Why should you sponsor us?

Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to you on behalf of University College London (UCL)’s Young Writers’ Society. Please
accept this email as an invitation offering you the opportunity to become a sponsor for the society,
thereby promoting your business to one of the most sought after student bases in the world, whilst
simultaneously helping an underfunded society fulfil its potential.
Who are we?
UCLU Young Writers’ Society is a creative writing society which aims to bring together the next
generation of writers, encouraging them and providing them with weekly feedback sessions and
creative writing workshops with established writers; in the past, we’ve held creative writing
workshops with the poet Declan Ryan, and the writer Chimène Suleyman, among others. We also
aim to promote the works of our student writers through magazines published twice a term. We
hold open mic events fortnightly, headlined by established Spoken Word poets, which often brings
in crowds from within and without UCL. The society works with all forms and genres, from realist
screenplays to science-fiction novels. Our aim is to provide a supportive network for all writers, no
matter what their experience, in UCL.
Why should you sponsor us?
The University College Brand is in itself a much-sought after area of advertising. UCL has been
consistently ranked in the top 10 in the UK, but is also a global brand, and has been ranked 4th best
in the world.1 With over 25,000 undergraduates and postgraduates, and approximately 30% of the
student body made up of overseas students, you are sure to get a varied and wide exposure for
your business.
The Young Writers’ Society itself has over 500 members on Facebook, including current students
and alumni. YWS has a radio slot on the UCL Student Radio, Rare FM, which will allow greater
access to the 25,000 strong student body. Your brand and business will get as wide an exposure as
you want.
Your sponsorship opportunities
Depending on the sponsorship package you choose (more details below), you will have the
opportunity to promote your business through our termly magazines, which will be uploaded to the
YWS website and be distributed all over the university (previous zines can be found here:
www.ucluwriters.co.uk/zine/), feature your logos on our flyers, posters, and emails, promote at our
open mike events, as well as on our Facebook and Twitter pages. You will also have the chance to
feature in our Young Writers’ Society Anthology, produced each year, and promote your business
during the launch party. In this email, we have included details of exactly what a sponsor would
gain from this opportunity, so please do have a look at our flexible sponsorship packages below.
According to the QS World University Rankings 2013-2014
Promotion in Zines
Logo and business details
(website, manifesto etc)
Promotion on flyers and
Promotion in Anthology
Distribution of promotional
materials at event venue
Promotion at Open Mike
Vote of thanks
Distribution of promotional
materials at event venue
Online Access
Logo on emails sent out
Company logo and link on
our official website
Promotion via Facebook and
Radio Access
Vote of thanks
Company jingle or radio
Promotion at UCL Fresher’s
N.B. This document is only an indication of your interest and not legally binding.
All prices and packages are negotiable.
Our society has grown in leaps and bounds since it was set up and we rely on your support to
continue being a home for writers at UCL. We hope you choose to support UCLU Young Writers’
Society 2014-15 and become a partner in our celebration of student talent and writing.
On behalf of the committee, we look forward to hearing from you, whereupon we hope to discuss
our proposal further.
Kind Regards,
Ramya Jegatheesan
Zine Editor
UCLU Young Writers’ Society 2014-15
Contact Details
Alex Bates
Ramya Jegatheesan
Zine Editor
+44 7807793055