Lasswade High School S1 Broad General Education English Department Course Outline Unit of Work ‘I’ll Never Forget’ Autobiography Unit CHOICE 1 DRAMA/ POETRY MEDIA ‘Gothic Stories’ Creative Unit CHOICE 2 DRAMA/ POETRY MEDIA ‘Animal Unit’ Informative Unit CHOICE 3 DRAMA/ POETRY MEDIA Timeframe August -September (Oct/ Jan/ March-May) November- December (Oct/ Jan/ March-May) February - March (Oct/ Jan/ March-May) Reading examples of ‘autobiography writing’ Text chosen will act as a stimulus for discursive writing Activities Listening to an autobiographical interview Essay Planning – talking plans, spiderplans... Talk games Developing writing – learning about using language to communicate personal thoughts, experience and feelings Significant Aspects of Learning WRITING Convey a personal experience, using thoughts and feelings Pupils will engage in a variety of activities, for example: researching , debating group discussions, engaging with reading and listening sources. Developing writing – focus on structuring, topic sentences and connectives. Listening and talking activities related to ‘urban myths’ Reading extracts from gothic/ horror stories, including Scottish texts Creating ‘spooky stories’ based on urban myths/ existing texts Developing writing – focus on creating mood, setting and character. Text chosen will be analysed and studied for critical essay writing Pupils will engage in variety of activities to enhance and develop their understanding of the text, specifically character, setting, theme, plot and writer’s style/ language or aspects of the moving image. These will include group and pair work. Pupils will also hone their listening and reading skills through whole class exercises WRITING Writing to discuss and argue, using key language techniques WRITING Creating imaginative texts, using language to describe and create READING engage with and create a broad range of texts, including Researching an animal of choice Preparing a report/ fact-file on animal of choice Engaging in a debate/ talking activities about animal of choice Analysing transactional texts about animals/ wildlife – adverts, leaflets, etc Developing languagefocus on presenting facts and persuasive techniques WRITING using information, handing facts and data Text chosen will be analysed and studied for critical essay writing Pupils will engage in variety of activities to enhance and develop their understanding of the text, specifically character, setting, theme, plot and writer’s style/ language or aspects of the moving image. These will include group and pair work. Pupils will also hone their listening and reading skills through whole class exercises READING engage with and create a broad range of texts, including write with increasing accuracy, making effective use of spelling, grammar and punctuation using expressive and sophisticated language creating and using plans to support the writing process TALKING creating and using plans to support talk/ presentation skills using tone, pace and non-verbal communication to engage an audience Planning for writing, how create and use notes write with increasing accuracy, making effective use of spelling, grammar and punctuation READING use reading and listening strategies to understand, analyse and evaluate texts finding information developing critical literacy skills characters, settings, mood and atmosphere write with increasing accuracy, making effective use of spelling, grammar and punctuation exploring genre conventions READING engage with texts from the Gothic genre, exploring their language and conventions Scottish and Scots texts choosing texts for enjoyment and challenge using reading and strategies to understand, analyse and evaluate texts exploring key aspects of fictional texts including character, theme and setting LISTENING Listening to understand, analyse and evaluate Note –making skills Exploring and using layout for effect – subtitles, images, diagrams. write with increasing accuracy, making effective use of spelling, grammar and punctuation TALKING creating and using plans to support talk/ presentation skills using tone, pace and non-verbal communication to engage an audience Using persuasive language techniques to engage and convince Scottish and Scots texts using reading and strategies to understand, analyse and evaluate texts exploring key aspects of fictional texts including character, theme and setting LISTENING Listening to understand, analyse and evaluate Note –making skills The ‘significant aspects of learning’ above relate directly to the assessments as part of the unit. However, in all units pupils will engage in activities that will develop higher order thinking skills, reading, writing, talking and listening. In addition, pupils will visit the school library fortnightly to explore a range of texts for their enjoyment and to develop critical literacy skills. Homework Preparation for Talk Research Personal Reading Interview Technical Accuracy Workbook Urban Myth research Personal Reading Personal Reading Completion of class work Completion of class work Designing short story cover Completion of class work Personal Reading Challenge (JANUARY) Personal Reading Personal Reading Preparation for Talk Revision for Transition Assessment Personal Reading Workbook Language Workbook Completion of class work Completion of class work Completion of class work Assessment What success could look like How Parents/Carers can support the coursework Personal Essay Discursive Essay Solo Talk Reading for U, A & E Pupils complete a piece of extended writing about a time they’ll never forget – using language techniques to communicate the experience Pupils complete a discursive essay, using research, to present an argument. Pupils can structure their essay using topic sentences and connectives Pupils give a personal talk to the class, detailing their interests and hobbies using non-verbal communication and a clear, audible voice Pupils complete a close reading of a research text showing their understanding and knowledge of language Support the writing and practising of Solo Talk Help at home with research Help at home with research Take part in a biography interview Ensure Technical Accuracy Booklet is completed Help with short story cover design Encourage Personal reading – of fiction and newspapers. Encourage Personal reading – of fiction, and newspapers Discuss topical news stories/ their reading/ progress in English. Discuss topical news stories/ their reading/ progress in English. Short Story/ Creative Writing Pupils create a short story, using language to create a mood/ atmosphere and a character Pupils choose a cover for their story that makes it appealing to the reader Encourage Personal reading – of fiction and newspapers Discuss topical news stories/ their reading/ progress in English. Critical Essay Report Critical Essay Listening for U, A & E Persuasive Talk Reading for U, A & E Pupils complete a critical essay by responding to a question about a text they’ve read. Pupils can discuss plot, character/ theme/ setting and use quotes to support them. Pupils complete a report on an animal, carefully organising information found as a result of research. Listening for U, A & E Pupils complete a critical essay by responding to a question about a text they’ve read. Pupils can discuss plot, character/ theme/ setting and use quotes to support them. Pupils listen to a text and respond to questions, demonstrating understanding and knowledge about language Pupils take part in a talk/ discussion using persuasive language to convince the WWF to feature their animal Pupils complete a on their new logo reading and a listening of an unseen text to show their understanding and knowledge of language Ensure Reading Challenge Booklet is completed Support the writing and practising of ‘persuasive pitch’ Encourage Personal reading – of fiction and newspapers Encourage Personal reading – of fiction and newspapers Encourage Personal reading – of fiction and newspapers Revise Core booklets for Transition Assessment Discuss topical news stories/ their reading/ progress in English. Ensure Persuasive Language Booklet is completed Discuss topical news stories/ their reading/ progress in English. Discuss topical news stories/ their reading/ progress in English.