Short version, from Animal Legal Defense Fund Animal Bill of Rights

Short version, from Animal Legal Defense Fund
Animal Bill of Rights
The Right of animals to be free from exploitation, cruelty, neglect, and abuse.
The Right of laboratory animals not to be used in cruel or unnecessary experiments.
The Right of farm animals to an environment that satisfies their basic physical and psychological
The Right of companion animals to a healthy diet, protective shelter, and adequate medical
The Right of wildlife to a natural habitat, ecologically sufficient to a normal existence and selfsustaining species population.
The Right of animals to have their interests represented in court and safeguarded by the law of
the land
Long Version, Excerpt from Responsible Policies for Animals, Inc.
THE RIGHT of all animals to be free from all forms of cruel exploitation and treatment; from avoidable
physical pain, psychological suffering, fear and distress, and freedom from neglect and deliberate abuse.
THE RIGHT of all domestic and captive wild animals to appropriate veterinary care when needed, and to
a humane death (euthanasia) when to prolong life would mean intractable suffering and distress.
THE RIGHT of animals not to be used in cruel and unnecessary experiments, and for the testing of nonessential commercial products such as new cosmetics and household cleaners. The use of animals in
biomedical research shall be justified only when the research intentions are primarily for their benefit,
human benefits being derivative or secondary.
THE RIGHT of farmed animals to an environment that satisfies their basic physical and psychological
needs and behavioral requirements, and that facilitates their role in humane and ecologically
sustainable farming systems.
THE RIGHT of companion animals to a relationship that is mutually enhancing and that is based upon the
responsible care-giver/guardian having the necessary respect and understanding to help assure the
animals’ emotional as well as physical well being.
THE RIGHT of wild animals to a natural, undisturbed habitat, ecologically sufficient for a normal
existence and a self-sustaining species population.
THE RIGHT of animals to have their interests represented in court and safeguarded by the law of the