BASC2- TRS-A Mrs. M completed the Teacher Rating Scale- Adolescent (TRS-A) for Lexi. The results of this measure are based on T scores obtained using norms. Scale scores in the Clinically Significant range suggest a high level of maladjustment. Scores in the At-Risk range may identity a significant problem that may not be severe enough to require formal treatment or may identiy the potential of developing a problem that needs careful monitoring. Mrs. M reports that she is Lexi’s reading intervention teacher and has known her for 2 years. Results of all validity measures were in the acceptable range, indicating that Mrs. M’s responses are reliable and valid. The results of the TRS-A are provided in the table below. T Score 90% Confidence Interval Percentile Rank Classification 52 49-55 67 Average Composite Scores Externalizing Problems Internalizing Problems Average School Problems At Risk Behavioral Symptoms Index Adaptive Skills Average Average Scale Scores Hyperactivity Aggression Conduct Problems Anxiety Depression Somatization Attention Problems Learning Problems Atypicality Withdrawal Adaptability Social Skills Leadership Study Skills Functional Communication At Risk Average Average Average Average Average At risk At risk Average Average Average Average Average Average Average According to Mrs. M, Lexi scores in the average range for most domains assessed. Her T scores for both the BSI and Adaptive Skills Composites indicate that Lexi is functioning at a level that is comparible to her peers. Mrs. M did report concerns related to School performance, with a T score of 64 on the School Problems Composite. Mrs. M indicates that Lexi exhibits behaviors of concern related to attention and comprehension. These behaviors may adversely affect Lexi progress in school.