PROSPECTUS Argonne, Illinois, USA, 30 April-11 May 2012 TITLE: International Seminar on Essential Elements of Nuclear Security VENUE: Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL, United States of America DATES: 30 April-11 May 2012 TOTAL COURSE DURATION: 10 days DEADLINE FOR NOMINATIONS: 24 February 2012 ORGANIZERS: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the Argonne National Laboratory (ANL), USA COURSE DIRECTOR: Ms. Sunaree Hamilton Program Manager, International Programs Nuclear Engineering Division Argonne National Laboratory 9700 S. Cass Ave., Argonne, IL 60439 USA Tel.: +1 630 252 1050 Fax: +1 630 252 3634 E-mail: PURPOSE OF THE COURSE: The seminar provides participants with an intense contemporary survey of issues and activities regarding multiple aspects of nuclear security. Topics will include the international legal framework supporting nuclear security, identification of and remedies to threats against nuclear security, radiological dispersal devices, responses to incidents involving nuclear and other radioactive material, illicit trafficking in nuclear and radioactive sources, detection and identification instruments and practical exercises designed to incorporate this knowledge into Member State planning and procedures to protect against threats to nuclear security. STATES TO BE INVITED: Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Benin, Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile, Czech Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ecuador, Ghana, Indonesia, India, Israel, Kenya, Latvia, Lebanon, Lesotho, Mongolia, Morocco, Myanmar, Panama, Paraguay, Philippines, Republic of Moldova, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Tunisia, United Republic of Tanzania, Uruguay, Vietnam PARTICIPATION: Preference will be given to Member States nominating up to 3 management / decision-making officials each representing one of the following entities: law enforcement / intelligence community, nuclear regulatory body, facilities operations, national legislative affairs or the primary emergency response organization of the Member State. PARTICIPANTS’ QUALIFICATION: Participation is open to decision makers, senior officials and managers from the five disciplines identified as integral to a Member States’ overall nuclear security scheme. Participants should be directly responsible for initiating, establishing and/or sustaining activities related to nuclear security and/or the response to incidents involving nuclear and other radioactive material. LANGUAGE: Lectures will be provided in English. LANGUAGE REQUIREMENTS: Organizations nominating personnel should ensure the capability of a level of verbal and written communication commensurate with the subject matter of the training. NATURE OF THE SEMINAR: This seminar will feature lectures, presentations and exercises given or led by recognized experts in the various disciplines comprising nuclear security. The schedule is designed to allow adequate time for expert presentations while ensuring sufficient time for participant interaction and discussion. Participants will be expected to provide an overview of current nuclear security efforts within their respective countries and to make recommendations for ways of improving the content of the International Seminar. APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Nominations should be submitted on the standard IAEA nomination forms for training courses. An additional Personal Information Form (see Annex to Nomination Form) for visa purposes must also be completed for this seminar. Completed forms should be endorsed by, and returned through the official channels established. Nominations must be received by the International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna International Centre, P.O. Box 100, A-1400 Vienna, Austria, not later than the stated deadline. Nominations received after that date or applications sent directly by individuals or by private institutions will not be considered. Advance nominations by e-mail ( and or facsimile (+43-1-2600-29299) are encouraged. The facsimile or e-mail should contain the following basic information about the candidate: name, age, academic/professional qualifications, current position including exact nature of duties carried out, proficiency in English and full working address (including e-mail, facsimile and telephone numbers) to enable the IAEA make preliminary evaluation of the candidates. For further enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us through the following: Technical Officer: Ms Ann-Margreth Eriksson-Eklund, tel: +43 1 2600 26638, fax: +43 1 2600 29299, e-mail: Training Co-ordinator: Ms Maria Rieder, tel +43 1 2600 26330, fax: +43 1 2600 29299, e-mail: