Unit 7 Key Terms (Academic)

Unit 7 Key Terms
1. Robert E. Lee
2. George McClellan
3. Copperheads
4. New York draft riots
5. Anaconda Plan
6. “Stonewall” Jackson
7. Battle of Bull Run
8. Ulysses S. Grant
9. Battle of Shiloh
10. Battle of Antietam
11. Emancipation Proclamation
12. 54th Massachusetts
13. Clara Barton
14. Siege of Vicksburg
15. Battle of Gettysburg
16. Sherman’s March to the Sea
17. Election of 1864
18. Appomattox Courthouse
19. 13th Amendment
20. John Wilkes Booth
21. Reconstruction
22. Freedmen’s Bureau
23. Andrew Johnson
24. Radical Republicans
25. Black codes
26. 14th Amendment
27. Military Reconstruction
28. 15th Amendment
29. Carpetbaggers
30. Scalawags
31. Ku Klux Klan
32. Election of 1876/Compromise of 1877
33. “New South”
34. Sharecroppers
1. Government agency that was meant to give poor ex-slaves (and whites) education, food, clothing, and help
them find work during Reconstruction
2. Poor farmers, often ex-slaves, who paid to rent land by giving the land owners most of their crops
3. Union general whose aggression won many battles, later became president
4. Battle that established Ulysses S. Grant as a top general but at the cost of heavy Union casualties
5. Underground organization that formed during Reconstruction to resist northern influence through terrorism
6. Event in which Rutherford Hayes became president in exchange for ending Reconstruction
7. Confederate general known for the bravery he showed in the Battle of Bull Run who was later killed in the
8. First official battle of the Civil War, which resulted in a surprise Confederate victory and showed the Civil
War would be long and bloody
9. Turning point battle that caused Lincoln to issue the Emancipation Proclamation and ended chances of
England helping the Confederacy
10. This document by Lincoln said that slaves in rebelling states were free
11. Group in Congress that wanted Reconstruction to involve military occupation of the South and full rights for
black ex-slaves
12. Laws passed in southern states during Reconstruction to restrict the rights of black ex-slaves
13. Event in which a Union general used “total war” to destroy southern property and divide the Confederacy
14. This law banned slavery in the entire United States
15. He assassinated Abraham Lincoln
16. Time period in which the federal government brought the South back into the Union and tried to rebuild the
17. Confederate general who won many battles despite being outnumbered but lost key battles at Antietam and
18. This law defined blacks as citizens that were entitled to equal protection under the law
19. Action of Radical Republicans that used the military to control the South during Reconstruction and force
southern states to give blacks equal rights
20. This law gave all races (such as black ex-slaves) the right to vote
21. Term for northerners who moved south during Reconstruction to help Republicans, but many ended up
exploiting the South for personal gain
22. Term for southerners who helped carpetbaggers during Reconstruction and were often seen as traitors to the
23. Union general who could raise strong armies but was fired for being too cautious
24. Democrats in the North who opposed the Civil War, opposed Lincoln, and supported slavery
25. Violence that occurred over anger that wealthy Northerners could pay their way out of the draft and because
immigrants worried about ex-slaves stealing their jobs
26. Strategy of the Union to win the war by using the navy to cut off trade along the Confederate coast and
Mississippi River
27. This reelected Lincoln as president and ensured he could continue the effort to preserve the Union
28. Famous African-American regiment that fought for the Union army after emancipation
29. Famous nurse in the Civil War who later founded the American Red Cross
30. Turning point event in the Civil War that secured the Mississippi River for the Union and divided the
31. Turning point battle that turned back a Confederate invasion of the North and was the biggest battle of the
Civil War
32. Term that described post-Civil War industrialization of the South but continued oppression of black
33. President who was impeached by Radical Republicans largely because of his opposition to their plan for
34. Site of General Lee’s surrender to General Grant, essentially ending the Civil War and giving the Union