2015 Greek Week Leadership Team Application Greek Week Mission Statement: “To bring all Greeks together through exciting and fun activities to support a common cause, while exemplifying our founding values of leadership, scholarship, philanthropy, and friendship.” Completed applications are due by: Saturday, October 31st, 2015 at 5 p.m. Once completed, please send the application to pcvpcommunityrelations15@gmail.com and ifcvpexternalrelations15@gmail.com. Upon submission, please sign up for an interview date in the Google document link below. Interviews will be held in the Greek Life Office on the third floor of the Student services building. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vgR0DkzKp8j60VS7hmBVpd2z7lDSS2C6T0m1dQIy9o/edit?usp=sharing GWLT Selection Process Time Line October 21 October 31 November 1-3 November 8 Applications distributed Applications due by 5 p.m. Interviews First Greek Week Meeting GWLT Structure Director Director of Administration Director of Events Assistant Director of Events Assistant Director of Events Director of Philanthropy Assistant Director of Philanthropy Director of Finance Assistant Director of Philanthropy Director of Sponsorship Director of Public Relations Director of Creative Design Assistant Director of Sponsorship Position Details Director: I. Primary contact for all Greek Week business and sign off on Activity Planning and/or contractual agreements. II. Works alongside PC and IFC Vice Presidents of External Relations to oversee Greek Week Leadership Team III. Lead weekly Greek Week Leadership Team and Greek Week Chair meetings IV. Handles any and all necessary mediations Director of Administration: I. Oversees the following and upholding of the Greek Week Constitution II. Coordinates the notification of all meetings to Greek Week Chairs III. Record all meeting minutes for GWLT and Greek Week Chairs to distribute appropriately IV. Mediate discrepancies between teams and ensure rules and infractions are handled according to the bylaws V. Tracks all points and deductions and reports updates to teams appropriately VI. Manages attendance and excuses for events VII. Handles any and all necessary mediations Director of Events: I. Coordinate Greek Speaker, Songfest, and MTV Night planning. Including details of venue and staffing. II. III. IV. Coordinate with assistants to ensure all logistics of events are handled. Oversees practice visits and event chapter practices Creates event scripts, orders trophies, and waiver forms Director of Sponsorship I. Recruit sponsors for Greek Week II. Plan restaurant fundraisers to support chosen philanthropies III. Coordinate sponsors for each event Director of Public Relations I. Manage marketing and publicity for Greek Week II. Promote and advertise Greek Week events and initiatives leading up to events in local newspapers, businesses, schools, and other relevant venues III. Recruit participation from East Lansing community members IV. Relay information to the PC/IFC VP Communications to update the Go Greek accounts V. Manage social media campaigns and accounts Director of Finance I. Manage the accounts, budgets, and finances of GWLT II. Audit spending Director of Philanthropy I. Coordinate philanthropic and community service events II. Coordinate and communicate with non-profits and charities III. Host an all Greek Service Project Director of Creative Design I. Design banners for Greek speaker, MTV night and Songfest II. Design an all-Greek t-shirt III. Design flyers to be distributed throughout East Lansing GWLT Application Name: Chapter Affiliation: Campus Address: Phone: Email: Major: GPA (Please include a screenshot of your transcripts): Please rank in preferential order (First being top choice) the positions you are interested in: _____ I would be interested in any position _____ I would be interested in a committee position _____ I would be interested in any Director position _____ I would be interested in any Assistant Director position 1. ___________________________________ 2. ___________________________________ 3.____________________________________ 1. List any leadership positions you have held (within or outside of Greek life) where you gained knowledge or skills that could be relevant to putting on Greek Week? 2. What does being Greek mean to you? 3. Why are you applying to be a member of the Greek Week Leadership Team? 4. What qualities do you possess that would help in the planning and execution of Greek Week? 5. What improvements would you like to see made to Greek Week? 6. What strategies do you see as key to a successful event? 7. Give an example of a time that you successfully handled a stressful situation. 8. Why is disaffiliation important during Greek Week?