December 1st, 2014 at 5:00pm

UBC BCWWA Student Chapter Meeting Minutes
Date: December 1st, 2014 at 5:00pm
Venue: CEME 2003
- Shona
- Sam
- Jeff
- Jessica
- Sarah
- Laith
- Mike
- Dave
- Frank
Officer updates
In-class recruitment schedule
Welcome back/recruitment potluck
Journal club
Design competitions
Winter events
Item #1 – Officer updates
President Shona:
· Get more members, particularly undergads
· Involve the YP’s more  December YP meeting should be called soon
· Still locating constitution from AMS
Communications Officer Jeff:
· Twitter account started  everyone must start following @ubcbcwwa!
· Have collected names and signatures of members  will send to Dave
· Got website access from Chris  will start updating
Finance Officer Dave:
· Officially transferred to Dave according to AMS
· We are in good standing with AMS and budget was submitted on time
· Currently have $265 in account (~$50 will be taken out soon though)
· Need club waiver of at least some members but the date is not important
Social Coordinator Jessica:
Last pub event was a success with over 20 people attending
Having trouble getting a professor or student to volunteer their house for a
Christmas party  may just have to do one when we get back (see Item #3)
Academic Coordinator Mike:
· Starting to organize journal club (discussed more in Item #4)
· Will also take over running the seminar from Sam
Item #2 – In-class recruitment schedule
Need people to advertise in the following classes to recruit more members
Shona  CIVL 404
Jessica  CIVL 305
Dave  CHBE 484 & 486
Item #3 – Welcome back/recruitment potluck
Unlikely to have a party before the new year due to lack of time/places
Previous years had a party after the break instead
Potential venues for after holiday break party
· SUB  can get for free due to AMS club status
· Grad lounge in CEME  people didn’t seem to like this option too much
· At a bar/restaurant
· GSS Building  would cost ~$200 for a room even if we got GSS club status
If held on campus, we would need to get a liquor license
General agreement to make the party a potluck (lots of level 3 dishes from members)
opposed to going to a restaurant
Potential date: Thursday January 15th
Jessica will look into venue options and select the cheapest/best value
Item #4 – Journal club
General agreement to focus on less technical papers and more current issues
Mike is looking for potential articles to start off with
Will restart in the new year
· Sometime on Friday’s (alternating with WEST meetings)
· Jeff will send out a Doodle poll on behalf of Mike to see what times work best
between 9am and 2pm
Item #5 – Design competitions
Official Student Design Competition by BCWWA
· Laith is co-chair for this year’s competition
· Dr. Mavinic cannot be a sponsor this year as he will be a judge
Dave has sent emails to CHBE mailing list and has received a lot of interest
- Enough interest for 2, maybe 3 teams
· Kiara is also putting together a team and is still looking for members
· Limit of 6 teams (actually only 5 teams from UBC Vancouver campus)
· Need industry sponsor for each team but BCWWA will help teams get these
Undergrad Student Design Competition at UBC
· Last year’s challenge was to build a waterway(?) and measuring how much
power could be harvested from the flowing water (this is definitely
· Ideas for this year:
- Laith  moving water from Point A to Point B using water balloons(?)
or siphons
- Sam  pipe distribution system (similar to drinking water week demo)
- Jeff  re-aerate water with low DO (students would have to
design/build a re-aeration device like a set of rapids, could judge
winners using DO probes)
Item #6 – Winter events
World Water Day  March 22nd
· Last year group walked around fountain with buckets of water
· Kiara is really into this event
· New ideas:
- Shona  throw a bean bag into a toilet
- Laith  tap water vs bottle water taste test
- Jeff  dye the fountain/creek a crazy colour to attract attention
Drinking water week  May 3rd to 9th
· Everyone at meeting was interested in helping out (if they are free)
- Will therefore likely be able to do all 5 demos again
· Last year had just over 20 volunteers but this was probably too many
· Will try to get more YP’s involved this year in accordance with Shona’s Goal #2
Potential site visit:
· Could go to BI Pure Water
- Laith already went  “just a warehouse full of containers being turned
into portable treatment centres”
· Annacis tour
· Axine wastewater electrolysis (UBC Labs)
· Coquitlam O3/UV/Cl treatment plant tour
· Whatever we do, we should invite YP’s (in accordance with Shona’s Goal #2)
Non-agenda Items
GSS Club membership (Shona):
· If over half of club consists of grad students, we can get GSS club status
· Gives us access to funding for events
· Need at least 15 members and requires additional paperwork
Meeting Adjourned
6:00pm with much excitement
Action Items
· Start following @ubcbcwwa on twitter
· Send papers/articles to Mike for Journal Club
· Brainstorm ideas for:
- Drinking water day event
- Undergrad student design competition at UBC
- Site visit/tour
· Send list of names to Dave for the AMS waiver
· Release doodle on behalf of Mike for Journal Club times
· Start to update the website
Mike: continue organizing journal club
Jessica: find best venue for the welcome back party
Dave: forward wavier signatures to AMS and ask about our constitution
Next Meeting
Sometime in the new year depending on doodle poll results