Lesson Plans for Third Grade Up to the Week after Spring Break Focus/Objectives Jan 20-24 Monday 1/20 Reading: Writing: Writing: Elaboration Social Studies: DBQ (Document Based Questions) Feb. 2-7 Reading: genre, author’s purpose, summary, main idea, word meaning, inference, and critical thinking Writing: Main Event- *action, description, thoughts/feelings, dialogue/exclamation/ sound effect* Social Studies: DBQ Thursday Friday 1/23 NORTHWEST READS Reading: Elements of Poetry, Types of Poetry. 1/24 Reading: District Assessment- Character generating questions to create a segment of elaborative detail describing a story critical setting. GOAL: Ask detail generating questions to help students elaborate, and writing these ideas without being “listy”. Topic: Winter Landscape “I looked out my window at the beautiful winter landscape” Writing: TSW apply detail generating Writing: TSW apply detail Writing: Flex Day questions to create a segment of elaborative detail describing a story critical setting. GOAL: Students write their own “segment” of 4-6 sentences. Early finishers can write more than one segment. Topic: Winter Landscape “I looked out my window at the beautiful winter landscape” generating questions to create a segment of elaborative detail describing a story critical setting. GOAL: Students use the feedback from peers to rework their segments. Topic: Winter Landscape “I looked out my window at the beautiful winter landscape” 1/27 Reading: figurative language in poetry 1/28 Reading: Imagery in Poetry, 5 Senses 1/29 Reading: Mood in Poetry 1/30 Reading: Reading Comp Passage to assess POETRY skills Writing: TSW apply detail generating Writing: TSW apply detail questions to create a segment of elaborative detail describing a story critical setting. GOAL: Ask detail generating questions to help students elaborate, and writing these ideas without being “listy”. TOPIC: Freezing “ I’d been on the icy mountain slope for several hours and I was freezing.” generating questions to create a segment of elaborative detail describing a story critical setting. GOAL: Students write their own “segment” of 4-6 sentences. Early finishers can write more than one segment. TOPIC: Freezing “ I’d been on the icy mountain slope for several hours and I was freezing.” 2/3 Wildside Passage Reading: Ind. read, genre, author’s purpose, TRUNK 2/4 Wildside Passage Reading: Re-read, sections A (main idea), B ( recalling facts), C (making inferences) Writing: TSW apply detail Writing: Elaboration Reading: Figurative Language in Poetry, Imagery. 1/21 Reading: What is Poetry? Wednesday 1/22 Reading: Elements of Poetry, Types of Poetry. NO SCHOOL MLK DAY Reading: Elements of Poetry, Types of Poetry. Jan 27-31 Tuesday Writing: TSW apply detail generating Writing: TSW read and compare a story summary, a list of actions, and a fully elaborated main event in order to recognize the power of the fully elaborated main event. EW Narrative pgs. 260, & 261 Writing: TSW read and compare a story summary, a list of actions, and a fully elaborated main event in order to recognize the power of the fully elaborated main event. EW Narrative pgs. 262 & 263 questions to create a segment of elaborative detail describing a story critical setting. GOAL: Students use the feedback from peers to rework their segments. TOPIC: Freezing “ I’d been on the icy mountain slope for several hours and I was freezing.” 