The Writing Process: A Guide

The Bedford Reader
Writers need to accept that…
1. They may begin tentatively – often lacking confidence.
2. They will have to double back – rethink and re-plan.
3. Welcome change – endure frustration.
Writers need to be sure they follow a process…
1. Analyze the writing situation (the assignment)
2. Discover ideas – choose a initial direction
3. Draft an initial route – may be rough
4. Revise route if need be – may need to turn back
This is where you first approach the subject of
your assignment.
This book uses journal writing as an initial
stage of the writing process – then you as a
writer, using the journal experiences, draft
your own essay.
Part of this analysis requires consideration of
the intended audience.
This is when you critically
examine sources information
When writing for this book – you
will be reading, rereading, and
writing what you think about
issues and writers’ styles
You may even begin to draft at
this stage – and if the audience is
a “teacher with a sharp pencil” –
forget your audience for the time
This is part of the discovery process
This is a way for you to record thoughts for
yourself – which is very important
In a journal – you only worry about your
thoughts because it is for you – there is no
audience to be concerned with
Journal writing can “limber up your writing
This is much like journaling –
however, this is used for
specific assignments
You write without stopping for
10-15 minutes
You don’t bog yourself down
with writing conventions
This is simply a method to get
in the mind set for a particular
topic – writers often “find
themselves” while embarking
in this process
While exploring, try to pin down the thesis –
or the main idea of your assignment
Writers who do not keep this in mind typically
get lost – and their writing wanders
Page 37 offers examples of solid thesis
statements from essays offered in the text
Give yourself plenty of time for this process –
you have to give your mind time to “soak it all
Solitude is best
Don’t be afraid to “change gears”
Don’t allow for writers block – move on
Keep focused on the big picture – don’t sweat
the little stuff that can be fixed later
This should be a two-step process:
 Revise for organization and purpose FIRST
 Then worry about surface issues like grammar and
word choice
Purpose – will it be clear?
Thesis – easily discerned? Proved?
Unified – all goes back to thesis?
Coherent – parts relate to one another?
Details, examples, explanations?
Did I use “methods of development?
Do paragraph breaks help readers grasp
Do transitions assist with making
Are sentences smooth – concise? Parallel?
Wording – clear and vivid?
Grammar – punctuation?
Why collaborate with others – specifically my
 Sparks ideas
 Increases awareness
 Increases self-confidence
An essay in progress…