Emmett and Jane Ellis
11:00 a.m. Ushers:
July: Steve Siler, Gary Siler
August: Bobby Tester, Tim Lawson
11:00 a.m. Acolytes:
July: Lenora Blalock, Samantha Love
August: Hannah Davis, Hayden Dykes
Altar Guild:
July: Tim and Donna Clinard
August: Bobby and Linnie Clinard