2/5 Wildside Passage Reading: Re-read, Sections D (using words precisely), E (author’s approach), F(summary/paraphrasing), G (critical thinking) Writing: TSW apply the productive questioning techniques in order to fully elaborate a summarized main event. EW Narrative pgs. 264-266 1/31 DBQ Day 1 Topic: Politics or Principle: Why did LBJ sign the Civil Rights Act of 1964? Writing: Flex Day The Hook- pgs. 430-431 Establish Context- pg 432 Writing: Flex Day 2/6 Reading: Reading Comp Passage to assess skills Writing: Flex Day 2/7 DBQ Day 2 Topic: Politics or Principle: Why did LBJ sign the Civil Rights Act of 1964? Teach TRUNK, complete background essay, summary p 433 Writing: Flex Day Feb. 10-14 Reading: genre, author’s purpose, summary, main idea, word meaning, inference, and critical thinking Writing: Main Event- *action, description, thoughts/feelings, dialogue/exclamation/ sound effect* Social Studies: DBQ (Document Based Questions) Feb. 17-21 Reading: Benchmark/ DBQ Writing: Main Event- *action, description, thoughts/feelings, dialogue/exclamation/ sound effect* Social Studies: DBQ (Document Based Questions) Feb. 24-28 Reading: genre, author’s purpose, summary, main idea, word meaning, inference, and critical thinking Writing: Suspense Social Studies: DBQ (Document Based Questions) 2/10 Wildside Passage Reading: Ind. read, genre, author’s purpose, TRUNK 2/11 Wildside Passage Reading: Re-read, sections A (main idea), B ( recalling facts), C (making inferences) Writing- day 1: TSW apply detail generating questions to create a segment of elaborative detail describing a story main event GOAL: Ask detail generating questions to help students elaborate, and writing these ideas without being “listy”. Topic: Mermaid/Treasure EW Narrative pg 268-269 Writing-day 2: TSW apply detail generating questions to create a segment of elaborative detail describing a story main event. GOAL: Students write their own “segment” of 4-6 sentences. Early finishers can write more than one segment. Topic: Mermaid/Treasure EW Narrative pg 268-269 2/17 Bad Weather Make Up Day Reading: Benchmark to asses skills mastered/tutoring groups 2/18 Reading: Deconstruction of Benchmark/ Goal Setting Writing-day 1: TSW apply detail Writing-day 2: TSW apply detail generating questions to create a segment of elaborative detail describing a story main event GOAL: Ask detail generating questions to help students elaborate, and writing these ideas without being “listy”. Topic: Snow Monster/Escape EW Narrative pg 274-275 generating questions to create a segment of elaborative detail describing a story main event. GOAL: Students write their own “segment” of 4-6 sentences. Early finishers can write more than one segment. Topic: Snow Monster/Escape EW Narrative pg 274-275 2/24 Aliens & UFO’s Passage Reading: Ind. read, genre, author’s purpose, TRUNK Writing: Suspense- Magic of Three TSW recognize the convention of the “Magic of Three” for suspense building and identify the elements of this technique. EW Narrative pg 232-233 2/25 Aliens & UFO’s Passage Reading: Re-read, sections A (main idea), B ( recalling facts), C (making inferences) Writing: TWS learn the power of suspense; recognize three techniques for building suspense (story questions, word refrents, magic of three) and practice building suspense using these techniques. EW Narrative pg 236-237 2/12 Wildside Passage Reading: Re-read, Sections D (using words precisely), E (author’s approach), F(summary/paraphrasing), G (critical thinking) Writing-day 3: TSW apply detail generating questions to create a segment of elaborative detail describing a story’s main event. GOAL: Students use the feedback from peers to rework their segments. Topic: Mermaid/Treasure EW Narrative pg 268-269 2/13 Reading: Reading Comp Passage to assess skills Writing-day 4: TSW use knowledge from elaboration of setting to write a setting to set up for the main event of the story. Topic: Mermaid/Treasure EW Narrative pg 268-269 2/14 Class Parties 1:30-2:30 DBQ Day 3 Topic: Politics or Principle: Why did LBJ sign the Civil Rights Act of 1964? Clarify the main question/word refrent, and determine the three titles for the “buckets”…TRUNK Document A (pg 434-435), and place info in buckets Writing: Flex Day 2/19 ELA PLC at Admin. DBQ Day 4 Topic: Politics or Principle: Why did LBJ sign the Civil Rights Act of 1964? 2/20 DBQ Day 5 Topic: Politics or Principle: Why did LBJ sign the Civil Rights Act of 1964? 2/21 DBQ Day 6 Topic: Politics or Principle: Why did LBJ sign the Civil Rights Act of 1964? TRUNK Document B (436-437), and place info in buckets TRUNK Document C (438-439), and place info in buckets Writing-day 3: TSW apply detail Writing: Suspense (Red Flag Word Phrases- transitions) TSW learn to recognize a variety of transitional, attention getting “red flag” word and phrases in the context of suspenseful segments. EW Narrative pg 228-229 TRUNK Document D(440441) and E (442-443), and place info in buckets generating questions to create a segment of elaborative detail describing a story’s main event. GOAL: Students use the feedback from peers to rework their segments. Topic: Snow Monster/Escape EW Narrative pg 274-275 2/26 Aliens & UFO’s Passage Reading: Re-read, Sections D (using words precisely), E (author’s approach), F(summary/paraphrasing), G (critical thinking) Writing: TWS learn the power of suspense, recognize three techniques for building suspense (story questions, word refrents, magic of three) and practice building suspense using these technique. EW Narrative pg 238 2/27 Reading: Reading Comp Passage to assess skills Writing: TWS learn the power of suspense; recognize three techniques for building suspense (story questions, word refrents, magic of three) and practice building suspense using these techniques. EW Narrative pg 239 Writing: Flex Day 2/28 End of Six Weeks DBQ Day 7 Topic: Politics or Principle: Why did LBJ sign the Civil Rights Act of 1964? Create a thesis for the DBA….decide which is most important to you…thrash out ideas…STUDENTS WILL ONLY WRITE ABOUT THE ONE MOST IMPORTANT REASON VS. ALL 3 Writing: Flex Day March 3-8 Reading: genre, author’s purpose, summary, main idea, word meaning, inference, and critical thinking Writing: Suspense 3/4 Aliens & UFO’s Passage Reading: Ind. read, genre, author’s purpose, TRUNK Writing: TSW practice building suspense by modeling their writing after the examples from Mon- Wed. EW Narrative pg 240 3/5 Aliens & UFO’s Passage Reading: Re-read, sections A (main idea), B ( recalling facts), C (making inferences) Writing: TSW practice building suspense by modeling their writing after the examples from Mon- Wed. EW Narrative pg 241 Social Studies: DBQ (Document Based Questions) 3/6 Aliens & UFO’s Passage Reading: Re-read, Sections D (using words precisely), E (author’s approach), F(summary/paraphrasing), G (critical thinking) DBQ Day 8 Topic: Politics or Principle: Why did LBJ sign the Civil Rights Act of 1964? Draft our response to the main question of the DBQ 3/7 Reading: Reading: Reading Comp Passage to assess skills DBQ Day 9 Topic: Politics or Principle: Why did LBJ sign the Civil Rights Act of 1964? Revise/Edit our response to the main question of the DBQ 3/8 Writing SBBB Due- 2 IDEAS (1. POETRY FROM LIBRARY OR 2.DBQ?) DBQ Day 10 Topic: Politics or Principle: Why did LBJ sign the Civil Rights Act of 1964? Write our final copy of our thesis for our DBQ!!! Finish DBQ today!!!! Writing: Flex Day March 10-14 3/10 SPRING BREAK 3/11 SPRING BREAK 3/12 SPRING BREAK 3/13 SPRING BREAK 3/14 SPRING BREAK March 17-21 3/17 Reading: genre of test taking 3/18 Reading: genre of test taking 3/19 3/20 3/21 Reading: Breakdown of Benchmark/Goal Setting Writing: TSW identify the 4 strategies to start a narrative story. EW Narrative pgs. 50-51 Writing: TSW read story beginnings and determine which techniques authors used to create effective, entertaining story beginnings. EW Narrative pgs. 52- 53 Reading: Mock STAAR Writing: Beginnings THIRD GRADE MOCK MATH STAAR THIRD GRADE MOCK READING STAAR Writing: TSW read story beginnings and determine which techniques authors used to create effective, entertaining story beginnings. EW Narrative pgs. 54